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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots (18+)
3:00 AM - 2020
Shivers + Rin, Patchwork Kernel, Punch Clock Animal
CW: implied sexual/physical abuse (nothing explicit), violence

Pepper tries the vending machine.

The coins clinked one-by-one down into the machine.
A selection was made, a thunk heard, but the can of coffee did not appear in the hole at the bottom of the vending machine.

Pepper stared at the vending machine, half asleep.
The neon sign hummed just outside. Cold night air seeped in through a gap at the bottom of the glass door.
With a long sigh, they headed back down the hall, intent on getting more coins from their hotel room.

They practically flopped against the push bar for the stairwell, beginning to make their way up the steps.

A horned karacel walked down the very same stairwell, dissociating and barely noticing her surroundings.

Pepper looked up as they rounded one set of steps, approaching the next, only to see the other figure in the stairwell come into view.
Their mind overloaded instantaneously.
Their body froze to the spot.
Only their eyes moved, going wide with pure shock as they now stared motionless up at the figure.

She bumped into their shoulder on accident, recoiling at the touch. "Shit, sorry-"

They pulled away fast and hard, slamming with a loud thud into the concrete wall and skirting sideways around her, their elbow bumping painfully into the guardrail as they kept persistent eye contact.
Adrenaline flooded.

She turned, startled. "Hey, are you-"
Chelsea blinked, taking in the pockitt's appearance and letting the memories flood back.
"Holy shit."

They half-heartedly scrambled at the upward stairs behind them, their brain torn on what to do.
Their foot misses the second step, collapsing them on the steps as they stare up at Chelsea.
The pockitt's handpaws were splayed, fingers open, against the concrete.
Their body looked primed to bolt, noticeable fight-or-flight tremors appearing.

Chelsea blinked, equally unsure on what her next move should be.
"You're, uh… Bazil's… frrrriend?"

They spoke up, nearly sputtering over their own words.
"You're... here 
...for me?
To get me?

Who's with you?

Didtheyfindme-? "

"No, shit, no, we're here on work but- we're not here for you.
Didn't even know you were here, no one knows."

They grabbed the handrail, clearly trying to calm themself.
"Are you going to tell them?"

"I- we don't tell them anything we can help telling."

"...Is this Chelsea, then?"
They got to their feet, still looking shaky, and winced, a visible bruise already forming on their elbow.

 "Yeah… sorry to disappoint."

"I'm not-
...Look, I barely even remember what happened back... then.
I don't want to.
I didn't even want to come to Taverne, we're on a job.

...Who are you with? You didn't answer before.
Are any of them looking for me?
None of them know I'm here at all?
Are you sure? "

"It's just me and some cult thugs- they're not even in the same building as us.
We're just on the way to business there.
As far as I know, you're not even on anybody's radar.

I mean, Spit's here too, but she's...away. Busy."

 Their face went white.
Spit's... here? "
They put a shaky paw to their face, staring through Chelsea.
If she sees me...
I can't... be here.
My friends are here.
She'd kill them.
She'd take me back."
Pepper started breathing heavier, approaching the point of hyperventilating.

"She's not even going to come in here, she's here to see a craftsman ‘friend’ of hers."
Her grimace intensified.
"The only people getting hurt after this is us.
Your friends aren't her business today."

They raised their voice. "You really think it's a good idea to risk that?!"
"If she comes here, then--"
They took a breath, running both their hands down their face.
"I'm sorry, I-I don't-" They bit their lip. 
"I can't do it again.
I don't have more of that in me."

Pepper's voice began to waver, just a little.
"...I'm barely here as it is." 

They shook their head.
"I don't know how much of me even made it out.
I don't know what's left anymore."

Chelsea looked away for a few moments, not sure what to say.
"...I know Spit better than you.
Sorry to be blunt about it, but...if you're going to trust anyone on this-
and I get it if you don't, considering everything-
it'd probably be a good bet to trust me.

They sat back down on the stairs, controlling their breathing.

"...Y'know, I...
I'm pretty sure I looked for you all, on the way out.
Even with-" They sighed.

"...I wanted us all to get out together.
I didn't want to go by myself."

She hesitated before sitting down next to them.
" should probably talk more to Bazil about this.
Not that I don't want to hear it, just… he was there for you more."

They watched the floor.
"I don't see why he'd want to.
Why you would.
You don't have to be here."

