MILLER: We have a lot to do still, and we can figure out the nitty gritty as we go.
MILLER: We’re almost there, so you two can start moving whenever you need.
VOIDSY: Dad and Jasper are already down in the sanctuary, if you’ve got your TCPs picked out for that.
EASTWOOD: Yeah, Marvel and Cynthia are down.
EASTWOOD: Sonny, Whipp and Perky’ll go along with whatever we’re up to. They won’t have the cart if we go out, but the three of them can fit in that motorcycle no issue. Stealthier, too.

VOIDSY: Oh, we have one more thing.
VOIDSY: Can we ask you guys about domains?
EASTWOOD: You still have questions about this?
MILLER: Eastwood, be nice! They’re new to this!
MILLER: You ask whatever you need to.