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King's Mulligan [Interactive Project]
[Image: unknown.png]

Tiles: You certain you’re okay for this? You seem… nervous?

Xey seemed to be suddenly avoiding any eye contact without Gallows around to buffer the conversation, scratching the area around the sword sticking out of their chest.

Courier: I’m rubbish with new people… always worried about first impressions really. 

You nod assuringly.

Tiles: Mm, I get that.

Courier: Mm.

Tiles: So what were you and this Starman doing?

Courier: Ah well… we were out handling our supply lines. Um… you’re not with the crown obviously I imagine? 

Tiles: God no, they’ve wronged me more than enough in my life that I wouldn’t be caught dead.

Courier: Alright, good. I guess Starman’s group wouldn’t rescue someone they thought would snitch…. Anyway, our cell has been dealing with restocking local allied businesses with essentials. They’re often very difficult to maintain as the taxing on goods here means normally we’re living off potatoes and rum and if we’re lucky the slightest bit of salt or sausage. 

Tiles: So I imagine you steal it from enemy supply lines?

Courier: Close. We have to resell that stock through traders and caravans leaving the region for cash to buy stuff from other parts of town that have more. It’d be very easy for an inspector to notice and track us down. Granted we always sell at a loss but frankly the cost of living is too high anyway.

Tiles: Mm. 

Courier: They’ll be back tonight but I imagine it’d be good for you to meet up with them yourself.

Tiles: I don’t really have much else planned right now so I wouldn’t oppose it. Who is this Starman exactly anyway? I’ve heard rumors.

Courier: Bit of a rising star in this town. They've given us the most traction at dealing with the Crown’s oppression that we’ve seen in… well… forever. Bit difficult for most to talk to at first but they’ve got a good heart.  What’ve you heard?

Tiles: That their appearances are always preceded by the sound of alley cats hissing and ravens screeching. That they take the uniforms of slain officers and captains and fashion them into their own attire out of mockery. That they dump the souls of those who’ve fallen into the ocean. I know that the crown’s mooks don’t particularly like being alone in these parts because of this.

Courier: Mm, a lot of that is absolutely true. 

Tiles: And you and Gallows seem to be doing some of that yourselves.

[Image: snow_place_small.png]

Courier: Patchwork is a common look in this town but… yes it does allow us to get our hands on more fabric. I have to make my outfits custom anyway otherwise they’re difficult to put on. In general this place is all about making the best of what you have because at the end of the day? Crown isn’t giving us a thing.

Tiles: Mm… so what’s your role in all this?

Courier: I deliver. News, packages, people sometimes. I do what I have to to help basically. Folks here are really nice..

Tiles: Mm. 

Courier: So what about you?

Tiles: Just a passing executioner on the way to the king’s door. 

Courier: Killer.

Tiles: Yes well… 

Courier: Excited to work with you… should you choose to stay of course.

Tiles: I’m considering.

Courier: How can I sweeten the deal?

Tiles: Perhaps you have a trick or a story to tell? You introduced yourself so enigmatically, don’t even know your name. At least give me something else if not that.

Courier: Fair enough. You seen the mascot used to advertise those vitamin supplements?

Tiles: The phantom gummies?

Courier: Mm. Rumor has it they’re a ferryman.

Tiles: You’re joking. The rodent?

[Image: unknown.png]

Courier: Mm. A potential destroyer of worlds type, has that sort of smug energy that makes for someone dangerous. Admittedly not much to back it up but… rumor says whatever he is, it’s not a cute squirrel.

Tiles: Seems like a bit of a stretch, didn't even know he was a real person. Anything backing up?

Courier: Think Starman knows more about it. Honestly those gummies are a big asset if only because getting substantial meals while traveling is a little difficult… We’re planning a heist but only if you’re interested.

Tiles: Huh….

Courier: Speaking of, I saw you had a scrapbook. You make those weird puppets yes? 

Tiles: Mm! 

Courier: If you’d like, I can gather you parts, seems like your old one was broken when we found it.

Tiles: I’d love that.

Xey got up from the table, nearly bumping you with the sheathed sword sticking out of xem as they got up.

Courier: Sorry, setup is a little unwieldy… Also, feel free to ask anything else. You seem trustworthy enough for it. 


[Image: unknown.png]

Anura: Fill in as directed. This part is always fun for me.

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RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 08-29-2022, 08:44 PM

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