"Pepper, you are literally the only person I've seen him give a shit about."

They looked genuinely confused.
"Yeah, I doubt that.

I remember he was pissed a lot, but he's-
...He did everything for me.
I would've never talked with another actual person down there - cultists don't count - if he hadn't come to see me.
He cares about people.
...And he cares about you, at the very least.
Called Bucket his friend, too, even though he teased about them a lot."

She raised her eyebrows at the idea of Bazil caring for her.

They caught her look.
"...Oh come on, really?" 

"He was always doing the shitty day-to-day stuff so you wouldn't have to, he'd complain about cultists being shitty to you, tried to help you get time with Bucket, too, I think.
He definitely cares.
You two share a body. How'd you not notice?"

"He never does that stuff by choice..." She looked a bit guilty.
"He always gets, I don't know, pulled out to do it…
I don't want to ruin the way you look at him, bad mouth him, you know."

"He still does it, though, doesn't he?"

"Guess so."

"Well, there you go." 

"...I didn't find Bucket, by the way.
Name wasn't much to go on.
...I tried, though."

She hung her head, nodding.
"Yeah, I… figured. Not your fault."

 "I'd keep looking, but...
Don't wanna stay in Taverne longer than I have to.
Never know when you're gonna run into cultists here." They joked.

She couldn't help but smirk a bit. "Heh."
Her smirk fell as she thought more to herself.
"If it helps at all, I have seen them- Bucket, I mean, a few times since then… not for a while, though.
A long while.
I don't want to go on about my shit, though-
I'm just glad to see you're away from this whole mess."

 "I mean, am I?
Queen Emphysema's next door.

They gave her a tired smile. 
"You can talk to me.
...Pretty sure I was the only person Bazil could talk to."

"As himself, yeah…
Bucket too, sometimes, but he never really liked them much."
She smiled, bittersweet.
"They always wanted to be friends with him, though.
Even then."

They shrugged.
"He called them a friend."

"You were also a kid, and the choice words he has for Bucket aren't exactly good for children."

"Or he was just more honest with me than he thought he could be with other people.
I mean, you know what he's like.

...At least what I think he's like.
Doesn't exactly wear his heart on his sleeve, but he's not that hard to read if you know 'im.
Never understood why you two didn't talk more.

Hopefully you're both better at that.
It's been years."

"Better than we used to be, I guess… still don't get along too well, but I'd be lying if I said we aren't willing to put aside differences to fight common evils."


"Yeah. Spit."

"...You gonna kill her?"

"I don't know if we can."

"Are you still gonna try?"

"He still wants to."

"...Why aren't you able to just leave?
I don't... doubt that you can't, I just...
I never understood it back then.
I still don't.
What's she got on you?"

"If we left, she'd hunt us down, to the end of the earth."
She smiled, no joy in it this time.
"We're her favorite trophy.
If we leave, she'll find us again, and destroy anything in her path to do it."

"Then you're gonna kill her."

Tried too many times."

"Doesn't mean it's not gonna happen."

"Once you try and fail at something enough, you realize it's going to have the same result…
or worse."

Their tone became a little more stern now.
"What's your alternative, then?"

"Keep living like this until we die, I guess."

"That's not an option."

"It's worked for seven decades.
Probably got at least three more in us."

Pepper was incredibly concerned.
"It's not... 'working.
I was in a cage down there, which was-
...but I still had it better than you.
I know I did.
You can't tell me it's 'working.'
I shouldn't have to tell you that you don't deserve to be there."

"We got convinced that we deserve better by Bucket ages ago… but all it does is make it harder.
It was easier, back when we thought it was what we should be getting."

They only looked more worried.

"...I could help..."


"Help you kill her..."

I'm not involving others."

 "So, what?
I'm supposed to just let you two-"
They shook their head.
"No. No, I can't just sit around while you're both still stuck with her."

"You can't-"
She clenched and unclenched her fist, grumbling a bit.
"Hold on."

They ignored her, not realizing what was happening.
"You don't know what I can do.
...We could take her."
For once, they didn't sound sure of themself in the slightest.

The voice was familiar, a slight bit raspier than Chelsea's.

Pepper's eyes went wide, voice going quiet.

"Been a bit."

They looked away.
"...Sorry you had to uh... see me."

Why sorry?"

"I mean...
I was... a lot of trouble for you, back then.
I shouldn't've been your responsibility, I know it wasn't fair."

