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Crankshaft/Masa Specials and More

[Image: SvKN9zG.png]

The start of the last month of the year, Charon arrives at a dock along the coast to meet up with a relative who hasn’t been home in a long time.

The boat arrives safely after a long wait. The platform descends from the side of the ferry. Stepping down is Wallace J. Geezer himself in a long poncho with two bags in hand.

Charon takes the initiative to wave.

Charon: Geezer!  Over here!

Geezer: Yo Charon!

Geezer picks up the pace when descending, making it to shore without a single stumble or trip despite what his choice of sandals in the dawn of winter would have you believe.

Charon: Glad you could make it! 
Geezer: Had to! Grandma would kick my ass if I didn't!

Now walking onto the snow itself, Geezer barely catches himself as he nearl fumbles into the ground. Charon reaches out to shoulder him up for a moment as he gathers himself.
Charon: Careful.
Geezer: I got it, no worries.

Charon: I got plenty to worry about.

Geezer: I’ll be fine! You got the ride ready?
Charon: Yeah let's pack your things quickly first. Rented a car so try to be careful.
Geezer: You think I'm driving after being on the ocean all day?
Charon: You're the better driver.
Geezer: Guess so. Still, I thought you can drive?
Charon: I mean I can... but I already just drove all the way out to the coast.
Geezer: Fair enough. Give me one moment. 
Charon quickly scooted over to the trunk of the car and opened it up for Geezer. Geezer shoved his bags inside carefully
Charon: Everything fit good?
Geezer: Yeah, just gotta make sure not to break anything. 
Charon: Seems on the smaller end of things.
Geezer: Yeah, didn't pack too much since I figure y'all got a lot of my stuff still at the Judgment house.
Charon: Mm, your towels and blankets are in storage there right now.
Geezer: Good good. So talk to me, how you been back home?
Charon: Fine, starting knight work has been somewhat tough but I'm gaining speed with contracts.
Geezer: We still gotta celebrate you getting your license.
Charon: It's been a few months, it's somewhat late...
Geezer: Doesn't matter, I just want a good reason to go out and eat. 
Charon: You'll be eating plenty when we get back to grandma's place. 
Geezer: Yeah but like... I dunno. You get me?
Charon: I think so. You pack anything besides the essentials?
Geezer: 'Course, brought over some goodies I wanna show off.
Charon: Oh? Details.
Geezer: So you remember those old arcade cabinets? 
Charon: Mm. 
Geezer: Got a fancy piece of hardware that's got arcade perfect porting. Shit's unheard of in most of the world but the folks in Plaza are so nuts about their arcade scene they talked to the cabinet production company and were able to license a lot of the technology and put it in home console form. It's hella nice. Shit can play Arc Caste 1 and 2, Gumranger, Big Bullet Squad-

Charon interrupts Geezer in the middle of his gushing ramble.
Charon: You’ll need to show me when we get back. 
Geezer: I can plug it in as soon as we get to a TV. How long's the trip gonna take to get to the Judgment house?
Charon: Well it's a long way to Wonder so... a few days, around half a week. 
Geezer: Let's hope it's less, nothing personal but I don't wanna be cramped in a car too long.
Charon: Thought you were used to living in a vehicle back home?
Geezer: Yeah and that shit gets scary. You end up with some weird stuff at night popping your way.
Charon: Why don't you just get an apartment? Plaza hands them out to residents all the time no?
Geezer: They don't like giving apartments to folks who travel. Plus they'd want me to hang by the beach and I don't trust those waves like that. 
Charon: I get you. We settled on who's driving?
Geezer: Yeah, I'll take the wheel. Gonna let you take a rest for now but we can shift between checkpoints.
Charon: Sounds fair. 
Geezer: Toss me the keys.
Charon tossed Geezer over the car keys. Geezer caught them and shuffled them into his pocket. 
Geezer: Nice. Doors unlocked?
Charon: Yeah. 
Geezer: Go sit shotgun. Gotta talk to me while we do this.
Charon nodded and shuffled into the side seat. Geezer scooted into the driver's seat and fiddled with the mirror.
Geezer: You drove out here with your setup like this? Gonna make me nervous.
Charon: What's the matter?
Geezer: Can't see shit is what's the matter. Could've ended up in all sorts of accidents.
Charon: I don't drive too often, not this far out.
Geezer: We'll take this as a chance to correct your game a little. You got your seatbelt on?
Charon: Mm. You?
Geezer: Yeah. 
Geezer slotted the keys into the car.
Geezer: How long's the car been sitting?
Charon: A good while, the engine needs warming up.
Geezer: No biggie, gonna be doing a lot of this. You got the gas filled up?
Charon: Yes. Meters are all accurate. 
Geezer: Tell you what then, let's hit the donut shop first before we go out too far from town. I wanna munch just a little. Being on a boat that long leaves you hella snacky.
Charon: Really? I just feel nauseous. 
Geezer: That's cause you got no sea legs. Gotta take you with me to plaza one of these days.
Charon: Sounds good. 
Geezer: Got so much to show you out there, think you'd appreciate that shit. 
Charon: I'm certain I would, for the spring perhaps?
Geezer: Yeah, long as you aren't scared of the rabbit hunt.
Charon: That's... worrying. Aren't you a rabbit?
Geezer: I mean that's complicated but sorta yeah. Nothing like that though. Think the car is good also. 
Geezer put his foot down on the pedal. 
Charon: It's going.
Geezer: Going good.
Charon: So the rabbit hunt.
Geezer: Yeah yeah, hella wild stuff. Let me tell you what, we grab some coffee and pastries and I'll make good on telling you about it. 
Charon: You better.

The two cousins in red began what would be a very long drive to grandmother’s house.

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RE: Crankshaft/Masa Specials and More - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 11-29-2020, 05:39 PM

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