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[Image: PyEqTVg.png]

[CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread)]


  • Originated in Solitude and Wonder
  • Created by Rein and Alloy in ???
  • First morph: "Cobra"
  • Named by Rein
  • ????


  • Found primarily in Wonder and Solitude, though a good number can be found in Precipice and what's left of Whimsy
  • Mildly common in Hearth
  • Extremely rare in Consumption
  • Distribution in other regions varies, but selected raised in Solitude are very unlikely to actually leave
  • Similarly, those raised in Wonder will be more likely and encouraged to leave and explore
  • Selected have two typical family structures seen based on which region they were raised in- strict family structures built around tradition are most commonly found in Solitude, and more relaxed chosen family-heavy structures in Wonder
  • Selected outside of Solitude and Wonder tend to adapt to whatever family structures are common in the area, regardless of what species they may belong to
  • High number of Rein and Alloy worshipers
  • Middling numbers of Grind, Velvet and Wax worshipers
  • Low numbers of Wretch worshipers
  • Extremely low numbers of Spit worshipers
  • Other worshiper numbers vary based on region
  • Low (relatively) rate of physical disability, mental illness, and injury, partially due to the safety of Wonder and Solitude
  • Due to being cold blooded, many selected keep heat lamps/air conditioners/other temperature controlling sources at the ready
  • Due to being larger than any other Taverne species, special furniture has to be made for them, including floor/perch seating and shallow baths
  • Many selected prefer sleeping on perch-like furniture or large floor bedding, warm blankets being a must in colder regions (such as Solitude)
  • Selected highly value goods differently based on region, with Solitude selected valuing objects with a history, and Wonder selected valuing objects that serve to further progress and look forward to the future
  • As such, Solitude selected tend to gravitate towards antique/vintage aesthetics, while Wonder selected gravitate towards futuristic/retrofuturist aesthetics
  • Regardless of native region, selected tend to go through traditional schooling systems, with an emphasis on university/higher education being the final goal
  • Selected live in "standard" (albeit typically larger) housing, though many lack stairs and prefer ramps instead
  • Showing ones' fangs, especially in Solitude, is considered incredibly rude at best, a blatant threat at worst
  • Coiling is a common way to show closeness/affection, but can also be used to attack/defend oneself
  • Solitude selected often show prayer to Rein through tightly coiling around themselves while meditating
  • Very physically strong species, capable of beating almost every other Taverne species in combat
  • Biting is seen as fighting dirty, but is a possible option for severely wounding an opponent
  • Clawing and coiling are less uncouth, but combat in general is frowned upon in selected culture, despite their natural strength and power
  • Similarly to their highly valued goods, entertainment tends to focus on the past for Solitude selected, and the future for Wonder selected
  • Solitude selected enjoy prayer more than Wonder selected, who prefer worship via invention and making things
  • Wonder selected are more reserved about their species name, sometimes referring to themselves simply as "snakes"
  • The majority of Solitude selected are proud of their name's importance, and don't hesitate from using it
  • ????


  • Long, snakelike bodies with more humanoid torsos
  • No breast tissue
  • Typical markings vary based on morph, but most resemble natural snake patterning
  • Subdued color palettes on most morphs, with "viper" morphs having more of a tendency towards bright colors
  • Voice is composed of hissing and humming (though writing dialogue with a lot of "s"'s is optional due to it getting kind of annoying)
  • Claw hands on most morphs, no paw pads
  • Tails are prehensile and powerful
  • Torsos, while humanoid in appearance, are equally as flexible as their tails
  • Hair is nonexistent aside from modding/implants, though many are able to style the flexible flaps/tentacles sometimes present on their heads
  • Range from 5'0-7'0 for "normal" adult height range (when periscoped/"standing", bodies are much, much longer)
  • Long and powerful arms
  • No legs (aside from hybrids + mutations)
  • ????


