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Ace Adventures
Weird idea I had. Dunno. I want to figure these two out more, not great but I'm just getting back into writing. I  also wrote this at like 2 am mostly so thats a factor. Please feel free to message me about any issues.

Characters: Trevor (shark tcp), Maiden (Bastard tcp), unnamed staff, unnamed rock tcp

Cw: Maiden asks weird body questions, so asking someone to give you body parts is a thing in this. Small thing but it’s there.

      It’s something about making the labs seem more friendly, turning them into a “school.” But Trevor’s been here. Trevor knows this will last a month, some cat will do something stupid, and they’ll be back to how it was. He wishes it was sooner so he didn’t have to be here.

     It wasn’t anything bad, he just hid in a staff member’s purse, and grabbed her hand when she looked for her keys. He didn’t expect her to scream, and he thinks he was punished enough since she dropped him. Now he has detention, for a well behaved cat such as himself that’s insulting. Even the name sounds below him. But he’ll go, it’s one day, he can do that. This will be over soon he tells himself.

     The room, surprisingly, doesn’t have any staff in it, but it has cameras. Four obvious ones in each corner, likely several more. The walls and floor are a clean white metal, chilly against his bare feet, and hauntingly clean. There’s two desks in the center, next to each other, facing a mirror at the front. One desk is sized perfectly for him, the other…

     “Didn’t know I’d have company today! Would have put on a new dress.” The Bastard snickers at him, claws scraping against the desk as she grips it tightly. He takes his seat, the door slamming behind him and automatically locking, and turns his head towards it so he can’t see her. 

     She’s one of the newer cats, Medic or Mime or Maybe, he’s not sure. She’s trouble, he reminds himself, glancing towards the mirror and spotting that striking black mark near her eye. It had been a week maybe since she’d... become, and she already… he shudders at the thought. Cats around here weren't supposed to be dangerous, but she was. 

     “You’re weird shark man,” she giggles, his head whipping towards her and a growl starting in his throat. “Oh come on Fins, I’m not the one who’s in here for the first time, you could at least say hi after intruding on my second home.” She kneels on her chair, leaning towards him and sticking out her paw, “I’m Maiden.” He’s chilled for a moment, staring at her claws, unsure even how he’d go about shaking her hand. They're sharper then he'd expect with how the staff cares for them around here. He waits too long, apparently, because she slumps a bit, face scrunching up in mock hurt. Maiden sits back in her chair, crossing her legs and folding her hands on her lap, head tilted away from him facing the wall. He can’t tell if she’s really hurt or not, but guilt washes over him anyway.

     “It’s… It’s Trevor,” he nods, holding out a fin for her. She hurriedly takes it between her claws, gentle not to prick him but tough enough that he feels like she'll hurt him, and shakes his fin excitedly. Her tail sways behind her chair, thumping against the legs, the sound going through him like a fake heartbeat. When she lets go he rubs his paw, feeling for any small scratches that may be left, worrying himself over the idea of lost fluid. “It’s nice to meet you.”

     “Great, now that we’re friends, can I have your fins?” He leans away from her, far enough to fall out of his chair, looking up at her bewildered. “I’m not actually hearing a no.”

     “Are you kidding? Of course not! I need them!” Subconsciously he grabs his tail, making a mental tally of all the fins on his body. 

     “What do you mean you need them? You have like… six and you’re on land. I don’t have any,” she flaps her hands wildly at her sides, imitating a bird more than a fish. He thinks at least. “You could just give me one, I wanna see if it makes me faster.”

     “I like keeping my body parts, thank you very much.” He debates trying to escape. If he ran at the door fast enough maybe he could break it, and get away from this strange ccat. If not, well, she may take his fins anyway.

     “You’re no fun,” she whines, dropping her head on the desk. Maiden’s claws tap patterns on the top of the wood as he stands up, dusting himself off and grabbing his tail again. “This is like the scientists who won’t let me hang with the body types. You’re boring like them.” He scoffs at this, clutching his fists together for a moment before going back to holding his tail. Maiden’s tail flicks, her eyes tracking his hand. “You got a problem with that fish food?”

     “I am not like the staff here, what ever gave you that impression?” Trevor snaps at her, wishing for a moment he had real teeth, but she just hums and taps her chin. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

     “For one, you're bossy. Bossy and boring, probably gonna tell me I can’t sit on my desk when I do.” He goes to argue with this, but she climbs on her desk, and he does, in fact, want her to get down and sit like a normal cat. “Two, you hate me, and I haven’t even done anything.”

     “You asked for my fins?”

     “They’re fins, they’re cool, don’t take it so personally.” He’d glare at her if he could. “Three, you think I’m a monster, not a cat.”

