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DZH Extracurriculars -- a collection of oneshots
idk if comments are allowed here but I think kate’s reaction makes sense. like she said, it’s kind of weird skewed version of survivor’s guilt, having come in close contact with a place that does terrible things and not realizing. it’s not that she COULD have realized but it’s more like “if somehow I had been able to figure it out, could I have been able to stop it?” logically of course kate had no way of finding out but this is such a jarring revelation that it makes for her emotional reaction to not be entirely logical. i feel like the mood here isn’t “i could have done something to stop this” so much as “what IF I could have done something to stop this”. so you’re correct in that kate feeling guilt over this isn’t like.... its not her fault at all, but that’s still the emotional reaction that the character is having to finding out something like this, and that makes sense to me.
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RE: DZH Extracurriculars -- a collection of oneshots - by cosmo - 05-09-2020, 06:06 PM

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