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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots (18+)
A Rabbity Album
Como, Crankshaft Rafflesian
CW: None
Two Gay Rabbits Talk About Their Sexuality

[Image: SmK3JR1.png]
 Jam: Surprise.
Lex: A-Ah!? When?! How'd you even send them to our own phone like that...

 Jam: Magic. You like?

 Lex: Kinda but in a really confused way? Like uh.... it's really fucking cute but also uh... it's.. I didn't even know we could look like that... 

 Jam: I have my secrets.

 Lex: The hair's so pretty... 

 Jam: Was hell to get done but it felt nice having it done up the way I've always wanted it to look.

 Lex: Oh god is there a whole set?!

 Jam: Yep, not gonna put in all that work just for one picture.

 Lex: How'd you even get this to happen?

 Jam: Had help, had to wait til you were asleep though. Dotty helped me pick some of the stuff out-

 Lex: Wait, was Dotty in on this? 

 Jam: Just a little, felt like she had pretty good input to give.

 Lex: Is she into stockings?

 Jam: Yes and it's your fault. 

 Lex: How?

 Jam: You wear a lot of leggings.

 Lex: They’re athletic leggings….

Jam: Your point?

Lex: They’re practical and comfy. Keeps us from scraping our knees, supports our muscles, and they fit nice under my dueling gear so they’re easy to work with.

Jam: yeah but like, you get ones with cute patterns all the time.

Lex: I mean I don’t see the problem with a few stripes or polka dots…

Jam: Dotty told me they’re adorable.

Lex: Really? Why didn’t she tell me…

Jam: Because you two don’t talk enough! I mean you do but like… you know.

Lex: Yeah. We uh…

Jam: Living together, spoon on a daily basis, but you both still get flustered by a little hand holding.

Lex: I mean I’ve gotten better but like… it’s kinda embarrassing to say honestly.

Jam: You can say it, I won’t snitch.

Lex: I like being close, and I like all the intimacy and being warm and seeing her smile but like….

Lex:  I get a lot out of the emotional aspect but I don’t get all that much from the physical aspect.

Lex: Like, getting all mushy and cozy is great! I love that… but it makes me feel bad when I can't get into the more touchy part of it, you know? Like… it makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong.

Lex:  Don’t want to ask and then have her notice I guess. I don’t want her to be upset...

Jam:  If having sex’s got you this distressed, you really should bring it up. She’ll get it.

Lex: See that’s the thing like, I’m okay with the act itself, which makes it weird? Like… I just don’t like…

Jam: Yeah, I getcha.

Lex: Honestly it makes me a little jealous sometimes. You’re a lot braver about all this.

Jam: You’re braver when it comes to almost everything else, think it evens out.

Lex: I guess… still like…

[Image: An90o7A.png]

Lex: Looking through this picture set you sent me, you’re so confident and you look pretty and I don’t know how to really do that…

Jam: You think I’m pretty…

Lex: I think you’re gay as shit.

Jam: I think you’re gay ass.

Lex: Yeah…. A lot actually.. Like look at that photo, didn’t know we could do that…

Jam: I can teach you if you want. I’d love to see your take..

Lex: Maybe? Maybe…

Jam: Honestly it’d be nice to have a picture of you to keep around too. Might be asking a lot though.

Lex: I mean…  I want to work on us too. I wanna make living with both of you the best it can be.

Lex: Just a lot of hurdles to jump over, you know? A lot of dealing with my brain being shitty all the time…

Jam: Honestly, you’ve been doing way better these days I think. Finally got a cocktail of meds that doesn’t fry either of us. You haven’t been as bad about your sleep schedule..

Lex: Varies.

Jam: It’s REALLY not as bad as it used to be. Everything was sleep, depression, and work.

Lex: Now it’s sleep, gay, and work.

Jam: Progress.

Lex: Heh… honestly, I think I’m gonna talk about what I said earlier to Dotty.

Jam: Yeah please, like, she’ll get it, and she’ll probably be able to help you brainstorm on it.

 Lex: I know she won’t be mad and I’m sure she’s got ideas….

Jam: But it’s scary still.

Lex: Mm…

Jam: I mean I’ll be there, and between you and me she’s had a lot of stuff she’s wanted to talk about with you.

Lex: Does she?

Jam: Yeah. She’s just as bad about saying shit too! It’s a good talk to have though.  Think in the end it’ll do a lot for everyone.

Lex: Mmm, thanks for the pep talk honestly... really do love you for being there for me.. For us at this point. Don’t know what my deal is sometimes and I don’t always feel my best but y'all always make me feel like I’m home. Can’t ask for more.


Jam: Gay.

Lex: Yeah… gay.

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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots (18+) - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 11-06-2021, 03:21 AM

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