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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots

Sketchbooks - 2021
BaftComorant, Crankshaft Rafflesian
CW: Mention of Parasites, Discussion of Past Trauma
Dotty to Lex about A lot of Shit Actually

[Image: sketchbook1.png]

 Lex: Whatcha doing?

 Dotty: Nothing...

 Lex: You drawing?

 Dotty: It's not done...

 Lex: Oh wow, that looks good...  

 Dotty: That? That's just a doodle...

 Lex: How come you never told me you draw?

 Dotty: Never really got super into it until recently, like... while you were gone. before that it was really just a bunch of casual doodles at work...

 Lex: Makes sense... 

 Dotty: Mostly done with this one though, still gotta put the ears in. 

 Lex: I'm digging it a lot so far. That's a pretty distinct style...

 Dotty: It's okay.. I can do a lot better than that if I try. 

 Lex: Oh?

 Dotty: Let me find a good one...
 She leans on your shoulder. You try to speed through faster. You're not used to others seeing your art.

 Lex: You do a lot of stuff in ink...

 Dotty: Yeah. Apparently I used to do this for fun on the side before uh... stuff happened. When I got back into the groove of things it kinda felt natural. Took a few months to really get comfortable again but... I think I'm doing pretty good honestly.

 Lex: Yeah, a lot of these are really pretty...

 Dotty: You haven't seen the darker ones yet... keep those in a separate book.

 Lex: You gotta show me those too then, I love that kind of stuff....

 Dotty: It's... a little more complicated for me.

 Lex: What do you mean?

 Dotty: So I've been going to a therapist for a good while now. While you were gone a lot of memories started popping up.

 Lex: Right, we talked about this a little.. you never really went into a lot of detail though.

 Dotty: I know, told you I would but I've... it's been pretty hard. Before I couldn't think of anything about the old me as well.. me. Now I don't know anymore. A lot of feelings pouring in that I didn't know I had I guess.

 Lex: What kind of feelings? Like, if you're okay with talking about it right now.

 Dotty: A lot of anxiety about the future, a lot of being lonely... a lot of warm and cozy stuff too though. There were people who meant a lot to me back then and... it's weird? Even though I can't remember them clearly I can still remember how they made me feel pretty well... miss them a ton.

 Lex: You know who they are? Like, names or something?

 Dotty: Nope, can't even remember faces sometimes. Just that they were really important to me.

 Lex: We can go look for them, you know?

 Dotty: I mean... I don't know if any of them are still around. It's been a heck of a long time you know?

 Dotty: And if they are... maybe I didn't matter so much to them... they would've looked for me at some point after I got brought back.

 Lex: Maybe they don't know? You haven't been in big news lately right?

 Dotty: I mean Erica tracked me down eventually.

 Lex: Uh... who was that again?

 Dotty: Geezer's grandma, the cowboy. 

 Lex: Right.. scary old lady...

 Dotty: Actually remembered some stuff about her not too long ago. She hasn't aged that badly actually? Just a little more grey and tired... in hindsight I'm not sure she's actually a dog?

 Lex: What do you mean?

 Dotty: Like... I met her decades ago. 

 Lex: I mean she looks sorta old.

 Dotty: Right but... like 50 years ago maybe? 

 Lex: Some folks age way slower than others, not that weird. 

 Dotty: She's a ruffneck though, she's already pretty late in her lifespan.

 Lex: Maybe a hybrid? I dunno.. 
Dotty: Either way, had a good number of memories with her there. She was with someone else a couple of times actually? Kind of a tall person, did a drawing of them actually...
[Image: sketchbook2.png]

 Lex: Pretty... That's a lot of ink, looks like it took awhile to make.

 Dotty: A little... never really got to my point on this. Therapist wanted me to start writing down what I remember but it was always kinda hard to keep up with it. Friend of mine said I could try drawing it instead and well.. stuff happened really.

 Lex: And this is someone you met way back then?

 Dotty: Yep. Can't remember her name much but she was really nice and we hung out whenever she was in town. Was always pretty sickly though... She had these glowing red eyes. Some of the memories are... weird though?

 Lex: What do you mean weird?

