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{2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure
I found my math notebook(I know algebra now, suck it grade school math), And flipped to a new page. It would be easier if I just wrote down everything I want to do before I’m found out. First thing I wrote down is ‘Climb a tree with Wuther’. There’s a joke about cats and firefighters here somewhere, but I’m not putting in the effort to find it.

‘Hey, your mother's a struggling writer, isn't she? Maybe you could help her come up with some ideas. There's a whole world's worth of stories in your mind that no one else has ever seen, there must be something there you can easily plagarise use to give her inspiration.’

I started to write down ‘help with my mom’s writing with earth knowledge’, but stopped once I realized what was happening. I smiled. I Wasn’t crazy. Or if I was crazy at least I wasn’t lonely.

“<Hey guys, glad to have you back.>” I said in English to thin air. Spirits I keep acting crazier. “<That idea’s Ok, but some stuff is universal. They have <pokémon> here. It’s called Star Spirits, but it plays essentially the same. What I’m saying is just because I’ve ingested a lot of earth media doesn’t make me a master storyteller. Still, it’s worth a shot.>”

I flipped the page and titled a new list ‘Things I Should do after I'm out of the closet’. It’s a stupid joke, but I can’t help it. I like being a dumb kid.

‘I mean, that's up to you. (Also, hi! We're back.)
Maybe make art projects? Your parents will see your art a lot differently when they think you're 12 and not, you know, a reincarnate.
Or tell Wuther about what happened? Like a little secret between you two? You mentioned that earlier.’

“<Oh hi!, yeah… uh gonna say no to the art thing for this week, I’ll pick it back up later, but for now I want to focus on enjoying what time I have left as Scud the first lifer.” I said, flipping back to my bucket list. “As for Wuther, yeah, I need to tell someone about all this, as much as you guys are helpful, you are also anonymous thought entities that can read my mind.>

“<Also might as well make this clear, I’m not telling my family about you. Maybe Wuther, Maybe Silversong, not my family. Not until I figure this stuff out. Not even sure I’m gonna tell them about the whole alien thing. I could easily invoke the fresh start act(which entitles me to keeping my past life or lives private), and besides the readings they took during birth all they could accuse me of is dodging getting my soul radiation signature registered.>”

I wrote down ‘Confide in Wuthur’ and after a moment of thought doodled a <tarot> card of ‘The Sun’ next to that line. Dang, I also never beat <persona 5>. I smirked and wrote down ‘Get fortune read by The Witch’. It won’t have the same thrill after my parents find out I’m mature enough to be wary of the occult.

The lists so far:

Kid Bucket list
Climb a tree with Wuther
Confide in wuther(Doodle of ‘The Sun’ <tarot> card.)
Get fortune read by The Witch(have to go through my rebellious phase)

Things I Should do after I'm out of the closet
help with my mom’s writing with earth knowledge
Do some art’

Any suggestions? The sandwich guy knows how to live in the moment. hit me with the weird, the fun, and just cool kid stuff.

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RE: {2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure - by Lilium Mortem - 04-15-2020, 05:00 AM

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