"Eh… I don't really know why I did it, to be honest.
But fairness never really crossed my mind."

"It's all I can think about right now."

"Well… don't, not when it comes to this shit.
Fair's not really a concept in cult business, and I'm just glad you're out of it for good."

"But you're still stuck there.
I can't just leave you like that."

"You don't want to get involved in this again.
You got out, keep it that way."

"Like I told Chelsea, you don't know what I can--"
I know you're strong, kid.
I trained you myself, and I'm sure you did a hell of a lot more on your own time since."

"Then let me help."

"This is something we have to do ourselves."

"I don't care.
If you think for one second I'm gonna just let you both-"
Pepper's vision blurred as unwanted tears began welling up.
"You think I can just leave you with her?
After f... finally finding you?
After years? 

You were the only friend I had there.
And you did everything for me.
I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for you, but I was never able to do anything to help you.

I was just a kid back then.
I can't count how many times you saved me, while I was just a problem for you, so you can't-"

Tears broke free.

"You can't expect me to just be useless while you get hurt again!
You can't expect me to sit around and do nothing knowing what she's doing to you!"

"You're not useless.
You're out there living a better life, and you were never a problem for me, alright?
You're the only person who wasn't.
You have the opportunity to get the hell away from this, forever, and you better fucking take it.
I won't forgive you if you don't."
He gave them a stern look.

The pockitt was still doing their best to choke back tears, even as they streamed down their face.
"I j... just want you to be okay...
I just wanna help.
You're my fr…” They swallowed. “...friend..."

He didn't drop the serious expression even as he reached up to wipe their tears.
"Cmon, kid. You're a fighter, Pepper- but you shouldn't have to be.
You don't have to be now, not like you were.
Go get a life far away from this shit."

They almost pulled away at his touch, but allowed him to do so, sniffling.

"I've still been fighting.
...When I got out, after the foster homes and everything, I... that was all I was good at.

...I still do sometimes, but I found some people and we're...
I dunno.
It's nice.
I like it, even if I haven't been great lately.
...Barely feel like myself anymore.
Barely even know what that means anymore."

They wiped their face.

Not meaning to ramble at you again.
Bad habit coming back.
...And I'm sorry I hugged you so much.
Took me way too long to realize you hated it.”

Pepper shook their head. “...Stupid."

"You were a kid and you didn't need to know why I have issues with that."

"...Do you wanna talk about it?"

"You probably heard all the rumors about it back then.
Just didn't feel like it was necessary to tell you myself."

"I don't remember most of what happened back then.
...I'm not real big on touch, either, by the way.
Well... anymore."

"No hugs at this reunion, then."
He smirked.

They smiled.
"So... sure you don't wanna talk about it?
I know you don't... talk about stuff much.
Probably to anybody, right?"

"Yeah, but… it's..." He struggled for words.

"I can handle it.
Least I can do is listen."

"I'll keep it simple, for your sake."
He raised his hands up.
"Spit keeps us as her own personal… fuck, I don't even know what to call it without it sounding awful.
Touch kind of got ruined for me after that."

Their gaze narrowed on him. 
"...Then you're gonna kill her."

"That's the plan."

"You're gonna need all the help you can get, y'know."

"Don't try to get yourself into this."
He raised a brow. "Don't."

"I'm not talking about me. ...Though, if she-

...If I find out you she's killed you, after you didn't bring me with you-"

They took a breath.
"Just make sure you're ready.
And like I said, you're gonna need help."

His expression softened. "
Alright. You got it, kid. I won't go alone."

"Chelsea, too.
You two depend on each other.
And I know you care about her."

"More that we're stuck together and I'm sick of having to yell."

Pepper looked at Bazil intently, speaking softly.
"Don't lie.

Not to me."

"...I'm still figuring out where I stand on it."

"You need to figure out how to get along already.
You're both the best backup you've got. Plus, if Spit doesn't know about you, then I'd say that's a hell of an advantage.
And you're gonna need everything.

That, and y'know... I feel like learning to be friends with somebody you're sharing a body with is kind of a no-brainer.
You can't tell me arguing with each other is helpful."

"I can't let some of our issues go, Pepper.
Not yet, not until I figure some of this shit out better.
But I can work with her."

"You could always, y'know, talk with her about it.
You've got plenty of time."

"Maybe. No promises."

They glared.