 Dotty: Like.. I remember one day I was visiting her and Erica. Erica had gone out to pick up something to make dinner so the two of us just relaxed together. She was doing kinda bad that day though, excused herself for a bit and went to her room. She took a good while so I went to check on her. Saw her body on the floor, scared the heck out of me...

 Lex: Wait, you found her dead?!

 Dotty: Thought I did! But something about her really looked off like... I dunno, it freaked me the fuck out I was gonna call emergency services when something grabbed me? I look over and I see the door try to close itself. 
Dotty: Managed to stop it in time for a moment, got a look inside and... there was some sort of weird fuzzy blob. Pitch black, looked... scared? We made eye contact for a short moment and I guess it just clicked together that it was her... pretty sure it was.
[Image: sketchbook3.png]

 Dotty: After that it managed to shut the door and lock it. Heard her voice from inside frantically asking me to leave... Didn't know what to do at that point. Erica made it back shortly after. Told me to go home.

 Lex: What happened after that?

 Dotty: She kinda just went quiet for a week. I'd pop in but Erica wouldn't let me in. Then after she just drops by looking like nothing had happened. Seemed really embarrassed by the whole situation, said she had some sort of condition that was parasitic or something? Came over here since there's a lot of research on Plaza for uh... angelic infestations, I guess was the wording.

 Dotty: We still hung out a little bit after that but... my memories end pretty shortly after. I hope she's okay...

 Lex: I mean... we can do some sleuthing right? I know a guy or two. 

 Dotty: We've already got a ton on our plates these days, I dunno...

 Lex: I can put some stuff aside, gotta look out for you and all that.

 Dotty: Look out for me how? 

 Lex: I dunno.. you always bailed me out of all sorts of scraps and trouble though. If you really wanna find out all this stuff about who you were and who these people are I can pitch in there.

 Dotty: Might not even want to see my face after all this time..

 Lex: Sure they do, hard not to like you.

 Dotty: Still, I wouldn't be able to remember the bulk of things so... I think it'd make them more sad than anything.

 Lex: Think they'd be more happy just to know that you're okay and you went out of your way to find them all.

 Dotty: Lots of those folks were in jobs that involved a lot of trouble and risking their own lives. We might have to go through some actual hell.

 Lex: You think I wouldn't shank someone for you? I'll do it! I'll do it and you can't fucking stop me!

 Dotty: I hope you don't have to! Anyway, I guess I can give it a shot, but...

 Lex: No buts! If you wanna do this even a little, I'm down to go that extra mile. Jam would be too and I can ask around my own groups if they know where we could start! I know it'd be a lot of work and it could take a long ass time but you're worth that. If these people meant so much they're worth that too!
 You can't help but smile even if there's a little bit of a somberness over you right now.

 Dotty: You'd really jump at anything to help me out...

 Lex: Nothing less, I'm your personal bastard.
 You lean over to nuzzle up to her, and she returns it with full enthusiasm. 

 Dotty: I wanna collect a bit more of what I forgot a bit first before we meet anyone, and I... I guess I wanna show you everything too but..

 Lex: Gonna take some time yeah?

 Dotty: Yeah... there's a lot of heavy stuff and I got them all collected in these sketchbooks but... I wanna be ready before I bring them up.

 Lex: No rush at all okay? I know this is all pretty big for you so don't think we got any deadline for this.

 Dotty: I'm hoping so... still don't wanna wait too long, people move and a lot are probably pretty old by now if they're still around..

 Lex: We got this, don't you worry... Oh! Jam and I made a pie together... should be almost done by now. You wanna take a break from what you're doing and curl up on the couch a bit?

 Dotty: Yeah, just a minute. Gotta check up on some texts if that's okay?

 Lex: You're good, got a few minutes before the pie should be ready anyway. Don't take too long though, might get cold.

 Dotty: Mmm... I'll be over quick.
 You check on your texts, a lot of messages from your friend who's in the middle of their date. You reply to them and pocket the phone. 
 You hurry on over to the other room where your rabbity partner is waiting for you.
 You're glad to have had so many good folks around in your life.

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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 03-08-2024, 10:48 PM

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