  • Selected have skeletons, muscles, nerves, organs, and blood
  • Sharp fangs on most morphs (only when venom is present)
  • Venom is capable of poisoning/paralyzing those bitten
  • Omnivorous, but primarily carnivorous
  • Swallow their food whole
  • Express with hand gestures/tail posturing
  • Less body language expressed with mouths/facial expressions than other species
  • No visible ears
  • Eyelids are present and selected can blink, though they don't need to and are capable of staring for indefinite periods of time
  • Cold blooded, require temperature regulation through heat sources/cooling methods
  • Exposure to cold makes them sluggish and sleepy, leading to lower productivity during winter-y months
  • Lighter members of the species can "run" by using their arms, as long as they have some sort of support or soft surface underneath them
  • Lifespan of 200 years, reaches maturity at 18-20
  • ????


  • Reproduce sexually, very minimal sexual dimorphism
  • Lay eggs in clutches of 1-3 hatchlings
  • Selected children are referred to as snakelets
  • Snakelets are more reserved than other Taverne youth, though they remain curious
  • Snakelets in Wonder are encouraged to make things and explore, while Solitude snakelets are more strictly raised according to family traditions
  • Families are typically composed of two parents and a singular clutch, with multiple clutches and single/more than 2 parents being less common
  • Commited relationships are valued more than casual ones, especially in Solitude
  • Snakelets leave the family once they are old enough to run their own lives, particularly around seeking higher education
  • ????


  • Morphs are inspired by different kinds of snake/snake legends
  • Mixed morph children have a blend of shapes from both parents, and tend to have averaged out sizes
  • First morph: "cobra"
  • Common traits seen in hybrid children include either having legs and a long tail or no legs at all, leading to complications with walking in some species 
  • Many hybrid children have stunted/partially developed limbs, including some defects with hands/arms for unknown reasons
  • Prosthetics are often needed in said cases, leading to a booming industry in Wonder
  • Hybrid children are incredibly uncommon due to these potential health risks
  • Based on snakes in both appearance and behavior
  • Common mutations include increased hunger, difficulty regulating emotions, violent urges, growth of legs, extra arms and tails, tail splitting, fang growth, growth of new teeth, claw growth, and size increases
  • ????


[Image: da7H3gz.png]
  • Based on cobras/similar snake species
  • Long flaps/tentacles resembling snake hoods
  • Thick, powerful bodies
  • Slit pupils
  • Associated with Solitude and Rein

[Image: OkKlfWA.png]
  • Based on pythons (particularly ball pythons) and similar snake species
  • Nubs or short flaps/tentacles
  • Thick, powerful bodies
  • Round pupils
  • Associated with Wonder and Alloy

[Image: ZLrqmDa.png]
  • Based on vine snakes and similar snake species
  • Horns/crests or angular flaps/tentacles
  • Thin, sometimes flat bodies
  • Slit pupils and thin eyes
  • Associated with Precipice and Grind

[Image: 8yyfwvN.png]
  • Based on vipers and similar snake species
  • Lots of ridges/spikes, particularly along the length of the body and shoulders
  • Ridged flaps/tentacles
  • Thick, powerful bodies
  • "Lined" eyes and slit pupils
  • Associated with Hoopla and Hearth

[Image: iRR2ASH.png]
The Cherished
  • Based on tsuchinokos
  • Nubs or short flaps/tentacles
  • Chubby, rounded bodies
  • Round eyes and pupils
  • Paw hands
  • Much smaller than other morphs
  • Associated with Whimsy and Velvet


This is a species development thread! Here you can have discussion on the species presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the species! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main post will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on the species. 

  • Keep it SFW!!!!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Can Selected "run" on their forelimbs provided they have a soft surface or carriage under their bodies? It would make Vine and Cherished morphs deceptively speedy due to reduced weight.
i would say so, yeah!

adding information to main post!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Who, out of Rein and Alloy, came up with the name? Do Selected ever get embarrassed at having to tell someone who doesn't know their species name? I can imagine it might come off as pompous or self-important to someone hearing it for the first time.
Oh right we have signatures
rein absolutely came up with the name, and alloy just thought it sounded Neat. wonder selected are probably a lot more reserved about sharing the name, but the majority of solitude selected wear it proudly

adding to main post!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Do... do they shed
Give Me Your Coins
Are they based solely on snakes? Could you have a morph based on something like a legless lizard?
Give Me Your Coins
It says that they swallow their food whole, do they have unfolding jaws(AKA ""Unhinging Jaws"") like snakes? do they have any teeth besides their fangs?

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