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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
[Image: Rock%20on.png]
You hear conversation from the other side of the workroom.

With caution you step inside and are met with immediate fanfare.

Fenton: Look at you!

Manzana: Is everything alright?

Fenton: You’re insane, you know that?

Opera: It’s so clean…

Opera: THe weight is perfect..

Fenton: You really manage to get this much work in so fast?

Manzana: A lot of the heavy lifting was done, I just tuned it up in a few places.

Manzana: Lots of little innovations, plenty of notes too to work with. Don’t know why honestly…

Manzana: Always figured this was one of those secret project type deals.

Manzana: Idea of using fluid as a sink on a tuner to store charges of energy, makes the whole process a little more flexible and forgiving.

Manzana: It’s not something I’d ever expect to see put on a weapon like this but it made sense.

Manzana: Just consider it a cleanup job really.

Fenton: A sink for a sword?

Opera: I mean you know how a parry blade works.

Fenton: Yeah but… what for? What could you possibly be doing where you want to maintain a charge like that?

Manzana: Plenty, you’re a fiend. You can figure it out.

Fenton: Don’t think I’d be willing to feed on anything that’s being kept inside a mechanical monstrosity like this, no offense.

Fenton: It’s fully ready to go though?

Manzana: Just gotta load up the seals to make sure it’s all fine and dandy.

Manzana: I can do a few tune ups for everyone here.

You look at Opera.

Manzana: Maybe you should consider it? That gun of yours looks like it’s ancient.

Opera: It does what I need it to, and it’s easy to maintain. Gonna have to do a lot for me to hand it over.

Manzana: Work’s not good enough for you?

Opera: Your work is amazing, just… kind of personal. You know how it is..

Opera: Geezer might appreciate some of it though. He’s a construct and all that.

Manzana: All dopples are. Personally don’t like doing mods on bodies without a lot of prep time and talk ahead. Don’t think our limit is good for that right now.

Manzana: Gear is easy.

Fenton: New coat of paint rules too..

Manzana: Sometimes you just need people to know who’s worked on a piece like this.

Manzana: Most of the work was there, I just gave it that extra quality.

Manzana: Gotta say though, tuner are pretty dated tech. Take a lot to really become comfortable with, risky weapons with thin margins for error, don’t think it’d be much use against modern fire arms either.

Manzana: You really need these like that?

Fenton; I don’t fuck with them personally.

Opera: Truth be told, we all kind of manage our own gear.

Manzana: Ragtags, got it.

Opera: That a bad thing?

Manzana: It means I got plenty of work ahead of me. Maintaining tools of trade for a crowd trained roughly in the same crafts and equipment is easy. Personalized stuff? I dunno.

Opera: You don’t have to do any for me, said that much.

Manzana: What about Bucket?

Manzana: Anything there?

Fenton: Uh… you know? Can’t really say for sure myself.

Opera: Don’t know anything. Not from this world.

Fenton: Aye.

Manzana: You two came together then?

Fenton: I mean Opera’s my ride in and out but that’s where it ends really.

Opera: Yep.

Manzana: Huh. All of you here like that?

Opera: Mercury’s a plaza native too

Manzana: Different plaza though. Local phenomenon.

Opera: Mm.

Manzana: So, does it all look set to just release into the wild?

Fenton: Aye. I’ll have someone drop it off soon. Think Spada’s offered.

Manzana: Gotcha.

Opera: Really big thanks for staying the night and helping with that..

Fenton: Aye.

Manzana: I’m just confused why you needed it done in so fast.

Manzana: Did he ask, or…

Opera: Friend did. And we got a pretty big rumor dropped on us.

Fenton: Supposedly the husk’s being stored in town. Geezer’s out scouting.

Fenton: If we can raid wherever it’s being held without having to go through the mess of the auction, it’ll save a ton of trouble. 

Opera: Yeah.

Manzana: That’s probably your only chance.

Manzana: You know how these things work, yeah?

Opera: Maybe?

Manzana: When it’s something as big ticket as you’re saying, they don’t usually have the items at the auction itself.

Manzana: People are given their spoils separately for security reasons.

Manzana: The people sent to handle the auction usually do so in proxy, existing to work within instructions and allotted funds to scoop what seems worthwhile.

Manzana: If it’s all lost tech and black market dealings, we’d have to be able to set up two different potential heist plans. One for tracking and cracking the storage space, and the other for potentially having to go to the auction itself.

Manzana: One of these is way harder than the other.

Opera: But it’d be on this island, right?

Manzana: THis or one of the sub islands. There’s a few small ones up near the northern coastal area.

Manzana: But if Geezer’s scouting, I’m sure he already has a lead on things.

Fenton: Not really sure.

Fenton: Hasn’t really told us, he wants to keep his investigation low profile for now.

Opera: Yeah..

Manzana:  That’s the smart way. Geezer’s tough enough to put up with my shit, he’ll be able to keep out of trouble.

Manzana: Also a big point to strike while everything is still there. Some of it’s probably not getting shipped to this island til the last minute.

Opera: Makes sense, less chance of incident...

Opera: You really know a lot about this…

Manzana: Worked with these types before. You pick up things.

Fenton: You uh.. Wanna tell us a bit more? You can bring your friend along, have this done over coffee or something. Think Rosario would be able to cook up something too.

Opera: That’s not a bad idea, she’s our “saboteur” for a reason.

Fenton: How do you get into a job like that in the first place?

Opera: THinking about it?

Fenton: Not my thing. Hickory though? Absolutely.

Opera: Hundred percent. Miss them…

Fenton: You’ll get a chance soon… Honestly Zana, you two would probably get along.

Opera: Blue?

Fenton: Blue.

Manzana: I’m sorry?

Opera: You’ll see.

Fenton: Honestly, once you’re wrapped up-

Manzana: I can have it ready to go in ten minutes.

Opera: Tested?

Manzana: It should just be fine, everyone involved did their homework on the subject.

Fenton: Finish up, join us for breakfast?

Manzana: Bucket already called dibs.

Fenton: Really?

Opera: No offense but what for?

Manzana: Wants to talk to Charon, for some reason wants me to be there…

Fenton: No offense, that’s their problem to figure out.

Opera: Honestly I wanna be there too.

Fenton: Wait, really?

Opera: Yeah, I wanna mutiny.

Manzana: You can relax.

Fenton: She does have a point though, don’t really feel like having a complete stranger in charge of this operation.

Manzana: I got it covered, I know their type.

Manzana: Breakfast is going to have to happen some other time but..

Manzana: if you’dd be up for lunch..

Fenton: Consider it done, dessert and everything. Your friend can come too. She..

Opera: Needle.

Fenton: Yeah, Needle. She gonna be good for that?

Manzana: Think so, someone should probably wake her up soon though.

Fenton: I gotcha.

Manzana: So like,, what-

There was a knock on the door.

Opera: Come on in.

The door creaks open. Pokes through is the clawed gauntlet of a proxy. 

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