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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots
An Old Man's Cooking - 2020
Ringor Mortis, Vest Party (Pre-Sleepwalker)
CW: drugs, alcohol, abuse, mentions of death and torture.
Flynt and Melvin share an evening meal.

Melvin’s sitting in his usual armchair, oversized to anyone but him. He had made the call to stay back at the base with Flynt while the rest of the crew went off on some kind of shopping trip, and seems more than content to just kick back and rest.  Flynt flops onto the sofa near him with a plate of chips, just as ready to bum it out and get a little quiet time. 

FLYNT: You think they're up to anything exciting?
MELVIN: Most likely just looking at expensive jewels and booze. 

He yawns, stretching out his claws. 

MELVIN: Ashton will get his wine as usual, Huck will get his beer, and Leo will get his vodka...I don't even want to know what Muriel drinks.
FLYNT: Muriel drinks fermented poison to scare off the kids. Probably.
MELVIN: I wouldn't even be surprised at this point. 

He shivers. 

MELVIN: This conversation never leaves this room, obviously.
FLYNT: To our graves. 
FLYNT: Honestly though, they stockpile like they're expecting the world to end.
MELVIN: And mow through their stockpile just as quickly...

The de’moneres’ face softens, looking over warmly at the OBJ. 

MELVIN: I'm glad you're starting to move away from that yourself, you know.
FLYNT: Yeah well.... I'm trying my best there. Was hard at first.
MELVIN: Is Leo giving you any hell about it still?
FLYNT: Little bit, thinks I'm going too soft.
MELVIN: He doesn't know the first thing about "soft", don't let that get to you.
FLYNT: I try not to, just praying he doesn't heckle me on the clock.
MELVIN: If he does, you come to me and I'll sort him straight. 
FLYNT: You don't gotta do that for me.
MELVIN: I don't, but I will if you ask. 
MELVIN: It's your choice, but if it gets severe again, I'm not going to stand by and do nothing.
FLYNT: It's appreciated...
FLYNT: ...Don't know why he's been worse.
MELVIN: ...Does he know about the therapy?
FLYNT: Not yet.
MELVIN: That's...probably for the best.
FLYNT: Wish I didn't have to keep quiet but... you know him.
MELVIN: My door is always open, even if you just need to get a break for a little.
FLYNT: Thanks. Things been any better on your end?
MELVIN: Well, my wife's still distressed that I've been coming home roughed's hard to lie to her and the kids, but I can't drag them into this, you know?
FLYNT: Yeah... they catching on at all?

Melvin nods, looking defeated. 

MELVIN: The kids have stopped asking questions in general, and don't seem to want to talk about it at all.
FLYNT: You should take some time off for them. 
FLYNT: Refresh things with all of them a bit.
MELVIN: With how busy Stope's kept us? 
MELVIN: This is the first day off we've had in weeks, and my wife couldn't find a good way to get out of work on such short notice. Kids have school.
FLYNT: Got no idea why Stope's been on us this hard...
FLYNT: You ever think of transferring to less dangerous work?
MELVIN: All the time, every day.
FLYNT: What's been stopping you?
MELVIN: I'm not exactly in this job by choice.
FLYNT: Yeah?
MELVIN: I got caught up in some mob business years ago, and I was given a choice. 

He holds up two fingers, counting down. 

MELVIN: Let my family be killed as punishment for what I'd done, or work for Stope for the rest of my life.
FLYNT: How'd you piss off stope that bad?
MELVIN: I caught the attention of one of his guys, same job that you and I are in now, just before he had a proper team for it- that came with Leo. 
MELVIN: I got stalked for a good while, and when I found out, I did what I had to to defend my family. 
MELVIN: In return, I got slammed into his job.
FLYNT: I'm sorry.

Melvin shakes his head, dismissing it.

MELVIN: I've been here a long time. It is what it is.
FLYNT: I'd be willing to cover a few days for you at some point if it gets you some time off.

His gentle smile returns just as quickly as it left, reassuring Flynt immediately. 

MELVIN: You don't have to do that, but...I'm selfish enough to take that offer. Thank you.
FLYNT: Mm. You've helped me plenty of times, it's worth returning the offer.
MELVIN: You're a kind man, Flynt...too kind for this kind of work.
FLYNT: My hands are just as dirty as anyone else's here, I just don't wanna be like that forever. I know you don't either.
MELVIN:'d you even get in this business to begin with? 
MELVIN: You don't strike me as the type that wants to beat down on people either.
FLYNT: Didn't really have anywhere else to go, got in through Leo.

