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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
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You step back into the bus to a large ruckus.

An uninvited guest argues with Opera.

Opera: How’d you manage to track us down? Who’s your employer?

???: That’s confidential!

Opera: Right now the last thing we need is a lurker.

???: I’m not a lurker!

Opera: You were watching us this whole time, weren’t you?

???: Needed to find a good moment, ya’ll seemed busy!

Opera: Yeah? Well…

You step in.

Geezer: What’s all this about?

Geezer: Got a guest?

???: I’m here to deliver a letter but she won’t let me.

Opera: She was spying on us while we were here, I’m just doing my part and figuring out what’s up.

Geezer: Huh.. you think she’s a threat?

Opera: Maybe…

Geezer: Anything on her?

Opera: Not that I can tell, no.

Manzana: Something about her feels pretty weird to me personally but… that’s just me.

Geezer: Let’s hear the kid out.

???: First off I’m only like, a couple years younger than you tops..

???: Secondly, I’m just a courier who was given a spot to look around for a… Chair-ehn Judgment?

Charon gestures from a nearby seat.

Charon: That’d be me.

???: Huh…. you’ve got a resemblance.

Charon: …To?

???: A couple of other fiends I’ve met. Eyes are way different but you got the same spirit I think.

???: Anyway, let me get this to you.

She hands Charon over a folded paper.

He unfolds it.

Charon: Huh….

Geezer: What’s up?

Charon: It’s an invitation for lunch.

Charon: A formal apology from Esperanto…

Geezer: Huh…

Geezer: I’m not  letting you go alone.

Charon: I’d rather not be.

Opera: Same.

Manzana: I’d join but I got plans…. I’ll meet up after though.

Geezer: It’s all good, there’s enough of us here to make sure things don’t go screwy.

Charon looks directly at the messenger.

Charon: Name?

???: Bern, no fancy last name like some of you.

Bern: I’ll be seeing ya’ll again sooner or later, so try not to shoot first next time, yeah?

Geezer: Opera?

Opera: I didn’t-

Bern: Wait, does she have a gun-?

Opera: Geezer!

Geezer: Heh, sorry.

Geezer: That case, I think we should plan for what comes next together.

Geezer: Zana, you sure you can’t come?

Manzana: Got an old friend coming in soon, much as I’d love to…

Geezer: Ah…important, gotcha. Just pop in at the base when you’re done. Maybe invite them over too if you trust them enough.

Manzana: Maybe… I’ll think about it.

Charon: Before I forget, how did your trial go?

Geezer: Complicated. I wanna talk about it at some point but my feelings are all over right now..

Charon: Don’t let me forget to ask later then. I want to make sure you’re okay.

Geezer: Yeah just… tonight, promise. 

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