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[Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged
You are overwhelmed by the urge to climb things.

You want to climb the tree, you want to climb the dome, the dome looks far less climbable than the tree due to the sheer wall that precedes it. You decide to compromise these desires by climbing the tree and then jumping to the dome.

You grab onto a lower branch, pull yourself up, and begin to climb. The process is surprisingly easy. Daisy’s paper skin is also surprisingly durable.

After a few good minutes of climbing, you are at the same height as the dome, from here you can see how it sits atop a square building, and the small walkway that encircles it.
[Image: Waterlogged-79-1.png]

You make a mental note of the landing zone.

You go for it.

You nail the landing, and feel pretty awesome in the process.

As you’re standing up something inside the building catches your eyes.
[Image: Waterlogged-79-2.png]

The figure moves down the hallway with purpose. But something about them feels strange, off even, as if you weren't looking at a normal person. The strange feeling isn't what stops you though. What gives you pause is another sense, far fainter than the person's general strangeness, but much more familiar. You remember this second sense from when Damien had broken into Daisy’s apartment, this is like the feeling of scrap magic but… different. And while you can't tell how, it's not different in a way you like, it makes your head hurt.


Messages In This Thread
[Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged - by Winds - 11-19-2020, 07:43 PM
RE: [WATERLOGGED] (Back From Hiatus!) - by Winds - 11-19-2020, 07:46 PM
RE: [WATERLOGGED] (Back From Hiatus!) - by Winds - 11-19-2020, 08:32 PM
RE: [Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged (Back From Hiatus!) - by Winds - 01-09-2021, 10:52 PM
RE: [Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged - by Winds - 11-07-2021, 05:53 AM
RE: [Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged - by Winds - 11-16-2021, 07:35 AM
RE: [Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged - by Wilds - 11-18-2021, 02:30 AM

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