05-17-2020, 03:17 AM
I lost someone dear to me very suddenly. It hurt a lot at first, mind numbing sadness, it eases up after a while, but doesn't go away. There's a hole in my heart where he used to be, every time I do something, or think something, that would have involved him I run into that hole and have to stare at it, all the parts of my life where he was neatly slotted into are ripped and torn holes that bleed, but then are just gone. eventually life changes so much that those holes are covered up, you don't run into things that make you think of him as often.
It's not wrong to get sad or to grieve, but whenever I think about the precious person that left my life, I think about how much he would have wanted to see me happy, how much he'd be cheering for me.
also RIJK, can you like 'soften' the impact of Grief on Volley?
It's not wrong to get sad or to grieve, but whenever I think about the precious person that left my life, I think about how much he would have wanted to see me happy, how much he'd be cheering for me.
also RIJK, can you like 'soften' the impact of Grief on Volley?