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[MYSTERY GIFT] Festive Findings
[CW Death mention, thank you so much Skinstealers!]
"There's no heating coil I can feel, and no place for batteries, maybe it's some kind of chemical reaction? but there isn't a pouch or anything for hand warmers..." Lilly mumbled, ignoring the park.

"What was that?" Jocelyn asked, finishing up a tiny snow person.

The park was lit up in lights, a rainbow of tiny bulbs strung from every tree, lighting up the dark. There were even wire frames that made the string lights seem like glowing sculptures. Right now Lilly was taking a break on a bench, while Jocelyn was playing in the constantly falling snow, along with many other kids. 

"Sorry, I'm just wondering how the heck these work." Lilly said with a sigh.

"Oh, they are haunted." Jocelyn replied nonchalantly. 

"What do you mean 'they're haunted' !?" 

"Actually, I said 'they are haunted'. Proper grammar is important, Lilly"

Lilly just gave the macabre cat a look. 

"There is a fire Scrap bound to the mittens, which facilitates their function."

"So I have magic mittens."

"That is correct."

"That's actually pretty cool, and thoughtful of whoever got me them, considering Snakes bleed heat like no tomorrow."

Jocelyn nodded. Lilly got up, taking a walk, or rather slither, to clear his mind. He got a mug of hot cocoa from a stand that was making bank during the event and paced down the sidewalk, sometimes staring at his hands. This was the kind of thing his dad would have gotten him. Something weird, but useful. Always a surprise.

Lilly sighed. It was the first time he wouldn't be getting a gift from him, and that hurt. He had no reason to really believe it, but he felt like, like these mittens were his father's gift. The idea made him feel a little warmer as he slithered back to Jocelyn, who was attempting to make a tiny snow fortress.

"Lily, help me make a snow castle, there are small children to impress." She said.

Lily smiled, shook his head, and got to work making an ice palace worthy of the tiny queen.

Messages In This Thread
[MYSTERY GIFT] Festive Findings - by skinstealer - 12-19-2020, 06:43 PM
RE: [MYSTERY GIFT] Festive Findings - by dediles - 12-22-2020, 02:01 AM
RE: [MYSTERY GIFT] Festive Findings - by dediles - 12-26-2020, 08:13 AM

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