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{2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure
‘Not sure how or why the gaps in our presence exist. We usually tune back in around the time our previous suggestions go through, kinda like a backlog. Could you try timing the gaps on a pocketwatch, or whatever the Kaz'Rao equivalent is? See if there's any sort of pattern?’

“<hm… a backlog. Yeah that makes sense,>” I said, nodding ”< if you could just send stuff nonstop you’d talk over each other in my head and that’d be… not good. Now that I think about it, you guys haven't ever really interrupted my thoughts. Except for when I was awakening, your messages just get kinda slotted in between thoughts. Weird. Is it me trying to preserve my sanity? A coping mechanism, or is this by some kind of design? Hold on, I’ll see if we have any watches>”

I went downstairs and asked mom if there were any watches I could borrow. She was able to find a cheep mechanical wristwatch, like something that would cost five pearls, and let me use it. I synced it up with an online clock so I could get more accurate measurements and went back into my room to wait.

‘You know earth has messenger pigeons too.

Anyway my name is Davery Jimbson and I'm here to have fun on a Friday night, how about you?’

It happened a second after I sat down. I looked down and checked the time, it was 5:72 and three seconds. I wrote that down on a new page of what was very likely to stop being a math notebook.

Just a real quick Kaz’Rao time tutorial: one hundred seconds in a minute, one hundred minutes in an hour, ten hours a day. Kaz’Rao seconds are shorter than earth seconds, but I don’t know by how much.

‘I feel like it would make things really weird to go into too much detail, but yes, the forum metaphor was pretty accurate, and we perceive you in a similar way to how you perceive us. We get to know a lot about some things, basically nothing about most things, but if there's anything important happening around you we'll probably be aware of it.

Actually, just testing something, can you tell what this is?

As for the isekai bit, well, while you might not have any special powers and you (hopefully) don't have any grand destinies to fulfill, having knowledge from a completely seperate world still gives you advantages you could leverage if you wanted to. You might not want to be cat Jeff Bezos, but there are probably still lots of technologies and created objects from earth that haven't been thought of here yet, and even if all you could do was tell engineers and scientists how they worked, that would probably still be enough to have a significant impact on your world's progression.
...Actually that kind of sounds like a lot of pressure doesn't it. Maybe put that on the backburner for now. Still, while the memories are still fresh in your mind, probably worth writing down the details of anything useful from earth you can remember that doesn't exist here yet. You would be able to give xenobiologists a field day, at the very least.’

Dammit. It was 5:73 and sixty-four seconds. I wrote that down, but since I only wrote it down at the end of each message, and these two varied wildly in length I couldn’t be accurate. I’d still continue to write down time, but if the pattern holds there are three of you who take turns, meaning this batch is over, I can at least see how long it takes for a new bundle to come through.

“<Ok now I’ll address the other two messages. Dave? I’m going to call you dave because I don’t think you gave your real name, you’re just fucking with me. Dave, I know messenger pigeons existed on earth, but I never got to use one. When the fuck would that ever come up? Here they’ve had birds domesticated as long as earth has had dogs. So any pet bird can be used to send messages with the proper training.>”

“<Alright, big message time, that first bit is extremely vague, which is worrying. At least I can enjoy my cartoons in peace, so that’s good to know. The next part you sent something over as a test, some jumble of characters. I think it was a parenthesis, an ‘O’, a right arrow, a break, a backslash, a dash, another backslash, and two up arrows. Hmm. let me write that down.>”


“<Is this what you sent? Sorry I was a bit distracted with timing to focus on it at the time, and I didn’t expect you to send a bunch of random characters instead of thoughts like you normally do. I guess I’ll know the result of that test in a few minutes.>

“<In response to the isekai thing, you guys count as a special power, I would think. There only seem to be three of you at the moment, and you’re probably from earth, but it’s still a pretty big deal. Four heads are better than one head that has the ability to shoot lasers, in my own humble opinion, especially if they’re trying to reinvent alien technology from their home-world.>

“<I don’t know of anything too useful from earth that doesn’t already exist. I know about a lot of space stuff, but the reason we can’t get to space here is that rockets blow up from being violently tossed around by magnetic winds. So that wouldn’t be much help, even if I knew how that stuff functioned.>

<Same thing goes for airplanes. They get tossed around so much that only idiots try to build and fly them. We use airships, big old blimp and zeppelin-like contraptions to get around in the air, but it’s faster to take rail lines over land most of the time.>

“<Really we’re on track for developing anything I already know about. It’s not like I got dumped somewhere medieval and could invent paper and the movable type printing press, this world is more or less just a couple decades behind us, barring spaceflight and weapons development.>”

I took a breath and started waiting for the next batch of… did one of them say ‘suggestions’? Does that mean they believe they’re guiding me? I guess that’s what they were doing before I awoke… one of them also mentioned giving myself a ‘command’ to try and influence myself. So they definitely believe that they have some control over me. I shouldn’t be thinking about this when they’re around. Too late now I guess. Sorry, I just have no idea what you guys are, and it bothers me that you’re in my head.

I tried to put that line of thought out of my mind. I considered picking up my portable games console, but I didn’t think there was enough time to play anything. Batches seemed to come together pretty frequently when I was doing something ‘important’ I’d give it a couple of minutes.

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RE: {2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure - by Lilium Mortem - 04-21-2020, 05:30 AM

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