Melvin nods, leaning back and closing his eyes. know, if we ever were able to get out of here- and I don't mean just out of the job, I mean Monte entirely- I don't think my wife would protest much if you came with us.
FLYNT: Wouldn't mind leaving this place with a friend, just gotta find the right moment to ditch this mob business.
MELVIN: I can tell you're good with kids too, seeing how you handle helping out with Stope's daughter. 
MELVIN: Pretty sure mine would love you.
FLYNT: Surprised how well that's gone, honestly.
MELVIN: She's a lonely kid, never got along well with her siblings, practically ever since she hatched. 
MELVIN: I've been here longer than she's been alive, and you're one of the first friends she's ever been allowed to have.
FLYNT: Yeah, hard to believe she's from the same line as Stope. Good kid.
MELVIN: If we ever get out of here, we should try and come back for her too someday.
FLYNT: You think she'd be alright with that? Know she doesn't do well with her family but...
MELVIN: Maybe not now, when she's so young...but when she's older, we should at least offer the option.
FLYNT: Yeah.
MELVIN: I probably shouldn't get too latched onto this idea, though...but I don't think I can help it, at this point. It hurts not to dream of something other than this.
FLYNT: I'm with you if we ever find a good out to this.
MELVIN: What would you do, if you ever got out with us?
FLYNT: Find some honest work, a small quiet little place, maybe with a pet.
MELVIN: A pet, huh? Guess that makes a lot of sense for you...what kind, big, small, fluffy, what?
FLYNT: Something easy, no good with big jumpy animals.
MELVIN: You could hold something big in one hand, though. They still startle you that bad?
FLYNT: Big animals?
MELVIN: Yeah, like... 

He gestures to Flynt's massive hands. 

MELVIN: If there was ever a fight with something big, I'd say you'd win it.
FLYNT: That's a fair point. Probably.
MELVIN: Still, small animals are kids keep asking me for one of those patchy things, somewhere in the middle size-wise.
FLYNT: Patchy?
MELVIN: Yeah, one of those critters with the quilts on their backs.
FLYNT: Think I saw one at a local fair once. Those legal to own?
MELVIN: Some regions use them as therapy animals, so I'd imagine so.
FLYNT: I could get used to one, maybe.
MELVIN: I hear they nibble on fingers sometimes, though. Not biting, just...nibbling.
FLYNT: You trying to pitch one to me or something?
MELVIN: I dunno, I think they could be a good fit for you. You seem like the type to appreciate the soft things in life.
FLYNT: It'd be a nice way to retire from this kind of work.
MELVIN: If my kids ended up getting one, I'd probably end up giving it walks for them...guess it'd just be us guys walking our living quilts.
FLYNT: I'd be fine with that, living in the same neighborhood.
MELVIN: You'd make a fine neighbor, Flynt.

Melvin smiles, all warmth. 

MELVIN: I'm sure no matter where you end up, you're going to make a positive impact on someone's life. 
MELVIN: You're just that kind of person, even now...and you deserve an out to this, a situation where you can let yourself really be that person.

Flynt can’t help but smile back, just the smallest bit. 

FLYNT: It's good to hear that from someone. One day we're gonna get out of this.
MELVIN: One way or another, right?
FLYNT: Mmhmm. We'll find our escape to Luxson, I know a few folks who can start us off maybe.
MELVIN: You have people waiting for you there?
FLYNT: Hopefully. Had an offer a while back, praying they're still willing.
MELVIN: What are they like, over there?
FLYNT: Mm? What do you mean?
MELVIN: The people you knew.
FLYNT: Softer than this... absolutely not a bad thing.
MELVIN: You think I'd get along with them at all?
FLYNT: Honestly, yeah.
MELVIN: Go on. Tell me about them.
FLYNT: Most of who I know, I met through the infestation. 
FLYNT: Offered to help me settle in after, but I went with Leo instead.
MELVIN: We'll get you back to them.
FLYNT: You're coming too.
MELVIN: It sounds like a nice happily ever after, doesn't it? 
MELVIN: No more breaking kneecaps or coming home with bruises and cuts.
FLYNT: No more worrying about getting shot at through your windows or meeting quotas...
MELVIN: No more horrible alcohol and cigar smell.
FLYNT: I'm okay with that.

