You wonder briefly if you should ask for a moment to collect your thoughts.
Instead, you throw that thought away.
No way I'm showing anything but confidence.
I just got here, I'm not screwing this up.
That's a bad idea.
And I need to avoid bad ideas.
Avoiding bad ideas-- Whatever Yes Cool Focus Already
You do give yourself a second for a deep breath, though, looking to the side and covering your face with a claw to disguise it.
You even give a little "Hmm..." to really sell that you're thinking.
"Being freaked out by something doesn't stop me from being curious about it.
Like, I wouldn't want to run into it again, yeah...
Cause the experience?"
You raise your claw by your head, flicking your wrist and pointing up at nothing in particular.
For emphasis.
"That was bad.
But y'know, I still...
...It's a cool thing."
Your hands perform a vague gesture; entirely incomprehensible to you, and any other mortal or god who may have witnessed it.
"And I like cool things. Weird, cool--
I like weird things, so... that kind of stuff is interesting to me.
Occult stuff, and-and... and... paranormal shi-stuff. Stuff.
Scrap ghosts, crypti-- All that, stuff.
...So it interests me."
Ghost nods, saying nothing.
Okay so
So more? More, The Shirt
the shirt, Yep okay Right
"As for the shirt,"
You realize that being vague could help you dodge questions.
"...I wear it."
Another idea: Biting your tongue could help you focus, you think.
Yeah that's a good idea.
Then I can focus more and that's what I need is to focus more.
As best you can, you chomp down.
You wince in pain.
Ow? Yes.
That hurt.
No, but I need to be thinking about the interview, not that, but it DOES hurt and--
The construct across the table is watching you.
Don't you do that.
Can't you look anywhere else?
Is there something on-- INTERVIEW.
This is an interview, yep.
Right, I'm supposed-Answer the--
What did they ask?
Okay, but that--
They're looking so I need to do something
I can think of things to do Yes yep okay so how about
You take a drink of the concoction you've foolishly created.
The hot liquid pours across your tongue, which incidentally had been bitten recently.
You lean forward in your seat, metaphorically clamping down on your face to try and keep your expression normal.
It probably isn't working.
Ghost is still looking at you.
You try - in your pained stupor - to read their expression.
You need to find out what they think of you in this moment, your interview could hinge on it.
Clearly, your skills must be improving.
At the very least, now that the initial searing pain has passed, incinerating your tongue seems to have shaken you enough to temporarily, mostly focus.
Though, the rush of new caffeine is sure to make things worse in time.
"...I wear it because...
Well, see... I was on vacation, and there was a tourist trap owner and she had, all of these Shirts.
In her shop.
Looots of cryptids," You slowly wave your arm in front of you. "...and stuff like that.
And she had Big Summit on one of 'em.
And I thought the design was cool. And it's got like... It's personal for me."
"I ran into the thing, and lived, so..." You gesture to your shirt.
"It's a memento, like I conquered it.
...Not, y'know, 'conquered' cause I beat it up or something, but I survived.
So I made it something good. Personal significance."
"...Why not, right?"
They take so long to speak, you had your mouth open, ready to add more to your rambles.
"I see."
What does that Mean
Mentally, you feel as if you're gradually collapsing in on yourself like a dying star.
Desperate to garner some kind of feedback, you once again try to study the construct.
But, their face may as well be some funny squares drawn on a blackboard:
You can't discern the slightest clue as to what they think about you.
As far as you're concerned, they're an impenetrable wall.
Ghost takes a polite drink from their mug.
is that Sarcasm?
I don't Know anymore
"Well, that level of curiosity in the subject matter certainly explains your initial interest in this job.
Still, it's important to remember that this position requires a lot of respect for the extranormal, not just interest."
"Solving issues pertaining to the often-unexplainable means being dedicated to ensuring the safety of all those involved; abnormal or not.
And often the solution is atypical. Creativity and acceptance are key."
The gesabott tilts towards you, clearly passionate about the topic.
Their eyes meet yours, but you'd rather they look anywhere else.
It feels as if they're peering down into your very soul, and you can't have that.
What could they find there, after all?
You can't afford to make mistakes, can you?
No, not if you want this job.
Yet, you can't look away.
You have no time to dwell on it, as those discerning eyes address you once again.
"You have to be willing to keep an open mind, learn everything you're able, then apply that knowledge to the situation as best you can, with the goal of helping everyone."
"Is that something you're ready for?"
"What would you do to make that happen, Herrera?"
"Are you prepared to give your all, come what may?"
The caffeine has kicked in once again.
