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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots

Hares - 2021
B.Comorant, Masa con Papas
CW: Implications of Abuse
Geezer and Manzana have a talk

[Image: hares.png]

 Geezer arrived in front of a wall between pathways, Manzana sitting there in anticipation of his arrival. 
Geezer: Hey cool, you're here on time.

 Manzana: You're a couple minutes late.
Geezer: Had trouble finding a spot to park, sorry about that. Glad you made it though.

 Manzana: So, what do you want? 

 Geezer: Just figured that we could talk, you know? You're a Judgment too and all so-

 Manzana: Don't make the mistake of assuming I was granted that title like you were.

 Geezer: I mean Aunt Ali raised you right? Why wouldn't you be part of the family?

 Manzana: There are no familial ties here, it's strictly business. 

 Geezer: That's hella weird.
Manzana: That's the truth of the situation. Alighieri Judgment is my mentor and not much more. I owe her a certain respect for what she's done but we've never really pushed our relationship past student and teacher.

 Geezer: So you didn't get a crest or nothing?

 Manzana: I'm not a knight so... no. 
Geezer: What's that on your hat then?

 Manzana: An accessory for brand purposes. Don't make too much of it.

 Geezer: You design that yourself?

 Manzana shot Geezer a glare. 
Geezer: I'm just asking, genuine question.

 Manzana: I hired someone to handle the final look but the initial concept is mine.

 Geezer: I dig it. Minimalist in a good way. You’ve done a good job.

 Manzana rolls her eyes. 
Manzana: Back to the question, what's your real reason. Are you here to pick a fight? Maybe try to convince me to join you to live in whatever backwater town you and your family stick to?

 Geezer: Not quite.

 Manzana: Then what?
Geezer: I guess I just figured that since we both got today off maybe we could get to know each other past our usual routine of clashing swords and all. 

 Manzana: Normally I'd laugh in your face but... I'm tired, so I'll humor it. 

 Geezer: Really?
The construct seemed genuinely surprised.

 Manzana: You didn't bring any weapons with you so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. 

 Geezer: So how are we gonna do this?
Manzana: You may ask me a question and I'll respond and ask another in return. My condition is I get the first and last question and I have a right to decline an answer at any point.

 Geezer: I can work with that. So-
Manzana: So I'll ask first. I want truthful answers.

 Geezer: Alright.
Manzana: Why did Erica choose you over anyone else?
Geezer: Honestly? Hard to say really but... guess she just saw a lot of potential in me and that I wasn't in the best situation before. What about you and Ali?

 Manzana: I had a talent for witchcraft despite what little resources I had living on the street. She needed a squire who could help her with her equipment as a knight and I was apparently good enough.

 Geezer: She was also looking around these parts around the same time too? Why?
Manzana: That's a second question, answer mine first. How old were you when Erica adopted you?

 Geezer: 13-ish going 14. You?
Manzana: Same about. I remember seeing you with her around the time I was brought in by Ali.

 Geezer: Really? 
Manzana: She pointed your mentor out in the crowd and you were with her. I find that interesting timing-wise.

 Geezer: What are you playing at?
Manzana: That's another question so let me ask you first. Why did you agree?
Geezer: I was happy at the idea of having a real home and... I got that. What were you talking about with timing?

 Manzana: I have a few theories regarding that.

 Geezer: Yeah? Like?

 Manzana: Another question but I'll allow it. I don't think it's a coincidence that we both were picked up by two rival knights around the same time in the same region. Neither of them are locals of the area. Makes you think, no?

 Geezer: I don't think I like what you're getting at.
Manzana: Neither do I. Let me ask you a couple of questions now since you asked two. 

 Geezer: Alright.

 Manzana: Does Erica care about you?

 Geezer: Course she does. Treats me as if I were her own you know? Never had that.

 Manzana: How can you know for sure? 
Geezer: You can just feel it you know? Like... I can't put it into words but anytime I visit her it's with the same enthusiasm as her own flesh and blood and that's just... nice.

 Manzana: Interesting response..
Geezer: Real talk. Did Ali care about you?

 Manzana: In her own way, though I know we were never as close as being family. She did quite a bit though to get me as far as I am today and I'm grateful for that. Tell me this, if she cared about you so much why did your whole body get replaced?

 Geezer: That had nothing to do with her at all.

 Manzana: She clearly didn't protect you enough.
Geezer: It was out of her hands, don't blame her for my own mistake. Did Ali protect you?

 Manzana: I decline to answer. Are you frustrated?

 Geezer: Little bit, you're really starting to push some buttons today. You frustrated?

 Manzana: Depends on how you answer the next question. Do you think there's a possibility one of us was adopted by the other's mentor out of spite?

 Geezer: I really hope not.
Manzana: That doesn't answer my question. 
Geezer: I mean... I guess the timing is kinda sus...

 Manzana: So you do think it's possible.
Geezer: What about you? It's your theory, what do you think?

 Manzana: One of us absolutely was adopted out of a petty rivalry. The big question of the night is do you think it's you or me?

 Geezer: I really don't wanna answer that..
Manzana: Regardless of whether your "grandmother" made you feel cared for or not, knowing how intense her grudge against my mentor you could absolutely see it. Even if she made you feel warm and welcome, she's just as much the type of person who'd pull something like that as Ali if not worse. 

 Geezer: What makes you so sure it's not Ali?
Manzana: Because Ali didn't bother to make it seem like anything more than business. Ali let people know the hell she put me through. Ali had a job she needed filled and in exchange she gave me a place to live and the resources to become my own person when our long term collaboration is done.

 Geezer: Sounds like it was cold and distant.
Manzana: It was more genuine than anything you had.

 Geezer: ......... 
Manzana: You done talking? 
Geezer No just... thinking.

 Manzana: About what now?
Geezer: What did she put you through? What the fuck did Ali do to you to make you this cold?

 Manzana: She cracked a few eggs to get what she needed done. That's how she did it and that's what I need to do too.

 Geezer: .....

 Manzana: Honestly? People like you piss me off. Pollyanna piece of shit. You think you worked hard? You think you're special because grandma said you were?

 Geezer: You don't know-
Manzana: What you've been through? I really don't care. It clearly didn't do enough for you. Anyway, this all turned out to be a big waste of time anyway.

 Geezer: I'm sorry.

 Manzana: Don't apologize, you knew what you were walking into and you accepted my terms. I was promised the last question so I'm going to get my answer and then leave. Do you hate me now?

 Geezer: I'm hella mad, don't get me wrong but.. I dunno right now. I'm kinda just upset. Partly at you, partly at myself, partly at a few bad thought loops you've dropped on me. As far as genuinely hating you though? I think you want me to say yes, and I'm not giving you that inch.

 Manzana made an audible sigh before jumping down from the wall she was sitting on. 

 Geezer: You walking out?
Manzana: I'm taking a breather. It's for your own good.

 Manzana walked off down the street.
Geezer: Doubt it’s any good for you though.

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