There’s a comfortable silence between the two of them, Flynt taking the opportunity to munch some chips. 

MELVIN: Can I ask you to promise me something, Flynt?
MELVIN: When we get out of here, can we promise to keep going to therapy? 
MELVIN: Both of us, not just you on the hook here.
FLYNT: Yeah. We'll motivate each other to find docs in Luxson.
MELVIN: I'm no expert, experience has taught me that even when we move, this will follow us.
FLYNT: We'll be safe if we stick to a busy enough area.
MELVIN: Yes well...I meant more internally. We could go to whatever utopic afterlife people believe in and still carry the weight.
FLYNT: Then we'll make it up to the world somehow.
MELVIN: Maybe find some kind of way to make a positive change, to pay up for all we've done here.
FLYNT: Finally get to put it all behind us.
MELVIN: Guessing you wouldn't keep in touch with anybody else here, if that's not too much to assume.
FLYNT: Not a lot of people here for me these days.
MELVIN: I hate to be blunt, but... 

He glances away, averting his eyes. 

MELVIN: Leo's not going to let you go without a fight, if he finds out. 
MELVIN: I hate that you're even in that situation to begin with, but I can see it coming.
FLYNT: He had his chance. 
FLYNT: I don't like where things have been with him and he's making it clear he's not gonna make the effort.
MELVIN: That's the best attitude to have here. 
MELVIN: You deserve a hell of a lot better than the way he treats you, and...I'm glad that therapy has helped with that.
FLYNT: I just don't get why he's turned so hard.
MELVIN: Do you want the honest answer?
MELVIN: There hasn't really...been a turn, Flynt.
FLYNT: Yeah...
MELVIN: You were in a war together, things were different then. 
MELVIN: A lot of his tendencies probably came off more as prowess in combat and fending off the plague, and you weren't aware of the fact that they'd extend beyond that. 
MELVIN: He showed you the parts of himself that he knew you would like, and when he was sure you wouldn't leave, well...
FLYNT: Yeah. You're probably right on most of that.
MELVIN: The fact that he's practically in control of your living situation doesn't help, either. 
MELVIN: That kind of power imbalance always leads to trouble, even with the best intentions.
FLYNT: I don't want to have to fight him honestly, he's gonna take it as far as possible.
MELVIN: If it happens, I'll try to be there to help. I know you probably want to keep this between him and yourself, but...
FLYNT: I just don't want anyone in the crossfire.
MELVIN: What's he going to do? Shoot me?
FLYNT: I wouldn't tempt him.
MELVIN: I could lay him flat with a backhand.
FLYNT: He'd absolutely hold a grudge.
MELVIN: Without a doubt, but what could he really do in the long run? He doesn't know where my family is and I intend to keep it that way.
FLYNT: You'd have to be ready to get out immediately if you did that.
MELVIN: Then I'll save it as a last resort.
FLYNT: Yeah.
MELVIN: But mark my words, if he tries to pick a fight with you on you leaving when I’m around, he's getting a bruise he won't soon forget.
FLYNT: I appreciate you looking out for me like that.
MELVIN: Someone has to make sure this place doesn't harden you up entirely, right?
FLYNT: Yeah. Don't think it has yet.
MELVIN: And I don't think it will. 

He reaches out to pat the OBJ's shoulder. 

MELVIN: We're going to get you back home.
FLYNT: You'll really try to come too?
MELVIN: Of course. 

He nods, smiling wide. 

MELVIN: I want you to be able to meet my family properly, and to have a friend like you in a safe future...that would be a dream for a raggedy man like me.
FLYNT: I got no complaints about those plans.
MELVIN: We'll have to-

He stops talking, an ear twitching as the faint sound of people coming up the steps can be heard in the distance.

MELVIN: ...we'll have to discuss more of this later.
FLYNT: They back already?
MELVIN: They shouldn't be... 

He tries to relax, keeping his posture natural as the door unlocks. The familiar sound of hooves on hardwood echoes as Leo walks up the steps, holding a bag of equally familiar bottles. 

LEO: Just stopping in for a sec, dropping these off...don't want to get caught with the good stuff in the car. 
LEO: Ashton drives like a fucking maniac.

