01-16-2020, 06:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-29-2020, 01:10 AM by skinstealer.)
![[Image: T4zQ8j3.png]](https://i.imgur.com/T4zQ8j3.png)
[CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread)]
![[Image: T4zQ8j3.png]](https://i.imgur.com/T4zQ8j3.png)
[CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread)]
- Originated in Bluster
- Created by Wane in ????
- First morph: Traveller
- ????
- Formerly found mainly in Bluster, now scattered across Taverne region in much smaller numbers due to the majority perishing post-Wane death
- Found in colder regions, such as Solitude and what’s left in Whimsy. Can also be found in warmer regions such as Precipice and Wonder, but many find this uncomfortable and unpleasant. Very few numbers in Consumption.
- Traditional mothlie families are based around “clans”, a primarily bloodline-based group that shares reputation and status
- Clan reputation can go back generations, with some clans having notoriety for crime and malicious behavior, and others having fame for kindness and charity
- Charity and helping others is valued highly in traditional mothlie culture, even if helping others involves violence/fighting/dueling
- Affiliated with Wane, especially after their death made their species hypervisible to the world at large
- High number of Wane, Wax and Velvet worshipers, moderate numbers of Grind, Alloy, and Rein worshipers. Extremely low number of Spit worshipers, with the majority of mothlies seeing Spit as a great and horrible evil that damned their people to die
- Mothlies are easily picked out in crowds due to their distinct appearances compared to other Taverne species, something that leads to disguises and bulky outfits in potentially dangerous areas
- High rate of illness due to mothlies being suited for much colder climates than the rest of Taverne can provide.
- Despite Whimsy dying slowly, many Mothlies have travelled there for the lowering temperature alone.
- Equipment and goods used to help lower temperature, such as air conditioning or portable ice packs, are common for mothlies to have around, especially in hotter areas
- Many mothlies end up having to shave their fur if in a warmer location, though doing so is seen as expressing defeat against the elements
- Mothlies sleep in beds, though some clans are known for sharing a common sleeping area and forming a large pile
- Education in traditional mothlie culture is done through homeschooling from the clan itself
- Mothlies without established clans/that were rejected from their clans can often slip through the cracks education-wise if not adopted by another group
- Adoption of orphans/clan rejects into another clan is fairly common, especially after the majority of the mothlie population perished
- Traditional mothlie houses were large, lodge-like and sprawling, built to accommodate an entire clan within its walls
- Mothlies often have trouble fitting into other regions’ housing due to cramped spaces and the more isolated nature of apartments and small houses
- Light is valued among mothlies due to their natural attraction to it, many mothlie residences having string lights or traditional lanterns
- Mothlie fur is valued highly on the market due to its excellent use as insulation, with many mothlies able to make a living from shearing off their fur and selling it to local artisans
- Fighting is a major part of mothlie culture due to Wane’s love of bloodsport, though few mothlies are willing to fight to the death like old times
- Boasting is an equally huge part of mothlie culture, with many mothlie clans having tales of victory passed down through generations
- One of the strongest Taverne species despite their appearances, even a novice fighter has a shot against an adept one of another species
- Use their teeth and claws in close quarters combat, able to detect even small movements before they happen
- Swords and blades are valued highly and often used in combat- most mothlies on the street are armed in some capacity, even if they have no intent on getting into a fight
- Telling stories makes up the majority of traditional mothlie culture, though they often get warped over time. Many mothlies find success in the writing industry (for books, television, or otherwise) due to their species’ emphasis on storytelling as a skill
- Clothing on the upper body accomodates for wings by either lightly covering them, having slits, or similar fashions. Some mothlies go without upper body covering entirely, avoiding the hassle.
- While mothlies are capable of flight, having to adjust to other species' norms has lead many of them to give up flight entirely.
- ????
- Body shapes vary widely for mothlies, though most morphs have segmented, carapaced bodies (currently, every morph except cryptids)
- Markings are inspired by moth markings, particularly on the wings. Carapace markings are more flexible.
- Natural palettes are often grayscale/subdued with color accents, dyed colors can be anything
- Voice is composed of growls and roars, surprising many who have never heard one before
- No paw pads
- No tails
- Hair can be present, but is fairly uncommon on morphs outside of hunters
- Range from 3’6-5’6 for "normal" adult height range.
- Four arms and two legs, clawed hands
- Wings are present and most mothlies are flight capable, though very rarely do they use them
- ????
- Mothlies have an exoskeleton, muscles, nerves, organs, and blood
- Sharp teeth, often tusks and fangs
- Primarily carnivorous, but can consume plants and other food as well
- High energy levels, require a lot of physical activity to remain healthy
- Express with their antennae and hands, exaggerated motions are common
- No visible ears
- Eyes are large and extend off of the head in most cases, though some morphs have hidden eyes
- Wings are fragile and do not heal easily, with some older mothlies having significant wear/damage to theirs
- Mothlies prefer to be active during the night, and may struggle to remain awake during the day
- ????
