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{2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure
Alright, my working theory is that we get "tuned in," so to speak, whenever you turn to us for advice or face any sort of decision. Before you awoke we were tuned in every time you faced some sort of decision, so I suspect it's much of the same. Even though right now you aren't asking us a question, necessarily, you're still waiting for us to respond, it's a sort of question. We'll see how long it takes to get through, I guess.

We also aren't trying to control you, trust me. We're just trying to help anyway we can. Or, I am at least, I probably shouldn't speak for the whole group. But don't worry about having your free will breached or anything, we aren't really capable of that. You're right on the money with there being around 3 of us, though.

Oh also. Not as a command, but a suggestion. Go spend time with your parents rather than sitting in your room worrying about us. Isn't that what you want this week to be? You'll have plenty of time to figure this out tomorrow when you talk with Silversong after service. Have some fun for goodness sakes.
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]

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RE: {2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure - by King-Clod - 04-21-2020, 06:11 AM

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