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Crankshaft/Masa Specials and More

[Image: 0JVGhY8.png]

The two knights in red make a stop by a little breakfast spot, getting themselves seated really quickly.
Geezer: Shit's cold today.

Charon: It IS snowing.

Geezer: Yeah, doesn't happen in Plaza so I'm not used to it.

Charon: It used to snow back at grandma's place, this isn't new to you.

Geezer: I stayed inside, I didn't deal if I didn't have to. Like don't get me wrong, it's pretty but damn. 

Charon: Fair enough. Unfortunately it's going to be a lot of that during the drive.

Geezer: Maybe I'll invest in another layer while we're in town then.

Charon: You're pretty decently layered as is.

Geezer: It's all thinner than it looks. Ah right so the rabbit hunt.

Charon: Yes you never explained that.

Geezer: So there's a few weird supernatural occurances every year around rabbit people showing up right?

Charon: Plaza's main population is rabbits so I don't see how that's unusual. 

Geezer: No but like, something is immediately off. Some otherworldly vibe to them you know? It doesn't feel quite right if you get me.

Charon:... Okay. Continue. 

Geezer: For some reason in spring we get all sorts of weird sightings. It culminates in a game of trying to get a photo of these rabbits or something but... they don't show up on camera.

Charon: That's odd, is the photo just ruined?

Geezer: No like, you snap the picture but when you get it developed they're missing completely! It's the weirdest thing!

Charon: So how do you know it's true?

Geezer: There's a few stops the rabbits go to every year. Artists wait by and speedpaint if possible. People know it's them because they make certain gestures. There's three of them. If you try to interact with them directly though they just vanish instantly. 

Charon: As in just poof?

Geezer: Just poof. Plenty of rabbit hunts get ruined each year by them. The weirdest part of all though is they stockpile eggs of wildlife at the end in the middle of the desert. Nobody can figure out why.

Charon: This sounds fake.

Geezer: It's hella real, I gotta take you sometime. 

Charon: Maybe.

Geezer: Didn't you say you wanted to visit?

Charon: I did, I'm just split on whether doing this during a region-wide monster hunt is smart.

Geezer: I mean... it'd be fun.

Charon: I suppose. I don't understand the photo or egg bits much.

Geezer: Vampires maybe?

Charon: Vampires don't exist. 

Geezer: I mean how do you know that?

Charon: Because at the very least in Taverne, the concept of the vampire is heavily inspired by a Fiend eccentric who was very much in the public eye. It's a myth created off of speculation of what a Fiend who lives in a castle must be up to during their spare time.

Geezer: I mean... if that's the case why are there stories about vampires overseas? 

Charon: Fiends can show up everywhere. They're not common so people create all sorts of ideas in their head when they encounter one. 

Geezer: What about the whole turning to bats thing? The drinking blood? Magic?

Charon: Fiends can infact turn into bats sometimes, they lean carnivorous, and they kind of just are. 

Geezer: Huh.... wish I got the chance to meet one in person. 

Charon gave Geezer a look. 

Geezer: You.... you okay?

Charon: You have to know right? You couldn't have not noticed all these years.

Geezer: Know what?

Charon:.... I see. Anyway we should go up and order something soon.

Geezer: Yeah, yeah that sounds good.

Charon: I'll cover today, that alright?

Geezer: I mean you sure?

Charon: Mmm. My pockets are doing nicely right now.

Geezer: Appreciated.

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RE: Crankshaft/Masa Specials and More - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 12-23-2020, 08:36 PM

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