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[Q&A] In Character AMA
anyone (complex): what is your Worst encounter with a TCP? best? wholesome?  embarrassing? scariest? its hard to imagine that someone so small could scare the daylights out of you ............................

WILSON: One followed me home from work one time, no idea what type they were, but they were pretty big and spooky.
WILSON: I tried to pretend they weren't there, because I'd do that with anyone following me home from work, but they, uh.
WILSON: ...managed to squeeze under the doorframe.
WILSON: ...Danielle hit them with a broom until they scooted out of there, but I followed after them and bought them some food-type pastries. They're kind of rare around here, and pretty expensive, but...I dunno, I felt bad.
WILSON: Turns out they had just spawned and just wanted to follow the pretty slime drips.
WILSON: Felt a kind of kinship to me, I guess...
WILSON: I wish I still saw that guy around. Was nice.

MAES: TCP clients and patients are rare at the Menagerie, but we see them.
MAES: It's...not unheard of for TCPs to spawn in the lower levels as well, which is distressing, to say the least.
MAES: They used to spawn more regularly when Devil's Advocacy was running, but most of them were, ah...eaten or experimented on.
MAES: Prime targets for contained horror experiments, I suppose...even back then as a child, it made me feel sick.
MAES: Nowadays we just try to get them out of the areas that aren't safe to be in, though we have a handful that enjoy staying with our rehab residents. The residents tend to like the company in turn, though we've had to have talks with a couple of the older ones that TCPs are not for eating.
MAES: Old habits die hard, I suppose...especially ones drilled into you in this place.

LINA: I have a friend that's a TCP, actually.
LINA: Well, I don't know if friend is appropriate, considering I only come out a few times a year, but when I do get the chance to see her, she makes for nice conversation.
LINA: Some kind of type with metal involved, which helps, considering she lives in the walls of Hell. Spit's base of operations is no place for anyone to live, and I've offered to help her find the way out, but she seems to have dedicated herself to aiding the prisoners there get food and drink.
LINA: Spit hasn't caught her yet. I'm hoping that stays.

(vice versa for TCP characters and complexes)

RAGGEDY: I had a complex try to buy a vpet off of me once...was super weird.
RAGGEDY: I mean, how are you even going to play it?
RAGGEDY: I hope they were a collector, but I get the feeling they just wanted it for a dollhouse...which, like, why not just get a clay miniature?
RAGGEDY: Minipix are the real deal! You're paying extra for something you can't even play!
RAGGEDY: Ah case scenario, they were just looking to give it to a TCP friend. 
RAGGEDY: That would be cute...
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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[Q&A] In Character AMA - by skinstealer - 12-11-2021, 04:03 AM
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RE: [Q&A] In Character AMA - by sarcovyn - 12-11-2021, 05:03 AM
RE: [Q&A] In Character AMA - by skinstealer - 12-11-2021, 05:05 AM
RE: [Q&A] In Character AMA - by sarcovyn - 12-11-2021, 05:06 AM
RE: [Q&A] In Character AMA - by skinstealer - 12-11-2021, 05:08 AM
RE: [Q&A] In Character AMA - by sarcovyn - 12-11-2021, 05:13 AM
RE: [Q&A] In Character AMA - by skinstealer - 12-11-2021, 05:24 AM

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