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[Image: RbqCaVy.png]
Bucket wakes up in a whimpering state, covered in sweat and almost crying. Chelsea’s no better, having tossed and turned away from her partner and curling up tight.

The dog tries to scoot themselves closer to her to get her attention, expression softening as she makes a low groan, eyes squeezed shut.
BUCKET: Are you alright?
She wakes up with a start, panicking. Bucket tries to comfort her, keeping their voice gentle. 
BUCKET: Shhhhhh. I'm here, talk to me.
Her voice sounds off, just a bit lower and deeper than usual. 
[Image: IstxRoo.png]
CHELSEA: Where am I...?
BUCKET: We're in a motel, do you not remember?
CHELSEA: Oh...I'm sorry... 
She sits up slowly, rubbing her eyes. 
CHELSEA: I didn't know...
BUCKET: ...Are you alright?
CHELSEA: I had a really bad dream, it was so terrible...
BUCKET: Tell me all about it.
CHELSEA: I'm not supposed to tell you about things like that, though.
BUCKET: ...Pardon?
CHELSEA: I'll get in trouble if I do. 
She fidgets with the blanket, clearly nervous. 
CHELSEA: I'm not supposed to tell you about any of the gross, disgusting stuff.
[Image: 9jSx4u7.png]
Bucket tries to pull her in for a hug. 
BUCKET: You can tell me anything. 
BUCKET: You're safe.
CHELSEA: W-why am I getting a hug-?
BUCKET: Do... do you not want one?
CHELSEA: No, it's warm...I just, I don't really get hugs, they're not for peopl- things like me...
BUCKET: We do this all the time....
CHELSEA: think I'm her...I'm sorry...
BUCKET: Are you someone else? 
Bucket pulls away very hesitantly as it nods, looking away. 
[Image: tMVIC9R.png]
????: Sorry...
BUCKET: Then I suppose this must all be strange for you.
????: I guess...I don't usually get a bed, so that's a little weird.
BUCKET: Could you please explain what you can?
????: name's Derry, and I’m not like Chelsea much so I’m sorry in advance...
BUCKET: And you have just been... somewhere?
DERRY: I was's safer there.
BUCKET: Where?
It hesitates before tapping its head. 
DERRY: I watch, usually...sorry if that's creepy, Bazil always says it is...
BUCKET: Bazil is there too?
DERRY: Not right now, but he'll probably find out I had bad dreams and came out and he'll get mad at me...he usually does.
BUCKET: I don't understand why he'd go out and do such a thing. 
BUCKET: You appear to be nice from what I can gauge.
[Image: T8WoywN.png]
DERRY: I'm nice? 
It perks up immediately, looking over with a tilt of the head. 
DERRY: Really? 
DERRY: You mean that?
BUCKET: Mmhmm! Why would I not?
DERRY: Oh...I mean, you don't really know me, do you…
It sinks back down again just as quickly. 
DERRY: You don't know that I'm gross, yet...
BUCKET: I don't think so, not as far as I can see.
DERRY: I mean, no one really likes me here, because I do all of this terrible stuff, all the time...nothing ever good happens when I'm out like this. 
It droops even more. 
DERRY: Chelsea's probably going to be stressed when she finds out I was here too...I'm just in the way.
BUCKET: Well... I don't think so, and until I see something significant I will not yell nor think of you poorly. 
They smile just the slightest bit.
DERRY: Oh...I mean, I didn't think you'd yell, not from what I've seen when I peeked... 
It starts to hide under the blankets. 
DERRY: I know that's weird, for me to know you more than you know me at all.
BUCKET: That's.... not that uncommon. I'm a household name in some parts.
DERRY: Household're the only person I ever got to tell my name, really...
BUCKET: I consider that quite special in its own right.
DERRY: It's pretty special to me too, if I'm being honest...but I don't want to make things weird like I always do.
BUCKET: You haven't! I assure you.
DERRY: I hope- 
[Image: ZcKeow6.png]
It gets distracted for a second, frowning. 
DERRY: Oh, hold on...
BUCKET: Is something wrong there?
DERRY: Mm...I'm getting yelled at.
BUCKET: By who?
DERRY: Bazil...I don't think you know him either.
BUCKET: I have yet to meet him.
DERRY: I don't think he likes you very much...
DERRY: He likes to stomp around and yell a lot about how Chelsea being with someone puts us in danger...I don't really get it.
BUCKET: ...Does it have any validity?
DERRY: I...I don't know, he always says I'm putting us in danger too...
BUCKET: That seems like a large claim without any explanation.
DERRY: Well, I....  
It trails off, almost as if in a daze.
BUCKET: Yes? What is it?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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