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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots
Tagging In - a Jam and Dotty One Shot

You are not Lex, you haven't been Lex all day nor heard much from her this entire time. You fumble around with getting cleaned and dressed to spend time with her friend today, you're not very used to the outside physical world nor having to pose as her. You can only just pray that wherever she is right now, she'll be back safe soon. 

You look in the mirror to check your teeth, they're somewhat overgrown in the front and indicate someone still has trouble maintaining healthy gnawing habits. You'd correct them if you could but you don't have the time right now to work on some bark. 

You keep looking at the clock, she should be here any minute. You think back and recall that she has a tendency to get there decently early, wait by the door, and then knock a minute after she said she'd be there. You mostly noticed this because an old roommate watched the window a few times for Lex and caught her in the act. You find it a little sweet. If you were Lex right now you'd entertain it and wait but you're ready. 

You crack open the door and hear the sound of your very startled construct friend. 

Dotty: Lex! 

???: Hey! You're twenty minutes early!

Dotty: Yeah!

???: You didn't knock?

Dotty: Wanted to give you time to get ready.

???: Well, I am now!

Dotty: How'd you know?

???: Just made a pretty good guess really. I felt good vibes by the door so I took a little leap of faith.

Dotty: Well um.... 

She takes a hand and pulls a few stray strands of hair back. 

???: You okay?

Dotty: Mmhmm. You got everything you need?

???: Yep, where we heading today?

Dotty: The pier, our usual spot. Maybe mix it up after with dinner in the city if you don't mind taking a bus.

???: Sounds good! Things go well with work today? You know, with regulating duels and stuff?

Dotty:  Eh.... had to deal a nasty incident in the park. Someone tried to register their pet as a dueling partner, had to deep dive into some books to tell them no since they kept pushing some kind of precedent. 

???: Why would they do that? Why would they get some poor little animal to fight for them?

Dotty: That's the scary part, it was a bear.

???: You mean the big furry things? Oh we can start walking by the way.

She nodded and offered her arm. You held onto her as she escorted you downhill.

Dotty: Anyway yeah. Thing was taller than me like.... was afraid the guy would sic it on me.

???: You were brave enough to stand your ground against a big hairy creature though. Could probably win if something went down.

Dotty: I really don't like having to fight people... thank god he backed down when I threatened to lock him out of ranked duels for the season. 

???: Oh, was he part of a circuit?

Dotty: Yep! Pretty high up too, don't know how if he wasn't confident enough to fight without help from a thousand pound beast. 

???: What'd you do if that didn't work?

Dotty: Duel him which could get ugly fast. Bears fight for keeps if you know what I mean.

???: You got that clamp mouth of yours though right? Could have just chomped it in half.

Dotty: I'd get fired! Noooooo thanks. Guess I would win though if stuff came down to it..

???: I mean of course, you're the strongest person I know.

Dotty: No I'm not...

???: Mmhmm! Bet you could lift up anyone and toss them across the street.

Dotty: I mean not anyone but....

???: But you're pretty strong right?

Dotty: I mean sure.

???: Carry me. I'm tired.

Dotty: We just started walking Lex....

???: Then maybe I just wanna be held for a bit while we get to the beach. Please?

Dotty: I mean uh...

???: Just pick me up.

Dotty sweeps you up in one clean motion. She seems a little shy doing this.

???: There you go. Easy cause you're strong.

Dotty: You've never really asked me to do something like this before, I'm kind of surprised.

???: I'm just feeling extra confident tonight. Going on my gut a ton.

Dotty: You should do that more... it's nice. 

???: Not as nice as you! Helping poor exhausted me make this walk.

Dotty: Lex.... 

???: Is it too much? I can stop of it's too much.

Dotty: No, just.. you're usually the one initiating these little things. You asked me out first, you seem to just do things without worry a lot of the time... and today you're going a bit extra on all of that. Worried I might be a bit boring to you.

???: You're not. We're just boneheads who luck out, you play things pretty smart a lot of the time.

Dotty: We?

???: Me. Not you, you're good at making calls most of the time. I'm the one who gets all sorts of little scrapes and bruises over nothing. You make me feel safe because I know you have other people's well being at heart you know? Like me? I'm just a mess who gets into a lot of trouble but with you around? I feel like nothing can go wrong.

Dotty: You're gonna make me all red....

???: It's true, mean every word. 

Dotty: I'm gonna melt if tonight's gonna be like this the whole time. We haven't even gone anywhere yet!

???: I'll be there to pick you up if you do. 

Dotty: Fucker.

???: Sure am.

You can feel murmurings from another voice in your skull. Lex seems to be there again, if barely cohesive. You don't know how much longer you're going to be taking charge for. Part of you quietly hopes you get the whole evening even if you know you'll feel a little bad stealing someone's date night like that. 

In more than once instance you want to confess to Dotty who you are but admittedly you can't help but worry it'd weird her out. You know it's irrational, she'd understand but you don't want to kill the mood. One day you'll find a way to help it make sense. 

I'm sure you will. 

I hope so. You're lucky to know someone so good.

You're lucky too.

I know.

[Image: tagin.png]

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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 03-08-2024, 10:48 PM

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