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Why Did Rein Ban This Game [GAME]
Hello again! Some of you saw this coming, some of you this will surprise, but let's play another game!

The game is to come up with something and have the person after you say why Rein banned it, then they come up with their own question and the pattern continues. It's somewhat similar to The Banning Game, but this is all about Reins rules.

For example:
[ScrathAndScrawl]: Why did Rein ban poetry club?
[CookieCrumbles]: You and I both know people were writing about how much they hate capitalism. Why did Rein ban photoshop?
[BirdOfAFeather]: Because someone photo shopped a facebank face onto their face and Rein was not happy. Why did Rein ban superhero movies?
[FollowTheCups]: They're violent and they leave a mess, of course they banned! Why are barbecues banned?
[FashionPolice] Three words: Socks and sandles. Rein would rather every party was at least black tie formal...

You get the picture?
You don't have to follow a strict guideline in your answer/question, but please keep them to one post.

Before we begin I'd like to state very clearly that you must try not to be offensive. Do not answer with the intention to hurt someone's feelings or make them doubt themselves. No bullying basically.
I'd also like to warn for possible suggestive themes. Please do not be descriptive of anything that would make this game NSFW. With Rein's general personality and aesthetic I fear we run a risk of this, so please be mindful.
Follow basic forum rules, if I feel like they are being ignored I can/will delete the game. 
Besides that, have fun!

Side note: This game is meant as a joke. It's for fun. I don't mean Rein any harm, and I don't want anything incredibly bad said about them. Ill say it again, please be mindful. None of this should be taken seriously.

Alright let's begin
Why did Rein ban Wattplants?
Give Me Your Coins

Messages In This Thread
Why Did Rein Ban This Game [GAME] - by AceOfNothing - 06-09-2019, 12:42 AM

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