Flynt tries his best to keep casual, hiding the tension creeping in all over his body. 

FLYNT: They'd accuse him of being too friendly with the liquids huh?
LEO: Yeah, and bastard would probably make me pay the fines. 

He leans over and kisses Flynt on the forehead, rattling the bag of bottles a bit. 

LEO: You and me, we can catch up later and unwind, right?
FLYNT: Yeah, you have fun out there and we'll figure out what to do after.
LEO: Still don't understand why you won't come with. 
LEO: You used to be a hell of a lot more fun, you know.
FLYNT: Trying to break a few bad spending habits, meet a few personal resolutions.
LEO: And what'd those resolutions be?
FLYNT: Not dropping the same kind of money I used to on stuff to inhale.
LEO: What, you think that stuff's bad for you now or something? 
LEO: I only directed you to the good shit, you know that.
FLYNT: Money can go toward better things.
LEO: Tch.

He pulls away, making a bit of a face. 

LEO: You really are no fun. 

He turns to Melvin, glaring. 

LEO: Stop filling my boyfriend's head with your old man shit. 

The older de'moneres holds his hands up and said nothing, returning the glare. Flynt stays quiet, still trying to hide any sign of feeling tense with all he can muster.

LEO: Whatever. 

He tosses the bag of bottles on the couch, not caring that they clank together. 

LEO: You two go ahead and be boring, I'm going out and making use of my day off. 
LEO: Have fun playing board games or whatever the hell you get up to.

Flynt looks over at Melvin, catching him making a face at the de'moneres behind his back, more of a sneer than anything silly. The OBJ pretends not to notice, keeping his voice even.

FLYNT: You stay safe out there Leo. We'll talk about things more after.

LEO: Yeah, yeah. 

Leo waves a hand dismissively, slamming the door behind him. Flynt takes a moment to wait, making sure that he’s gone. 

MELVIN: ...coast is clear, I think.
FLYNT: We're good?
MELVIN: As good as it gets, with that son of a bitch. 

Melvin exhales hard. 

MELVIN: Are you alright?
FLYNT: Yeah. Thanks. 
MELVIN: You sure? That whiplash was...something, but not unexpected, I suppose.
FLYNT: I'm getting used to it. 
FLYNT: Won't be something I deal with forever though..
MELVIN: Well...I'm proud of you for standing your ground, there. 
MELVIN: Moving away from using, both the booze and the harder stuff, is incredibly difficult, and I can't imagine it's easy on you.
FLYNT: It gets a bit easier with each day.
MELVIN: How's it feel?
FLYNT: I can tell you I don't miss the hangover after.
MELVIN: I used for a while, years back when I first got into this job- did I ever tell you about that?
FLYNT: You mentioned it a few times, not in full detail.
MELVIN: People I worked with here got me into it, and it made me a person I didn't want to be. 
MELVIN: Once my first kid was born, I realized I had to clean up or risk being a terrible father to him, and I couldn't deal with the thought of that. 
MELVIN: My wife supported me the whole way through, and still checks up on's not that she doesn't trust me, but she wants to make sure I stay clean, and is looking out for me. 
MELVIN: She's just like that.
FLYNT: And you've been able to keep good about it this whole time?
MELVIN: Well, I've slipped. Everybody slips. 

The de’moneres shrugs, looking just a little tired at that. 

