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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots

[i][b]Jam Goes on a Date
Comorant, Crankshaft Rafflesian
CW: None
Jam goes on a solo date with Dotty.

[Image: jamdate.png]

You are Jam, chaos elemental and not-rabbit extraordinaire. 
You're in the middle of your first official date.
The others were kind of circumstantial.... sharing a body means you occasionally have to bail the other person you're living with out of some potential blunders.
Not that you mind anyway, feels good to help out. 
You're a bit of a secret wingman in the middle of all this. Sorta. 
Now you and Dotty are in the middle of the Beachside Shopping Center, a big hub by the surf and sand where tons of people spend their hours off of work looking for a good time with friends and a hot meal after work.
There's a bit of everything here really.
Dotty holds your hand as the two of you walk around together. It's cold, metal, and just a little on the rusty side but it's still kind of nice. 
You kinda wish you made your existence public earlier. You'd been kind of in the background for so long that not even Lex was sure you actually existed despite sharing a head. 
You could have a while ago if you really wanted...
Would have spared me a lot of anxiety when I just don't remember doing stuff.
Real sorry about that.
You know you've been quiet on a side note like... you should probably say something?
You clear your throat and look over at Dotty. God she's so much taller than you.
Yeah and you like that.
Never said I didn't. You like that too.
Jam: So you  hand out here pretty often right? Like, with Lex and all that right?
Dotty: Mmhmm! It's a good place to relax after work. Have you been here before?
Jam: Only as an observer really. Lots of brunch and dinners, browsing around, shopping, occasional visits to the arcade... more Lex in general. She's pretty big on them. 
Dotty: Yeah, we go there sometimes but I've always been more into the analog stuff you know? Pinball, skee-ball, crane games, that sort. I'm pretty good at them actually
Jam: You know how to win at those cranes? Never been any good at them.
Dotty: Yeah! Pretty solid at them, used to play them a ton after work you know?
Jam: Think you could win me a prize? 
Dotty: Don't see why not. We can stop by the arcade later and I can work a bit of my magic. Get you a big old bear or something.
Jam: Nice. I used to be alright at carnival style stuff but I haven't done that sort of thing in so long that I don't know if I still could honestly...
Dotty: We could give it a shot sometime. Darkest Night festival is a month away so... you know.

Jam: Mm?

Dotty: If you wanna hang out there. Lex is coming for sure, might as well join in right?
Jam: We haven't even gone this far on the first date and you're already inviting me on the second one? Am I doing that good?
Dotty: Maybe. Might just be a sucker for a pretty face. 
Jam: Dang, you beat me to the punch on that one. See why Lex likes you so much.
Dotty: What's that mean?
Jam: You're just really nice to be around. Makes me happy.
Dotty: That's sweet.
Jam: Mean it! She's been willing to go out more, gotten so much braver since she met you. Before that she'd go to work, go to practice, and then bum out the rest of the day unless she had a match. You've done a lot for her, and I wanna be part of that too..
Dotty: Now you're just going to make me all red.
She gave your hand a squeeze.
Jam: It's true, I don't lie about things like that.
Dotty:... How come Lex isn't as open about stuff like this as much? Like...
Jam: Thinks you're too cool. I mean you're cool but she thinks you're like....

Dotty: "Too Cool" for sappy stuff like that.
Jam: Yep, doesn't wanna seem like a lamer.
Dotty: Nobody's a lamer.. and I'm really not that cool.

Jam: Sure you are.

Dotty: I mean... If I didn't meet you two I'd probably be bumming it out in front of my desktop poking at tomorrow's paperwork and forums.
Jam: You hang out on forums?
Dotty: Yeah! A little. Just some dorky stuff mostly. 
Jam: Wasn't in on that conversation. Some kind of hobby, just like talking to people, what's the deal there?
Dotty: It's not that important! Anyway I wanna get to know you since... well I guess you've always been here.
Jam: I mean not ALWAYS but long enough that I've been here since you two both met.
Dotty: How much did you watch? Were you just there sitting in on everything quietly?
Jam: A good amount of it. Just making sure stuff went okay you know? Not trying to snoop like that.

Dotty: No I get you, can't see you being nosy just for the sake of it.

 Jam: Not gonna lie, got a little bit jealous at times though.
Dotty: Now you don't gotta be. 
Jam: Now I don't..... anyway sorry for talking so much, you wanna get going?
Dotty: Yeah! But we don't gotta stop talking, I wanna hear everything. 
Jam: You sure? God, where do I even start?
Dotty: Anywhere. 
Jam: Hehe, you did this to yourself. So..... I was born 23 years ago in a factory on the outskirts of Capital City, it was a cold day in fall.
Oh my fucking god. Jam!
She said anywhere!
Dotty laughed just a little at your awful joke. 
Dotty: Guess I did say anywhere huh?
Jam: You want me to skip around a little?
Dotty: Just a bit. Get to the meat of things
Jam: I'll give you the abridged version then. I went through a bunch of years of public school with Lex, a weird puberty, became two people, a English major that kind of went nowhere, and then met a wonderful person... and now I'm face to face with them on a date for the first time. Hoping for a happily ever after somewhere.
Dotty: I'd like that too... 

Jam: Missed a bunch of details here and there but I can cover those. 

Dotty: Sounds good. So whatcha wanna do out here?

Jam: Honestly? Kinda wanna do some clothes shopping. Need more stuff in my style..

Dotty: Yeah, sounds good. What type of thing you into?

Jam: Shades, jackets, fur trimmings on coats, uh... a lot of witchy vibe stuff? Personally like my hair kinda fluffier than this but It'll have to do.
You know a shop for that?

Dotty: I know a few. 

Jam: Nice, let's get going then. I wanna look cool.

Dotty: You already do. 

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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 03-08-2024, 10:48 PM

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