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[Image: DqrblBN.png]

You tell Jasper to bring Writhe back down immediately, the phantom type doing so without hesitation.
MILLER: Voidsy?
MILLER: Is something wrong?
VOIDSY: There’s something up there, something big.
Bryce peers up, visibly startling a little.
EASTWOOD: What- oh.
WRETCH: what is it?!
EASTWOOD: Everybody get their TCPs to the wall, now.
You pass it on and Jasper pulls Writhe to the corridor entrance, Dad and Dana squishing up against the wall. Bryce tries and fails to pull himself up, locked under his own newfound weight. Jasper asks if he can shoot that thing, but Bryce shakes his head- even if he could get up right now, there’s no way the bolt would reach. 

In a bold move, Jasper darts forward and starts trying to drag Bryce, visibly straining as he scrapes along the ground. It’s enough to get him over, Jasper trying to regain composure. That weight gun really does a number on a person. 

[Image: E3TvUxz.png]

You ask Jasper if they can ask Writhe some questions, and pass on what you want to know. Jasper starts simple- what’s that thing in the sky? Writhe hesitates before mumbling that it doesn’t really know, it’s never really been on the surface before, and the big flying thing’s never really come into the pit… But it scares it a little. Maybe more than a little.

Next, Jasper asks about Spit’s fifth TCP, and Writhe gets even more nervous. It says that it doesn’t know his name, but that he’s kind of mean, and messes with it sometimes. He’s really little and full of green stuff, and doesn’t like being touched, but it’s seen him… It shuffles, really uncomfortable now. It’s seen him feeding animals the green stuff before, and k-killing them. It doesn’t like it when he does that, not at all, even if the animals try to bite it sometimes.

Jasper’s more than rattled at this info, their hands shaking. They ask why he would do these things, why he’d kill something, anything- and Writhe says it doesn’t know. Spit might have told him to, but he never really seemed...upset about it. Not like how Writhe gets.

Jasper thanks Writhe for the new information, and slides against the pit wall. Great. Just great.

[Image: EsBEiOm.gif]

Jetter slips over, presumably trying to get a better look for Wretch’s sake. 
WRETCH: oh fuck whatever that thing is
WRETCH: what the fucks been going on out here
EASTWOOD: Well, we just found out that the last of Spit’s TCPs kills animals for fun, so that’s going great.
MILLER: Writhe said that he could be ordered by Spit to do these things-
EASTWOOD: I have full faith in Spit’s ability to raise a fucking serial killer.
MILLER: We don’t know that! We need to be optimistic!
WRETCH: yea like. idk
WRETCH: spit’s the fucking worst ever and im sure she’s fucked up these kitties’ brains to hell and back
WRETCH: but we’re tryin to like. make friends and shit
WRETCH: i dont wanna call any cats serial killers unless we meet them and theyre legit off their shit
MILLER: Even then, we need to work together to undo any potential grooming. 
MILLER: The session hasn’t been going on long enough for her to do anything that can’t be undone.
MILLER: ...I hope.
EASTWOOD: But if things look unsalvageable, I’m not hesitating.

[Image: 1i3jkvh.gif]
VOIDSY: Does anybody know what typing it could be from Writhe’s description? 
EASTWOOD: Yeah, I’ve got a good guess- and it’s both good and bad news.
WRETCH: out with it man
EASTWOOD: No way to confirm this without seeing him, but it sounds like a poison type to me.
EASTWOOD: The bad news is that a well used poison type can fuck up pretty much any team.
EASTWOOD: The good news is that we’ve got a few TCPs completely immune to him if it is that-
MILLER: And one that gets buffed!
EASTWOOD: Exactly.
EASTWOOD: It’s not ideal, but it’s not impossible to work with- we’re just going to have to be really, really careful. Poison types are fragile, which makes me think that’s why we haven’t seen him at all yet...Spit’s smart to have him hide.
EASTWOOD: But that also means that he could be anywhere, and he’s probably armed to the teeth with stuff that can work with his ability. 
WRETCH: whos in danger outta the current bunch??
EASTWOOD: Jetter, Jasper, Dad, and especially Dana and Marvel.
VOIDSY: What about Spit’s TCPs?
EASTWOOD: Raw and Hark, mainly. Writhe’ll be fine. No idea on the one back at Void’s base.

VOIDSY: And what about the UFO?
EASTWOOD: No clue-
MILLER: It’s Consumption fauna for sure- that’s Spit’s zone.
WRETCH: yea she tends to use lots of fucked up animals she made for her zone
WRETCH: idk what it is tho
MILLER: Me neither, though I’ll be able to do some digging if we get a moment...which, I don’t think we will.
MILLER: Not for now, anyway. We’re almost there, we can see the entrance to her territory and everything.
MILLER: If you have any ideas on how to get out of here without getting that creature’s attention, now’s the time…
MILLER: Otherwise, we’re just going to have to let the incoming TCPs handle it.
MILLER: ...and potentially risk their lives.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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