MELVIN: But having someone to look out for me helps.
FLYNT: You don't mind helping me out if I slip too yeah?
MELVIN: Of course not- but when we get to Luxson, you should seek out a bigger support network than just me.
FLYNT: Yeah, I got people there. Just hoping they'd take me back.
MELVIN: I have a feeling that they will, just by knowing you. 
MELVIN: Some people had to have given you a lot of love for you to turn out like you did, and I mean that genuinely. 
MELVIN: I don't see enough of it out here.
FLYNT: I guess I just don't want this city to swallow me. Does a number on most folks.
MELVIN: It's corrupt, from the ground up. The very man we work for is an affront to what a god should be. 
MELVIN: The fact that Fallow itself rejects him is enough proof of that, and its entire faith is based on benevolence and forgiveness.
FLYNT: Wish XXI had the guts to actually do something. 
MELVIN: Luxson is a good zone, but XXI is...well, spineless, if I'm being blunt.
FLYNT: You're right, I'm not gonna stop you on that.
MELVIN: It's a miracle that Luxson even survived the plague to begin with- people like you are rare, people willing and able to handle horrors, and I'm willing to bet that you weren't exactly picked by choice so much as you just...being there, and available. 
MELVIN: Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
FLYNT: I didn't have a lot of options at the time. 
FLYNT: Got in a lot of trouble when it started, was that or nothing.
MELVIN: Family troubles?
FLYNT: ...Little more complicated than that.
MELVIN: Well...You don't have to go into painful memories if you don't want to, but I'm always open to hearing what's on your mind, both past and present.
FLYNT: I wanna be able to open up about it some day. I'm just not sure if I can yet.
MELVIN: The door's always open, Flynt.
FLYNT: I'll work my way up to it, if you don't mind.
MELVIN: Please, I don't mind at all. 
MELVIN: You don't have to worry about me pushing an issue unless it's for your health.
FLYNT: I appreciate that a ton.
MELVIN: Though, if you ever get yourself in trouble, I am going to call you out on it. I imagine you'd do the same for me.
FLYNT: Yeah, I can promise that much.
MELVIN: Good. 

He rises out of his chair, stretching out. 

MELVIN: Well, we've got a few hours before the rest of them come home, I'd bet...I should probably make us some early dinner.
FLYNT: That sounds nice, honestly. You gonna be good for that?
MELVIN: We should have enough in our kitchen to make something, though it won't be fancy. 
MELVIN: Most likely a simple pasta, if you're alright with that.
FLYNT: That's more than enough.
MELVIN: Cmon, then. You can sit and talk with me while I work.

Flynt follows close behind as they head to the tiny kitchen, barely enough floor space for them both to stand together. Whoever had designed their base of operations clearly didn’t expect anyone to actually cook there, the room little more than food storage and an obligatory oven and sink, just to call it some semblance of a kitchen.

FLYNT: We got sauce yeah?
MELVIN: Mm, though I'll have to spare you the charcoal chunks. 
MELVIN: I love them, but I figure you don't have the taste for them. 
MELVIN: Very much a de'moneres thing.
FLYNT: Yeah, don't think I can get much out of them.

Melvin pulls out a chair for Flynt to sit in as he starts prep. 

MELVIN: I'll save them for my own plate, then- do OBJ have anything they particularly enjoy in their diets?
FLYNT: Most things are fine. 

He sits down, hands on his knees. 

FLYNT: Honestly I'm just glad for the quiet time.
MELVIN: Same...besides, we don't get time to bond like this enough. 
MELVIN: I love my family, but it's nice to have a friend outside of them as well.
FLYNT: I'm just glad to have someone to talk to, Leo's no good for real conversation.
MELVIN: Oh? What's the average talk like?
FLYNT: You got a bit of a glance earlier
MELVIN: Lots of pressuring, potential emotional whiplash, insults?
FLYNT: Yeah…
MELVIN: Hmph. 
MELVIN: I'd say he needs a lesson in manners, but I'd honestly hate to see him cover that sleaze up in polite words. 

The de’moneres gets out a box of pasta, waiting for the water to boil. 

MELVIN: At least now, you can see him for what he is. 
MELVIN: The fact that he doesn't even try to cover it up anymore says a lot about him, flags are easier to see when there's no rose tinted glasses.
FLYNT: He doesn't want to communicate on any of this at all. 
FLYNT: Not expecting this to last more than it has to.
MELVIN: No looking back if you can help it- only good way to do that is reflection, and even then you have to use moderation or else, you'll get stuck in it.

He drums his claws on the counter. 

MELVIN: I'm guessing your therapist's already told you as much though, yeah?
FLYNT: A good amount yeah.
MELVIN: Good. That whole clinic is full of good professionals, I wouldn't've recommended it otherwise. 
MELVIN: Have the coping techniques been of any help?
FLYNT: Yeah, like I said, it gets easier everyday.
MELVIN: Anything you've been struggling with in particular?
FLYNT: I'm not exactly the happiest person around... so there's regularly that.
MELVIN: And yet, here I've been able to get a smile out of you. Give yourself credit.
FLYNT: Yeah. You got me there.
MELVIN: I can understand that, though...there are some days where I can't muster up a positive attitude no matter how much I try. 
MELVIN: I could blame the city for all of that, but I know a good chunk of it is just the way my mind is at this point. 