You feel your brain may buzz its way out of your skull, at this rate.
Instead, you throw that thought away.
No way I'm showing anything but confidence.
I just got here, I'm not screwing this up.
That's a bad idea.
And I need to avoid bad ideas.
Avoiding bad ideas-- Whatever Yes Cool Focus Already
You do give yourself a second for a deep breath, though, looking to the side and covering your face with a claw to disguise it.
You even give a little "Hmm..." to really sell that you're thinking.
"Being freaked out by something doesn't stop me from being curious about it.
Like, I wouldn't want to run into it again, yeah...
Cause the experience?"
You raise your claw by your head, flicking your wrist and pointing up at nothing in particular.
For emphasis.
"That was bad.
But y'know, I still...
...It's a cool thing."
Your hands perform a vague gesture; entirely incomprehensible to you, and any other mortal or god who may have witnessed it.
"And I like cool things. Weird, cool--
I like weird things, so... that kind of stuff is interesting to me.
Occult stuff, and-and... and... paranormal shi-stuff. Stuff.
Scrap ghosts, crypti-- All that, stuff.
...So it interests me."
Ghost nods, saying nothing.
Okay so
So more? More, The Shirt
the shirt, Yep okay Right
"As for the shirt,"
You realize that being vague could help you dodge questions.
"...I wear it."
Another idea: Biting your tongue could help you focus, you think.
Yeah that's a good idea.
Then I can focus more and that's what I need is to focus more.
As best you can, you chomp down.
You wince in pain.
Ow? Yes.
That hurt.
No, but I need to be thinking about the interview, not that, but it DOES hurt and--
The construct across the table is watching you.
Don't you do that.
Can't you look anywhere else?
Is there something on-- INTERVIEW.
This is an interview, yep.
Right, I'm supposed-Answer the--
What did they ask?
Okay, but that--
They're looking so I need to do something
I can think of things to do Yes yep okay so how about
You take a drink of the concoction you've foolishly created.
The hot liquid pours across your tongue, which incidentally had been bitten recently.
You lean forward in your seat, metaphorically clamping down on your face to try and keep your expression normal.
It probably isn't working.
Ghost is still looking at you.
You try - in your pained stupor - to read their expression.
You need to find out what they think of you in this moment, your interview could hinge on it.
Clearly, your skills must be improving.
At the very least, now that the initial searing pain has passed, incinerating your tongue seems to have shaken you enough to temporarily, mostly focus.
Though, the rush of new caffeine is sure to make things worse in time.
"...I wear it because...
Well, see... I was on vacation, and there was a tourist trap owner and she had, all of these Shirts.
In her shop.
Looots of cryptids," You slowly wave your arm in front of you. "...and stuff like that.
And she had Big Summit on one of 'em.
And I thought the design was cool. And it's got like... It's personal for me."
"I ran into the thing, and lived, so..." You gesture to your shirt.
"It's a memento, like I conquered it.
...Not, y'know, 'conquered' cause I beat it up or something, but I survived.
So I made it something good. Personal significance."
"...Why not, right?"
They take so long to speak, you had your mouth open, ready to add more to your rambles.
"I see."
What does that Mean
Mentally, you feel as if you're gradually collapsing in on yourself like a dying star.
Desperate to garner some kind of feedback, you once again try to study the construct.
But, their face may as well be some funny squares drawn on a blackboard:
You can't discern the slightest clue as to what they think about you.
As far as you're concerned, they're an impenetrable wall.
Ghost takes a polite drink from their mug.
is that Sarcasm?
I don't Know anymore
"Well, that level of curiosity in the subject matter certainly explains your initial interest in this job.
Still, it's important to remember that this position requires a lot of respect for the extranormal, not just interest."
"Solving issues pertaining to the often-unexplainable means being dedicated to ensuring the safety of all those involved; abnormal or not.
And often the solution is atypical. Creativity and acceptance are key."
The gesabott tilts towards you, clearly passionate about the topic.
Their eyes meet yours, but you'd rather they look anywhere else.
It feels as if they're peering down into your very soul, and you can't have that.
What could they find there, after all?
You can't afford to make mistakes, can you?
No, not if you want this job.
Yet, you can't look away.
You have no time to dwell on it, as those discerning eyes address you once again.
"You have to be willing to keep an open mind, learn everything you're able, then apply that knowledge to the situation as best you can, with the goal of helping everyone."
"Is that something you're ready for?"
"What would you do to make that happen, Herrera?"
"Are you prepared to give your all, come what may?"
The caffeine has kicked in once again.
You feel your brain may buzz its way out of your skull, at this rate.