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[Image: Eje1Cwj.png]
MAY: I just...spent too long here, I guess.
MAY: You spend long enough in this place and you realize you’re going to die no matter what you do, and you’re just waiting for it to happen.
MAY: That kind of thing makes you think that you got nothing to lose by trying to do something. At least then, it’d be on my terms.
MAY: Getting people to help along the way seemed like a good idea, like it’d help me get out of here…
MAY: But then I got to know people, like Chance, Dwayne, Nelson, and the kids, and I realized most people here have been kicked around just as much as I have.
MAY: Just a lot of scared people with nothing to live for.
MAY: And being able to trust people, and being trusted, that’s not something I’ve had before.
MAY: And...I like that.
MAY: I want to keep that, if I can.
MAY: And I don’t think I can do that while I’m still in this hellhole.
MAY: If I’m trying this, I want the kids to make it out, if nothing else. I wanna see the world out there, but those kids need it more. They didn’t do anything to deserve this. 
MAY: It’d be nice if the people running this place got some actual shame for what they’ve been doing too, but getting people out is the main goal.
MAY: Get us a life away from all of this.

DWAYNE: Works for me. 
Chance gives you a nod, then a big smile for the kids.
CHANCE: We’re definitely getting you guys out.
CHANCE: No matter what.
Nelson looks a little down after your response, but it’s not like you were going to focus on him alone or anything. You’re grateful that he helped get things started, but Chance and Dwayne are just as important to you now, even after only knowing them for a few hours.
...You’re honestly not sure why you’re able to trust them just as easily, but that’s the way you feel, and you’re gonna roll with it. 
[Image: KQAKjqn.png]
Fuller arrives at a door, barely visible until the flashlight hits it. They fish a key out of their coat pocket and unlock it, gesturing for you all to follow.

The safe room is the size of a fairly large exam room, long since abandoned. Fuller hits a switch as soon as you’re all inside, the overhead lights flickering and buzzing. You take a look around while they lock the door. There’s a lot of cabinets and shelves; some empty and others clearly full. Melanie sneezes from all the dust, Chance helping to wipe her face. Dwayne settles into a chair and exhales hard, exhausted.
FULLER: Don’t get too comfortable. 
[Image: 7bdJ4u6.png]
They point to a large box in the corner, clothes spilling out of the top.
FULLER: It’s messy, but there should be a bit of everything and a lot of sizes.
FULLER: Got some more modern stuff, some traditional wear, you name it. 
FULLER: Just...dig around a bit. If I don’t have anything you like, tough shit, you’re not going outside in lab gear.
FULLER: When you need to change-
They point to a folding screen in the corner, creating a little out of sight area. 
FULLER: Go back there.
They open a drawer and pick up their own outfit, heading for the screen.
FULLER: I’m getting changed. I’ve already got my outfit picked out, have for a long time now. 
FULLER: Pick up any mess you make.
[Image: 1844KLM.png]
[full size, for your editing pleasure]
[You may now dress the party up! That includes May, Chance, Dwayne and Nelson. Feel free to draw on these references, make your own drawings, or suggest in text. Multiple outfit suggestions are also fine!

Mockery is a desert city, so clothes worn there would be loose and light. 
It could consist of old-fashioned long, simple clothes that protect from direct sun exposure, such as:
-long skirts

Or more modern clothing that covers less of the body but is less hot, such as just simple shirts and light pants and skirts.

Anything goes, but try to keep the character and location in mind!]
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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RE: [PUNCH CLOCK ANIMAL] MAYBEQUEST: PART 1 - by skinstealer - 05-21-2020, 11:05 PM

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