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[WORLDBUILDING] - MONTHLY PROMPT OCTOBER 20 - Witches, Wizards, and Darkest Night
This is a thread to discuss and ask questions relating to the monthly prompt from the current month's (October 2020) newsletter. Please do this here and not in the discord, as it will be easier to reference old topics here. We have chosen these topics for the month because we felt they were both suitably spooky and less fleshed out than we wanted them to be. So without further ado, here's a quick refresher on each of the topics.

Witch: One who manipulates scraps with the aid of devices constructed for that purpose. Usually not sensitives but that is not always true. Common design motifs include goggles, swirls, and a general sense of scrappiness.

Wizard: A sensitive capable of manipulating scraps without aid due to some innate facet of themselves. Very rare, only 2 percent of the population has the capability to be a wizard. Common design motifs include scrap mounted tools.

Darkest Night: Morbit Halloween. I mean, there's more to it than that, but that's what it is. Common design motifs include reds and blues, masks, and lanterns.

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[WORLDBUILDING] - MONTHLY PROMPT OCTOBER 20 - Witches, Wizards, and Darkest Night - by Zenthis - 10-02-2020, 12:06 AM

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