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King's Mulligan [Interactive Project]
[Image: Wild.png]

You make your first approach, planning not to commit immediately by throwing a fakeout swing but….

The moment you do you find yourself immediately regretting it.

She directly slams in and fades, cracking the world around you like stained glass.

You feel a sharp pain in your chest.

Ibarra: You’ve initiated combat, but there’s some rules to this world that I can tell you’re not familiar with.

Ibarra: If you’ve met one of the guardians here, you might have been challenged to a test of skill. This is a land for those who specialize in the mystic, not brutes.

Tiles: Should’ve expected as much…

Ibarra: Before we can continue, we must set some rules.

Ibarra: So I propose we keep things interesting.

Tiles: Am I not?

Ibarra: You absolutely are, I’d like to pick at the mind of my would be assassin. Something about you intrigues me…

Ibarra: We both have our aids, a perfect medium for this….

Ibarra: During this fight, our allies will temporarily become vessels of the past, manifestation of our memories.

Tiles: You swore you would avoid additional casually, you’d keep others out. I don’t find this particularly sporting.

Ibarra: I’m planning to keep to that, just not in the way you may think.

Ibarra: With that said, your little friend in the corner cannot fight as is. Pick a form to manifest. I’m certain that among your many fallen comrades there’s someone you miss..

Ibarra: Be quick about it, if you take too long I’ll pick for you, and I think you’d prefer anything else.

You do, you think hard about it….

You need to pick someone you once relied on…
A friend, a mentor, a former idol. Many race through at once.

It’s almost overwhelming

[Image: 905Lp5g.png]

Anura: Bastion is a member of your current party, but will be temporarily subbed in with another piece.

Anura: Someone of “your” memory.

Kolita: It’s a bit much to ask me to improvise a new character on the spot, isn’t it?

Anura: You don’t have to be too detailed, just give us enough to work with. Details can be as precise as a name, species, and memories, or as abstract as things that make you think of this person.. Maybe even just the feelings you had around them.

Anura: Perhaps we’ll learn something about both of you in the process.

Kolita: Both? Ya’ll are being cryptic with that…

Anura: Only a little. I will give you time to figure it out.

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RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 12-03-2021, 01:09 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 12-07-2021, 07:48 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 08-20-2022, 11:23 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 08-29-2022, 08:44 PM

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