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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
King's Intermission 1/2
[Darkest Intermission 1]
CW: None
Perspective: Judgment

[Image: Small%20Mission.png]
You enter a room deep in the bottom of the mountain abyss, a one way cavern into the ruins of a once prosperous world.

The entrance above has sealed itself off, the only way to proceed is forward.

There is no natural light to be found anywhere. Not a torch, nor candle, nor an inch of luminescent fungi to guide your path.

The only thing you see is the fallen kingdom of gold, the fiendish light from your eyes reflecting off like a mirror in the sunset.

It’s enough to create a path, as you traverse down the many halls into the throne room.

Though the door is tall, your strength is more than enough.

As you crack through the entrance, you’re met with a noise of surprise.

You reach for your fractured blade, having served its purpose more than its fair share through the journey. What remains of it can hold out for just one last fight.

???: A visitor….?

???: Never thought one would make it this far if I’m honest. Certainly impressed…

You’re able to make out a face in this darkness, one buried under a mess of bangs.

???: Might I have a name?

You pause, thinking through your words carefully.

Judgment: You can call me Judgment by now.

???: Seems like such a stoic name.

Judgment: Just a formality of the job, and yourself?

???: Don’t think that matters much. You seem a little intent on striking me down I think.

You remove your grip from the sword, leaving it sheathed.

Judgment: First one on this adventure to say a word to me, I’ll hear you out.

Judgment: Name?

???: Mission.

Judgment: You’re really not much better in the name department but.. That’s irrelevant.

Judgment: Where’s the sword?

Mission: There’s plenty of legendary swords in this prison, you’ll need to be specific.

Judgment: The rumored blade, the one that supposedly contains the soul of the monarch?

Mission: Ah.. you mean… That’s..

Mission: Mm….

Judgment: Is something wrong?

Mission: I’ll have to think on that..

Mission: I want to say yes?

Mission approaches you just a little, you’re able to make something else out.

A large cross impaled through their stitched together form.

Judgment: What are you?

Mission: That’s a good question. Your thoughts?

Judgment: Context clues say you’re the manifestation of the weapon, and by extension the monarch.

Judgment: Which…

Mission: Which certainly says something about your situation, Knight.

Mission: What do you do? You’re trapped in here with me.

Judgment: It’d be a pity to go this far and have it all go to waste, wouldn’t it? Took plenty of prep to find this “holy” weapon.

Mission: Is that what they’re calling me up there?

Judgment: Maybe. The people nearby certainly weren’t happy that I came here but…

Judgment: I have people to save.

Mission: Can you put me down?

Judgment: If I do, means I didn’t need you in the first place.

Judgment: Also means you’re not the power I seek, right?

Mission: Could be.

Judgment: Still, think the two of us could do plenty more but… can’t see you being warmed to my kind.

Mission: There’s a part of me that doesn’t care for your title, no.

Judgment: Sometimes you have to kill your blessings. If you’re really so strong though, kill me now.

Mission: Mm… maybe I don’t want to just yet. It’s been a good while.

Judgment:: I think you’re just an opportunist really, I can relate.

Mission: Bold talk, I’m listening.

Judgment: You can’t escape on your own. Why?

Mission: If you have to know, it comes down to this form. Tried to piece myself together from what remains but.. Everything intact still doesn’t add enough to make for a physicality strong enough to escape.

Mission: To be truthful, I don’t think I am the monarch. Not anymore.

Mission: It feels right to hear such words to refer to me. Monarch, Lord, King…

Mission: But I am not him, he’s just a section along with everything else that makes me up.

Mission: Noise on noise. Knowledge and memories of lives I don’t resonate entirely with.

Judgment: Are you a fiend?

Mission: I don’t think so…

Mission: But that’s not too far off.  There’s something divine, be it the nature of the blade that holds me together.

Mission: I do know that I have power to share though, should you take it.

Mission: We both need something from each other, a deal could be made.

Judgment:... You’re one of those.

