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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots
Apple Cider - 2021
Comorant, Masa, Crankshaft
CW: Mention of Death
Manzana takes it easy for a night.

[Image: applecider.png]

You're Manzana.
Under most circumstances you are the master of magic, top of your field in all things supernatural.
You take great pride in this frankly, it takes a lot of work to get as far as you did.
The training straight from hell, the hours, the tiresome task of sweet talking executives and selling them on the idea that maybe they shouldn't build theme parks on cursed land. 
It pays well, it builds reputation, and it gets you invites to big fancy parties that you can't help but get increasingly sick of...
But for now you are back home in your private little slice of Plaza, the region you were born in.
You're not alone of course, Platino is keeping you company. He's your... friend? Business partner?
Regardless you've known him for some good time at this point and you don't think he'll leave anytime soon.
Your feelings are always a little conflicted. On one hand he's a ghost in your head with all the caveats.
On the other hand your pool of familiar faces in life are otherwise your "mother", your thickheaded rival, and a couple of others you don't get to see often enough.
Right now though that ghost in your head is crashed on your couch watching god knows what.
You lean over the sofa taking a peek at the telly for a bit- you're not entirely sure what's going on but it's some hot garbage.
He seemingly doesn't notice you at first, but eventually looks up at you.
Platino: Sup?
Manzana: Not much really. You settled in fine.
Platino: Gotta take advantage whenever we get a little time off right? No offense but traveling as much as you do is a pretty intensive job.
Manzana: Puts me ahead of the competition, not apologizing for that.
Platino: It's hell bad for my sleep and joints, those hotel beds get pretty rough you know?
Manzana: Can't always be booking luxury, you'll manage. Tonight's not going to be much better anyway, don't have a second bed set up so you'll just have to use the living room. Don't you normally just vacate and go all ghost by now anyway?
Platino: Normally, but you got so much weird supernatural crap in your house I don't wanna take the risk at night.
Manzana: What do you mean?
Platino: Leaving a body unattended in a place where there's a real chance you'll be intercepted by some otherworldly nightmare is a way to lose it really fast. 
Manzana: Thought it strained you to stay in this world full time.
Platino: Not if I plan things out a little, just gotta live things a little nocturnal right? It's pretty common in this region anyway...
Manzana: If you're under 30 and depressed maybe.
Platino: You're under 30 and depressed, don't even start.
You grumble to yourself.
Platino: Anyway if I'm not around in the mornings don't sweat things too much, I'll be back by the time the sun starts setting. 
Manzana: I'm not worried, you can do whatever you want.
Platino: You sure? Won't miss having someone to talk to at your desk?
Manzana: I'll be fine, I can rubber duck off anything else really. 
Platino: Sure. 
You look back at the television for a moment, a scene of a child in a cave telling a washed up skeleton about their day plays in front of you. 
Manzana: What the fuck are you watching?
Platino: Not sure? Your cable box is pretty weird, never even heard of half the shit listed. Like earlier I saw this weird ass thing that... actually you wanna sit down for this?
Manzana: I'm fine here, continue?
Platino: I don't even know what went on. Guy claims to be some sort of government professional but not sure I really buy that? There's a lady who just walks around with a piece of wood everywhere... everyone acts so weird that it made my skin crawl a little.
Manzana: TV setups here tend to pick up on weird stuff like that...You going to be okay?
Platino: Me? I mean yeah no, it's obviously all fiction but I dunno. Gonna be thinking about that for some.... 
Manzana: Maybe you should take a break? 
Platino: I dunno, feeling pretty comfortable watching stuff like this but feels like going through channels is some wild russian roulette you know?
Manzana: I mean... I got a movie collection if you really need something. 
Platino: Since when?
Manzana: A good while actually, collect a lot of local stuff while traveling based on recommendations.. you've never seen the shelf?
Platino: I try not to look through your things like that. 
Manzana: For the best. In this case though it's better than you freaking yourself out late at night because you decided to watch something a little incomprehensible to the flesh. 
Platino: See when you put it like that, I feel like I got out easy.
Manzana: You probably did, that TV setup is super cursed. 
Platino: Why do you even have something like that?
Manzana: Work.
Platino: You're not going to go into any more detail than that?
Manzana: Don't really need to, you figure it out from there.
Platino: Gotta say I'm not used to you being a cryptic bastard like that. Full of surprises today. Guess that's not too hard though when you keep things so close to the vest, yeah?
Manzana: I've got my way of doing things. 
Platino: Now that I think of it, there's a lot of things about you I don't know like... do you even have a birthday? Never seen that come up really.
Manzana: Don't really celebrate it.
Platino: Yeah? Why not?
Manzana: Overlaps with some unpleasant stuff so I just.. don't.
Platino: What do you mean?
Manzana: Had someone important pass away the day of one year, still leaves me kinda fucked. If it's okay I don't really want to go into it more than that though. Tend not to tell people the day since they're tempted to surprise me in some way.
Platino: I can get that.
Manzana: Only three people really know about this; you, me, and her. Keep it like that.
Platino: That big a secret? And you're sharing it with me? Dang...
Manzana: At this point I feel like I can trust you with something like that, you're good about keeping quiet.
Platino: Before you were the only person I could talk to, now I actually COULD go spreading it. 
Manzana: You won't and I don't want you joking about doing it. 
Platino: I mean you're right. 
Manzana: I'm serious too.
Platino: I know you are. 
Manzana: It's... pretty hard for me to open up. Haven't had the best track record with people in the past really so... don't waste this. 
Platino makes room on the couch and pats down on the cushion, prompting you to sit next to him. You shake your head.
Manzana: I'm good. Just... don't make me regret this. 
Platino: Lips sealed. 
You peek at the screen again, you can't help but be a little put off by the imagery in front of you.
Manzana: I should go get you something better to watch. Spare yourself.
Platino: Yeah... you gonna join me? Could order a pizza, make it a real movie night. 
Manzana: Maybe. 
Platino: Wouldn't be a bad way to start your break. Just two friends, a couple of tapes, and a deep dish. Get yourself some of your favorites and bam, easy night.
Manzana: Needed to figure out dinner anyway, fridge isn't properly stocked since we're usually away from here. 
Platino: Then it's settled right? 
Manzana: On a few ground rules. No hugging me if you get scared, no falling asleep on my shoulder, and if you make a mess you pick it up. Easy?
Platino: Easy. 
Manzana: Give me a few minutes and I'll call the delivery place... 
Platino: You take as much time as you need, I'll just be here. 
Manzana: I'll be quick about it. 

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