     “I… I don’t think that? And I don’t hate you either Maiden.” He’s a bit puzzled, shuffling his feet and tilting his head, realizing she suddenly won’t make eye contact. “Maiden I’m not afraid of you if that’s what you mean.”

    “You’re afraid of my claws,” she mutters, holding up her hand with them held out, the grey shining in the obnoxious flourescent light of the room. “You didn’t want to shake my hand, and you look at my mark when you look at my eyes.”

     “I mean… it is right there, and it is a big deal. I don't have a mark, most cats around here don't."

     “I’m still learning, I wish everyone wouldn’t treat me like I should know better.” Her hand slaps the desk, the metal legs beneath it scratching the ground. “I’m made, I stumble, they give me a name and some clothes and tell me ‘you will make people want to modify things, have fun’ and I’m just supposed to figure out right from wrong without messing up? It’s not fair!” Her claws squeeze together as she tries to make a fist, and she gives up after only a few seconds, sniffing in and wiping her eyespots. She's hurt, he hurt her. Trevor watches her, guilt building up in his stomach again, making him feel nauseous as she struggles to talk. “I’I'm-I'm only a week old, and I-I-I know we tiny cats are smart, but I feel li-like everyone is just expecting me to keep messing up now. I’d just… like a chance.” Her head rests in her arms, sobs shaking her body, making her look a lot smaller than she actually is.

     He hesitates again, but strides over to her side, resting a fin on her back, rubbing small soothing circles and shushing her. “I’m sorry. I swear, I’m not actually like that. I'm having a rough day, I shouldn't have taken it out on you. Let’s start over, I’m Trevor, I like my fins so please be gentle shaking them?” He holds out his fin again for her, Maiden looking towards it. She gently cradles it in her claws this time, shaking it slowly before dropping his hand. “I’m in here because I pulled a prank on a staff member and she dropped me, how about you?”

    “I…” she sniffles, wiping pretend tears from her eyes. “I’m Maiden. I climbed the wall during my lessons today and hid in the vents for three hours. They had to send cats in after me.”

     “That was what all that thumping was?”

     “Yeah well, I ended up wrestling with one of the cats, think they were a... like rock type or something, and we fell into a bowl of cereal in the kitchen. They got really spooked, they’re still in the infirmary talking about the incident, but I was fine, so detention.” She shrugs, resting her elbows on the desk with her head in her hands. “Is this normal around here? I’m really bored of getting in trouble.”

     “Nah, it’s something new they’re trying, should only last a month.” She groans, hitting her head lightly against the desk, making him laugh. “Listen, when I was made they tried turning all our mistakes into lessons, like tv shows do. If I got asked ‘what did you learn from this’ one more time after tripping on my tail I was going to scream.”

     The conversation is casual from there, Maiden tells him about her wild first week, and he reassures her that she’d figure things out. When the door finally opens they are both relieved, walking out together laughing. Maiden freezesniot far from the door, stopping midway through a story about mashed potatoes, looking back at the room, hands clutching her arms tightly. “What’s wrong?”

     Maiden looks at him, shrugging, claws clicking together nervously. “I just… thank you for being my temporary friend today. It’s… gonna be lonely in there next time.”

     “Temporary? Are you joking?” She doesn’t look at him as he laughs, walking forward to take her hand. “Maiden this is just the beginning! You have to show me how to get in the vents, do you know the kinds of pranks I could do in there? Have you heard about glitter?” He feels her tense up for a moment, taking in his words, then relaxing and hugging him. He hold ls her as tight as he can manage, looking up as she mutters thank yous against his head. “Don’t thank me yet, we haven’t even done anything! You’re in for an adventure Maiden!”

     They’d struggles, they’d fight, they’d laugh, they’d explore. They’d do a lot together when they could, because she needed it more than most cats, and he wanted nothing more than to keep her happy. Sure, theyd get into trouble, but if they made eachother laugh ot was worth it. They didn’t know what the future would be, but they’d get there together.

     "Wait, she's that Maiden? Are you serious?"

     "Can I glue stars to your glass dome thing? Or try to to fill your head with a live plant, maybe we can make it grow."

      "Yep, that's Maiden."
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Ace Adventures - by AceOfNothing - 11-13-2019, 08:35 PM
RE: Ace Adventures - by AceOfNothing - 11-13-2019, 10:21 PM
RE: Ace Adventures - by AceOfNothing - 11-14-2019, 01:26 AM
RE: Ace Adventures - by AceOfNothing - 11-14-2019, 08:19 AM
RE: Ace Adventures - by AceOfNothing - 07-21-2020, 11:40 PM
RE: Ace Adventures - by AceOfNothing - 07-26-2020, 11:04 PM

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