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[MYSTERY GIFT] Festive Findings
[The object would be for Lilly, Jocelyn is just along for the ride.]
"I can't believe you talked me into wearing this" Lilly said, sighing.

The snake man slithered through the cold winter streets in an ugly holiday sweater that read 'With my TCP' and a sewn in pocket that had 'I'm the TCP' written on it, where Jocelyn, the Anatomic Surrealism Type was sitting in, festive scarf wrapped around her long neck. She patted Lilly's chest and cocked her head in a way that gave the impression of a smile.

"I thought you needed some levity, and while ugly sweaters are not mandatory, they are customary for going to watch the lights." Jocelyn said.

"I know, I know" Lilly said. "I can't help it, it was this time last year..."

"It is fine, Lilly. We do not need to speak about it."

Lilly sighed in relief, then sighed in exasperation at how long this was taking. Maybe they should have drove instead. He rested for a second to let his mind wander as he watched the snow. It reminded him of- no, not going there he thought, shaking his head. looking around he noticed the post office. he could stop by to see if they have any packages, warm up a bit, ok yes it was mostly just to warm up.

"I'm gonna take a stop at the post office, warm up," He said to the cat in his pocket "Do you want to go on ahead?"

"No," Jocelyn said Defiantly. "That would ruin the sweater."

Lilly just rolled his eyes as he entered the post office. It was packed, the modern building holding lines of people sending off gifts at the last minute or checking PO boxes. He took a breath, and centered himself, trying to get over the noise of all the people. He opened his eyes at the prodding of Jocelyn, and noticed he got turned around. weirdly big post office, he thought, trying to get his bearings.

Messages In This Thread
[MYSTERY GIFT] Festive Findings - by skinstealer - 12-19-2020, 06:43 PM
RE: [MYSTERY GIFT] Festive Findings - by dediles - 12-22-2020, 02:01 AM
RE: [MYSTERY GIFT] Festive Findings - by dediles - 12-26-2020, 08:13 AM

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