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[MYSTERY GIFT] Year End Friend
[Image: CSut2L4.png]
Gage has spent a lot of time making gifts for their friends over the past couple of months, working hard and taking plenty of breaks as needed. When all is said and done, though, they find that have a leftover gift that has no home. They have a habit of making extras for fun and just in case they met a new friend, so they'd always be prepared.

They think back to the ads they'd been seeing in the papers for a service that takes something and sends something you need in return. It sounds interesting, but they aren't too sure; they did spend a lot of time on this scarf, after all. Who knows where it'll end up?

But maybe it'll go to someone who will love it, and they'll be delighted to receive it. Maybe they could even include a note! Excited now, they practically bound to their kitchen, retrieving their OBJ-adapted pen and a pad of paper. Carefully they write: "Made with love by Spinning Yarns," including the name that doubles as both their business name and screen name. Then, they find some packing paper and an admittedly beaten up box, fold the note into the scarf carefully, and then the paper around it, and place the bundle gently inside the box. They clap their wings together joyfully, bouncing on their feet as they search for some tape. Several drawers later they've found it, and they tape the box rather haphazardly in their excitement. Off to the post office they go, their enthusiasm eliciting a chuckle from the clerk.

"Thank you! Make sure it gets there safe, okay?"

Messages In This Thread
[MYSTERY GIFT] Year End Friend - by AceOfNothing - 12-19-2020, 09:22 PM
RE: [MYSTERY GIFT] Year End Friend - by BlueCrowned - 12-23-2020, 05:42 AM

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