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Maybe we should sit this round out for a while, and watch to make sure the others can at least delay Chelsea a bit. In the meantime, do you think we could get Fuller high enough to see over the wall with an injured arm? Hopefully they can land on their feet if we throw them with the kids...

If we can get at least one kid over the wall safely that might force Chelsea to drop it, otherwise see if you can help with it, maybe by tearing into a damaged area.

I kind of wonder what training with fighting the staff have, it seems simple to hit Chelsea all at once, but it might be better to stun her at the end of a swing or when her stance starts to change, with how much reach the staff has.

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RE: [PUNCH CLOCK ANIMAL] MAYBEQUEST: PART 1 - by Shifter55 - 02-23-2021, 03:27 AM

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