- Reproduce sexually and have minimal sexual dimorphism
- Lay eggs in clutches of 5-7 at a time
- Children are known as kids, and resemble caterpillars until they hit a period of adolescence (typically around 13 years old), at which point they form a cocoon and go dormant for up to a year before emerging as a mothlie. They are still considered children until age 18, however.
- Clans are sprawling and accommodate for new kids as best as they can, making sure to provide resources and safety for their dormant young
- Orphaned mothlie kids are in great danger due to their vulnerable dormancy period, making rehoming them (even with other species) a necessity for survival
- Proper nutrition and safety is required for a mothlie kid to cocoon, and those who don’t either evolve into [undeveloped morph] or die
- Mothlies are fine with either casual or committed relationships, but marriages between mothlies can join clans together into one (sometimes to great turmoil and disagreement)
- If a mothlie leaves their clan, it is typically some point after cocooning due to the dangers of being an orphaned mothlie
- ????
- Morphs are inspired by different kinds of mythical monster, such as werewolves, fairies, cryptids, beasts, etc (typically those associated with forests)
- Mixed morph children tend to exhibit more of one morph’s trait than the other, with some blended traits including carapace style, wing style, and eye shape
- Traveller mothlies were first morph, made to be simple but versatile
- Mothlie hybrids are extremely rare and often do not live long enough to go into dormancy, but often develop multiple arms, antennae, and wings if they manage to live that long
- Based on moths and monsters
- Common mutations include size increase, hunger increase, issues regulating emotions, insomnia, extra eyes, extra arms, larger claws, issues cocooning/going into dormancy, radically changed appearance after metamorphosis
- ????
![[Image: nWJgUka.png]](https://i.imgur.com/nWJgUka.png)
The first mothlie morph to exist, traveller mothlies are named such due to their wandering natures. Such a name became ironic after Wane’s death and their displacement from their homes, but many wear it with pride all the same.
- Based on story protagonists/adventurers
- Rounded wings
- Round eyes
- Round pupils
- Average claws
- Rounded antennae
- Fluffy mane
- Fangs
- Smooth carapace
- Associated with Wane + Bluster
![[Image: Ha6bmyN.png]](https://i.imgur.com/Ha6bmyN.png)
Attracted to the moon, lycan mothlies are most active during full moons, full of energy and high spirits. Conversely, eclipses induce an almost hibernation-like state, their constantly changing energy levels leaving them struggling to fit into society outside of Bluster.
- Based on werewolves
- Pointed wings
- Almond shaped eyes
- Slit pupils
- Long claws
- Fluffy antennae
- Fluffy mane
- Tusks
- Fluffy carapace
- Associated with Wane/their lesser gods + Bluster
![[Image: xDGf9bJ.png]](https://i.imgur.com/xDGf9bJ.png)
Hunter mothlies feel a deep hunger rivalled only by the terrors they grappled with before Wane’s death, acting as protectors for their communities. Despite their frightening appearances, hunters are just as prone to kindness as any other person, with many using their size and strength to aid those who need it.
- Based on monster legends
- Tattered wings
- Hidden pointed eyes
- Slit pupils
- Very long claws
- Antler-like antennae
- Pleated mane
- Double tusks
- Smooth carapace
- Able to survive in Consumption better than other mothlie morphs due to their strength + natural ability to fight terrors/hostile animals
- Associated with Consumption + Bluster both, though more with the latter
![[Image: vK4rMfy.png]](https://i.imgur.com/vK4rMfy.png)
Despite their sometimes dainty appearances, fae mothlies are just as strong as their peers, if not moreso due to their agility. Attracted to small trinkets, many fae mothlies make their keep from trading objects they find interesting.
- Based on fae (specifically the trickster variety)
- Scalloped wings
- Lashed eyes
- Slit pupils
- Long claws
- Curly antennae
- Poofy mane
- Fangs
- Smooth carapace
- Associated with Whimsy + Velvet
![[Image: 7x6XJgx.png]](https://i.imgur.com/7x6XJgx.png)
The rarest of the mothlie morphs, cryptid mothlies are scarce even within the sparse Taverne population itself. Easily spotted by their glowing eyes, many believe that they’ve encountered some manner of ghost...aside from mundane situations, anyway.
- Based on cryptids
- Furry, bird-like wings
- Round eyes
- No pupils
- Claws
- Round antennae
- Hidden mouth
- Covered in fur all over
- Associated with Solitude + Rein
This is a species development thread! Here you can have discussion on the species presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the species! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main post will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on the species.
Keep it SFW!!!!