He pours the pasta into the now boiling water. 

MELVIN: Not that that can't change, you know?
FLYNT: Don't think it's too late. 
FLYNT: Getting out of here would probably help you a ton.
MELVIN: And the same for you. 
MELVIN: Can you imagine what it'd be like, being able to take up proper hobbies?
FLYNT: You don't do much besides work, I'm guessing?

He nods, stirring the pot. 

MELVIN: I used to garden, when I had my old job. 
MELVIN: Have you ever tried?
FLYNT: Nah, never had an opportunity. 
FLYNT: Used to work indoors mostly.
MELVIN: Oh? Doing what, if it's alright to ask.
FLYNT: Security for a lab, making sure nothing got robbed at night.
MELVIN: Muscle, then...I mean, I've never seen an OBJ with arms like that, and certainly not as strong. 
MELVIN: You'd be a shoo in for literally anything to do with it. 
FLYNT: I had a lot of help.... pretty much how I ended up here too.
MELVIN: You planning to try something different when you move out of this city, or keep up with the heavy lifting?
FLYNT: It's what I'm good at, don't have an education in a lot of other stuff.
MELVIN: Never too late to pick something new up, though.
FLYNT: Yeah. Don't know what I'd do though.
MELVIN: Hmm...any hobbies before this?
FLYNT: Nothing that'd be worth much to employers.
MELVIN: Tell me anyway, you'd be surprised at what's applicable.
FLYNT: Mostly just watched a lot of movies, still try to sneak some in here and there.
MELVIN: Any kind in particular stand out to you? 
MELVIN: Genres, tropes, things like that?
FLYNT: Like a lot of the older stuff, there's an appeal to the limited film and tinny audio.
MELVIN: Ahhh, old black and know there's actually a lot of classics shot here in Monte? 
MELVIN: A bit too violent for my tastes, but there's a pretty big movie industry if you know where to look.
FLYNT: Yeah, I’m a bit familiar. Always wanted to see what it's like shooting a film.
MELVIN: Maybe we can sneak off and see if we can find one before we move out.
FLYNT: You think they'd let us on set to watch?
MELVIN: Oh, no. We'd have to be covert.
FLYNT: Nothing we're not already used to.
MELVIN: I can't imagine it'd be harder than the average mission, with far less risk. 
MELVIN: Could be a fun outing.
FLYNT: How'd we get them to not notice we're messing around?
MELVIN: I mean, we could just flash our credentials. No one messes with Stope's people.
FLYNT: Fair enough, might just work out.
MELVIN: Could make things a little tense, You got any ideas?
FLYNT: We could tell them we're hired security.
MELVIN: You think they'd stop to check, or would we sell it on appearances alone?
FLYNT: They wouldn't question, we look intimidating enough.
MELVIN: high would you estimate the risk of being recognized? 
MELVIN: I'm sure we have a reputation among the other mobs.
FLYNT: If we lay low and don't make eye contact nobody will notice too much.
MELVIN: Maybe we could get you a hat.
FLYNT: Hat could help.
MELVIN: Have to find something that works with those horns of yours, though. We'll have to shop at a proper hearts outlet with that kind of curve.
FLYNT: Yeah... now that you mention it, I'd be pretty recognizable in general. 
FLYNT: Needs to be a huge hat.
MELVIN: A glamorous sunhat, perhaps.

Melvin smirks, working on straining the pasta now.

FLYNT: Yeah, that'll fool them. Just passing by.
MELVIN: Would sunglasses add to the effect, or just look silly, do you think?
FLYNT: I don't got eyes. They'll notice that.
MELVIN: I've seen stranger trends in this city, and I've seen plenty of OBJ try to go for a glasses look.
FLYNT: ...Why?
MELVIN: Beats me. Familiarity, I suppose. 
MELVIN: How much sauce do you like on your pasta?
FLYNT: Get me as much as you can.
MELVIN: That's what I like to hear. Cheese on top?
FLYNT: Please.
MELVIN: You got it.

Melvin starts plating the pasta, giving both servings a healthy dose of sauce and cheese sprinkled on top. He pulls a stick of charcoal out of the spice cabinet to top his own, grating some shavings on. 

MELVIN: Annnd there we go. 

He brings the plates over and settles down, making sure to pass Flynt a fork- large enough for him to wield properly. 

MELVIN: Dig in.

