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[Image: 371.png]
You decide to go check with Fuller to see how Chance is doing, and to your relief, it looks like he’s starting to come to. 
MAY: How’s he holding up?
FULLER: Well, he’s alive. 
The dog gazes up at you as you approach, looking dazed.
CHANCE: ...the kids?
MAY: They're safe. 
[Image: 372.png]
You lift up your tail, Melanie reaching out with her little paws to give Chance the best hug she can reach.
Chance's grip is weak, but he squeezes her back as best he can, relief washing over his face as he spots Maes and Mason just to the side.
CHANCE: I'm glad.
CHANCE: What happened to--?
[Image: 373.png]
He spots the monster as he turns his head back, and instinctively pulls Melanie close.
MAY: He backed off when he noticed the kids. 
You make sure to whisper this next part.
MAY: He's kind of an ass, but when it comes to them, I'm betting he's as soft as you.
[Image: 374.png]
His expression softens, and he lets Melanie go, letting out a big sigh.
Chance, surprisingly, addresses the towering figure who had previously knocked him out.
CHANCE: I'm glad we were able to work things out.
The beast avoids eye contact.
????: ...yeah. Sorry about that.
CHANCE: It's okay, I wasn't knocked out for very long, I don't think.
The dog struggles to get to his feet, but you quickly help him up.
CHANCE: I'm Chance, by the way.
CHANCE: What's your name?
????: ...Bazil. 
????: Not that it matters, you're never going to see me again one way or the other.
CHANCE: You could always come with us, Bazil.
CHANCE: We could use the muscle, and I doubt you wanna stay here.
????: Tch...
[Image: 375.png]
He stretches out, the bulk of his form fading with a crackle across his skin. Before long, he's back to the karacel form he was in earlier, staggering a bit as he loses his balance. 
BAZIL: No can do.
BAZIL: There's a million reasons as to why that couldn't work, and you don't have time for me to go over all of them.
BAZIL: You're best off just leaving me and going ahead before they come for you.
BAZIL: Chances are they're already on their way to clean up after us.
Chance is quiet for a moment, then gives Bazil a nod.
CHANCE: Just... get out when you can, okay?
CHANCE: And if you change your mind, there's a spot for you.
BAZIL: I'm not gonna make promises I can't keep. 
BAZIL: Now stop yammering and get yourselves patched up before you get killed. 
FULLER: R-right...look, Suplex, I have to patch you up now, too- you're going to bleed everywhere and I don't need you passing out either.
MAY: Wh- no, I'm good.
FULLER: You are not good, and the more blood you get everywhere, the worse we’re going to look. For god’s sake. Come here.
[Image: 376.png]
You begrudgingly let Fuller take some bandages out and get to work on your arm, wincing as the wound stings. Whatever medicine they’re putting on it stings like hell, but they keep telling you it’ll keep it from getting worse. 
FULLER: I really wish I could stitch it up here, but this is going to have to do for now...
[Image: 377.png]
As the doctor works, you can’t help but let your gaze sneak back over to Bazil, your blood running cold as you notice Mason wandering over to bother him. 
MASON: You’re not so big and tough anymore.
BAZIL: You’re not too big and tough yourself, kid.
MASON: I’m bigger and tougher than the others!
BAZIL: Guess that’s fair, you the same age?
[Image: 378.png]
He nods, and Bazil smiles a little.
BAZIL: I stand corrected, you are relatively big and tough.
BAZIL: You, keep at it and you’ll probably get big enough to flip a car or something someday.
MASON: What’s a car?
BAZIL: ...don’t worry about it, kid. Just know that you’ll be able to flip one.
You exhale in relief, only to have Fuller wrap a bandage around your hand especially tight.
MAY: Watch it!
FULLER: Sorry! 
FULLER: You’re all done, anyway.
MAY: Sheesh…
[Image: 379.png]
You get to your feet, dusting yourself off and watching as your party comes together again.
MAY: Everybody ready to go?
There’s a collective murmur of agreement, but nobody seems as enthusiastic as before- considering you just got the shit kicked out of you, you can’t blame them.
MAY: Look, we’re almost there. We just need to get to that elevator.
MAY: Then we’ll be on the surface, and we’re home free. 
MAY: Right?
DWAYNE: Right!
[Image: 380.png]
Dwayne’s enthusiasm catches a bit, and peoples’ energy starts to pick up. You sigh and head over one last time to Bazil, extending your good hand.
MAY: Thank you for letting us go.
He just kind of stares at you.
BAZIL: Don’t thank me when I beat your ass.
BAZIL: We’re not the kind of people who deserve that kind of appreciation, and the shit we’ve done here today even aside from just now would make me feel dirty shaking somebody’s hand, even if it wasn’t me who did it.
BAZIL: Just go. 
MAY: ...yeah.
You pull your hand away, giving him a nod.
MAY: Hope you get out of this someday too, man.
BAZIL: Not planning on it. 
BAZIL: Now fucking, go already! God!
MAY: Alright, alright!
[Image: 381.png]

You turn and start moving, the rest of your party already having picked up their backpacks. You sling yours over your shoulder as Nelson hands it over, and the whole party books it down the hall.

And there it is.

The elevator.

You set Maes down, the maybecat hesitating for a moment before reaching for your hand. She looks scared, more at the prospect of heading through those doors than the situation that the party was just in. 
MAES: Is this the way out?
MAY: ...yeah. It is.
MAY: Hey, chin up. 
MAY: It gets better from here on out, yeah?
MAES: Y-yeah...
There’s a button going up, and a button going down.

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RE: [PUNCH CLOCK ANIMAL] MAYBEQUEST: PART 1 - by skinstealer - 05-10-2021, 04:20 AM

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