Judgment: I’ve seen enough that I’m very reluctant to take anything you offer. I’ll find an exit on my own.

Their face seems genuinely shocked at how fast you’ve dismissed them.

Mission: Surely you jest…? This prison is designed to kill anyone who’s made it this far.

Judgment: I’m aware? Hardly bothered, I’ve seen worse.

Mission: Even if you do escape, you’ll be marked for life! To invade this castle is asking for divine punishment!

Judgment: My entire bloodline carries such already, it’s manageable.

Mission: You didn’t even hear me out…

Judgment: I know your kind, you sell power piecemeal through one of those little phantoms. I’ve heard enough.

Mission: You think I’d offer you a proxy?

Judgment: Is that not the case?

Mission: No. Anyone who’s made it this far is someone special. A proxy is a tool for the weak to become valuable.

Mission: I’m offering an opportunity to shine to the fullest.

Your ear twitches, you hold back the urge to smirk.

Judgment: Continue?

Mission: Generations of knowledge, forbidden secrets, and an unbreakable blade to carve your fate.

Judgment: You offer yourself?

Mission: I offer you the path of greatness, and a partnership you couldn’t imagine a life without.

Judgment: Sounds like you’re proposing.

Mission’s face seemed outright flustered by that.

Judgment: What’s wrong?

Mission: Being seen with one of your nature? I don’t think I’d be allowed to keep my crown.

Judgment: You live in a kingdom of ash that’s abandoned you for centuries. What pressure your family placed on you is no longer something you have to carry.

Mission: And what would you know of that?

Judgment: I’m in the same position myself…

Judgment: One I carry on my own.

Judgment: I plan to burn it all down and start new. The mark on my coat, these theatrics… I’ll build a new era without any of it.

Mission: And where do I fit in? Your supporting cast?

Judgment: I’m a builder, not a ruler. Someone will have to carry that position when I’ve built my city.

Judgment: Surely you know something there?

Mission: You’re so odd…

Judgment: You’re the one who got down on one knee, I’m simply… considering the logistics of it.

Mission: Finding your flirtations frustrating. Not enough to ask you to stop so much as…

Mission: Has my name no longer meaning? What kind of a bold creature are you to talk to a king like this?

Judgment: Doesn’t matter, could be a worm and I’d feel about the same.

Mission: Your confidence angers me, it fills me with a sense of wonder and dread.

Mission: None of my components were ever so prideful…

Mission: I don’t understand…

Judgment: One of the few good things passed down to me. That’s about all I have to say..

Mission: Treating me as a commoner, I'd have you gutted under most circumstances.

Judgment: That’s fine, you’d have to catch me first.


Judgment: Quiet now?

Mission: Sorting out how I feel.

Judgment: You do that, I’ll find a way out.

Mission: You truly are abandoning me..?

Judgment: Plenty would say I should but…

Judgment: Think that’s for you to decide.

Judgment: I’ve got an offer for you, simple one.

Judgment: You prove your worth and I’ll prove mine. We work toward escaping this place together.

Judgment: Because as far as I’m concerned? You need me alive, I’d rather not kill the entire purpose of this venture, and you talk of strength you have yet to prove. If I like what I see, we can look into extending things toward a full contract.

Mission:... Can I add to negotiations?

Judgment: You may attempt.

Mission: Judgment is your title, yes? From what I understand, little knights like yourself adore to carry your guild’s name as your own when you’ve traveled so far from home.

Mission: It’s especially puzzling when you don’t seem very happy with it to begin with.

Mission: What is your true name? Something I can call you.

Judgment: Why should I tell you?

Mission: Because you refuse to call me by any formal title. I feel like I should be allowed the same. Besides, I’d like to know the name of my would-be rescuer should you perish in the effort.

Judgment: If I tell you, you’re taking the offer.

Mission held out a hand to you.

Mission: The moment our hands touch, I am yours. I’ll serve you as I’ve done so many others before.

You grab on without a moment of hesitation.

Judgment: Ali… Ali Judgment. 

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