Flynt takes the fork in hand, smiling just a little.

FLYNT: Really appreciate it. Thanks.
MELVIN: No problem, my friend. 
MELVIN: Ah- we need drinks.

He gets back up, rifling through the fridge. 

MELVIN: Ugh, these people...there's only half a thing of juice left, the rest is all booze. 
MELVIN: I don't know how anyone survives in this team. Care to split what's there? 
FLYNT: Yeah, you can take the bigger half if you'd like.

Flynt takes a bite. The pasta’s nearly perfectly cooked, and the sauce is flavorful. Melvin pours the two of them drinks, making sure to keep them even. 

MELVIN: It's not a half if one's bigger, you know.
FLYNT: Fair, you know what I mean... also this is great, as a side note.

Melvin passes the cup over, careful not to spill. 

MELVIN: Just pasta out of a box, sauce out of a jar...but it's nice to have someone cook for you, isn't it?
FLYNT: Yeah.. you got it right either way and you put in the effort.
MELVIN: I love to cook for my family when I get the chance- most of it's stuff like this, out of the box. 
MELVIN: But they love it all the same, even if my wife's is leagues better. 
MELVIN: The thought counts for a lot.
FLYNT: You show that you care.
MELVIN: You know any cooking yourself?
FLYNT: Don't know much more than eggs.
MELVIN: Eggs are good breakfast. 
MELVIN: Nothing says that you care about somebody quite like making them eggs in the morning.
FLYNT: You think so?
MELVIN: Mhm. Don't sell yourself short- eggs can carry just as much meaning as any other meal.
FLYNT: You saying this from experience?
MELVIN: My wife makes the best sunny side up.
FLYNT: She cooks you breakfast sometimes?
MELVIN: Sometimes she wakes up before dawn, just to try and catch me before I sneak out for work. 
MELVIN: Makes sure I eat, she knows I'd just take something barely substantial on the way.
FLYNT: You not good about eating on your own?
MELVIN: Not as much as I should be, especially for a guy as big as I am. 

He pokes at his bicep. 

MELVIN: I need to keep my strength up better if I want to make sure I can do my job, and while she doesn't know the nature of it...she knows that much. 
MELVIN: So, she makes sure I eat.
FLYNT: I'm gonna do her a favor and make sure you get food in the tank too.

He laughs, pointing his fork at the OBJ. 

MELVIN: She'll warm up to you real fast, I can just tell.
FLYNT: Good, I wanna keep on good terms with you and your family, especially if we do make it out.
MELVIN: I don't think you'll have any trouble with that, not one bit- and I want to get to know your family as well, whoever that may be for you...even if anyone qualifying as that is someone you've yet to meet.
FLYNT: Don't know if I'd call any of them family, but I'd be glad if there's someone that cares that much left.
MELVIN: That's something they don't teach here in Monte. 
MELVIN: Chosen family is just as good as blood ties, if not better a lot of the time. 
MELVIN: When you're in a better place, you'll be able to make those choices.
FLYNT: I'd settle for any kind of family, long as I don't gotta deal with more getting shot at.
MELVIN: No blood waiting for you back there at all, though? 

He takes a bite of his pasta, swallowing before continuing. 

MELVIN: Feel free to pass on the question.
FLYNT: None. You got anyone in Luxson?
MELVIN: None myself. The only blood I have aside from my children is my father, and I have no plans of saying goodbye to him.
FLYNT: Not on the best terms, yeah?
MELVIN: He's a big supporter of the caste system, even though we're on the lower end. 
MELVIN: If I hadn't married another graftelle, he would have treated me even worse than he already does.
FLYNT: Caste system is all levels of screwed up, to be honest.
MELVIN: I hate that I'm enforcing it in any way.
FLYNT: You won't have to forever.
MELVIN: And neither will you. 

He takes a sip of his drink, thinking to himself. 

MELVIN: You know, I think I have an idea for future work.
FLYNT: Lay it on me.
MELVIN: So obviously our job here revolves around muscle. 
MELVIN: We break kneecaps and make sure operations go well- and we could seek out employment along those lines in cleaner ways without any violence, sure. Working on construction sites, heavy lifting in general...  

He points his fork at Flynt again. 

MELVIN: But you know what else we do a lot of? 
FLYNT: We talk about wanting to do something better?
MELVIN: Well, yes. 

He can’t help but snort a bit. 

MELVIN: But I mean on the job.
FLYNT: We look big and menacing?
MELVIN: We keep our eyes open. 
MELVIN: We try to pick up on details that nobody else does, and scope out areas to make sure they're safe. 
MELVIN: A lot of communities could use sharp eyes like that.
FLYNT: You think they might want a couple of watchmen?
MELVIN: I was thinking more on the lines of sleuthing.
FLYNT: Detective work?
MELVIN: Exactly. Private, of course. 
MELVIN: I don't think either of us would do well with authority figures, at this point.
FLYNT: Definitely private. Anything else would get us investigated thanks to the mob shit, and I don’t want to deal with that hanging over us.
MELVIN: Our background would prevent anything like that, and I honestly don't trust anyone in that kind of power to actually send people on cases that matter.
FLYNT: Yeah. We'll have to avoid getting negative attention either way but a private business seems like the better option here.
MELVIN: Sounds like you're taking to the idea already.
FLYNT: It'd be something I can do and tons cleaner than our current job.
MELVIN: Besides, it'd be like something out of your movies. I think it might just be a perfect fit.
FLYNT: Never thought I'd be living a film like that.
MELVIN: Can you see yourself in that role?
FLYNT: I can make it work.
MELVIN: You've already got the coat for it and everything. 
MELVIN: Besides...that whole...scrap ability of yours, isn't it? 
MELVIN: The powers that you and Leo have?
FLYNT: Yeah. What about it exactly?
MELVIN: I imagine that's got to come in handy with something like that.
FLYNT: Guess it would, don't wanna have to use it more than I gotta but I have the option.
MELVIN: Not a fan of it?
FLYNT: Gets a bit spooky sometimes, you know?
MELVIN: How so?
FLYNT: Ghosts. Sometimes you gotta deal with them.
MELVIN: I've only heard stories, never seen any have, I'm guessing.
FLYNT: Plenty, more than anyone would really want to. 
FLYNT: This place is cursed like that.
MELVIN: What are they like, if it's alright to ask.
FLYNT: A lot of them are just sad honestly.
MELVIN: there anything to be done for them?
FLYNT: Sometimes. Taking them somewhere peaceful.
MELVIN: And do they just...remain there?
FLYNT: Hopefully. If it's nice enough it'll be good for them.
MELVIN: Is there ever an actual end, once someone hits that point?
FLYNT: No idea. Don't like the idea of a definitive end, personally.
MELVIN: You'd want to live on forever in some form, then?
FLYNT: I'd like to think I just don't stop existing altogether maybe. 
FLYNT: Oblivion is a nasty thought.
MELVIN: I think you live on through the people who love you, the stories you tell, and the impact you leave behind.

He sets his fork down, finishing his pasta. 

MELVIN: I hope that mine is a positive one.
FLYNT: Hope so too. I think you will.
MELVIN: I've done a lot of terrible things, but I do have a family that I love very, very much- and I figure that must count for something.
FLYNT: They'll understand once you're out of here.
MELVIN: You think so, even after everything? 
MELVIN: I mean, I'm sure my wife suspects already, but to hear it from my own mouth…
FLYNT: You were looking out for them. 
FLYNT: You clearly don't enjoy this line of work.
MELVIN: Even then, I've gotten caught up in it just as much as any of the others.
FLYNT: Won't be like that forever.
MELVIN: Mm...but for now, it certainly is. 

He takes his plate to the sink, rinsing it off. 

MELVIN: And for tonight at the very least, we get a little break. 
MELVIN: What would you like to do now?
FLYNT: Not sure, didn't think we'd get this much time off at all.
MELVIN: I'd say we have at least two hours to burn, one if we're particularly unlucky.
FLYNT: What can we get done in that?
MELVIN: about a walk?
FLYNT: I can do that.
MELVIN: I'll try to get you back in time for the gang coming back, much as I'd like to spend the night roaming around, I don't want you getting yelled at.
FLYNT: Appreciate it. You wrapped up with everything in here for now?
MELVIN: Think so, after I rinse off your plate.

He holds out a hand, Flynt handing his plate over. 

FLYNT: Gotta cover our tracks, huh?
MELVIN: I'm sure you'd be thoroughly mocked for eating an old man's cooking…
FLYNT: They’re the ones missing out.
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