"I'll see about it some time, but I'm not promising anything."

"Promise me you'll try at least."

"I'll try."

And if you don't, I'm kicking your ass."

"Look who learned to swear."

"Yeah, gee, I wonder where I picked that up."
They grinned.

"Who knows-"

A buzzing sound came from Pepper's pocket, and they pulled out their phone, glancing at the notification briefly.

They sighed.

"I better go.

Couple of things first, though...

...Is Holiday still there?"

"Handled it."

They cocked their head.
"Wait... what'd you do?"

"If I took care of him while you were there, he'd have been replaced with somebody worse.
Second you got out, I made sure he'd never hurt another kid again."

They got quiet. 
Probably... for the best, honestly.
...Did you see his arm?
I uh... did that.
On the way out.
...Pretty sure."

"I wondered if that was you… impressive work, kid."

Pepper held up their hands to Bazil, showing off something they knew was there, but couldn't see.
"You see 'em?"

"...that's risky shit, you know."

The pockitt put their arms back down, looking over the back of their hands.
"I can't see them.
Never did it on purpose.
...I didn't even know I had them for... well, until pretty recently."

"Be careful with it, don't bite off more than you can chew."

They shrugged.
"Not like I know how to take 'em out.
I don't even know how I'm using 'em.
Made friends with a scrap user and they pointed 'em out."

"Yeah… one of those people you're travelling with, yeah?"

They nodded.

"You stick with them, then.
Get some tips.
Don't go fucking around with that without someone to keep you straight."

They couldn't help but snicker.
"Yeahhhh, I dunno how much I can get that from them.
Doubt they'd be much of a teacher."

Pepper gave a sad smile.
"I'd offer to introduce you, but I doubt you'd wanna meet new people, right?"

"You got that right.
Figure you're in good hands, though.
You look it."

"Ehh," they shrugged.
"I guess.
I kinda take care of them most of the time."

"Then they're in good hands too."
He gave them a pat on the back, rising to his feet.
"Better get going before they get worried."

They stood up as well, grinning back at him as they stretched.
"Damn right, they are.
...But yeah, they're a good bunch."

Footsteps were heard coming down the stairwell.

"Speaking of..."

"Pepper? You okay?"
A gesabott stepped around the corner, coming into view of the pair.
They noticed Bazil.

Pepper nodded towards them. "Old friend. Was catching up."

Juno suddenly looked concerned, and stepped down towards Pepper.
"Your arm... Are you sure you're okay?
You weren't-"

"Oh, absolutely.
Was definitely fighting someone in the stairwell of our hotel at 3 AM.
And thank god the cavalry showed up just in time."

Juno glared at them.

Pepper rolled their eyes with a smile.
"I tripped, bud.
Head back, I'll be up in a sec."

Juno looked at the stranger in the stairwell. "Oh, my name's--"

"He's busy, reaaally gotta get going. I was just saying bye."

"Oh, are you sure-?
Okay. Sorry."
They waved at Bazil as they started back up the stairs. "
Nice to... meet-
Nice to... see..."

"Junooooo, quit worrying.
Go on."

"Yeah. I'm ...going."
Juno's footsteps faded out.

Pepper snickered.
"Sorry. They're nice."

"Yeah. Seems like it."

He started walking down the stairs, almost reluctantly.
"You take care of yourself, Pepper."

"Oh, uh..."
They pulled out a receipt from their pocket, and a pen.

The pockitt put it against the wall and wrote something down before folding it in half and handing it to Bazil.

"My phone number.
They still have phone booths around here, right?
Call me sometime."

He pocketed it, giving them a nod.

"I'll try.
Can't promise I'll be able to often."

"Seeing as we haven't seen each other in what, like... ten years?
I can wait."

"Good luck out there, kid."

They shrugged.
"Don't need luck.

But thanks anyways.

...Call me if you need me, for anything.
Don't wanna lose touch with my friend again."

They started back up the stairs, but stopped.

"Oh and, Bazil..."


"Fuck her up."


Pepper made their way out of the hotel bar with a sigh, looking distinctly annoyed.
They stepped out into the hallway, heading down the hall.

The smell of smoke hit them a few steps in, almost overpowering.

They'd been inhaling, and choked.
The pockitt pulled back, covering their face.

Even covering their face wasn't enough to block out the smell that came next, the distinct and unmistakable stench of rotting meat.

Their cough returned, and they tried holding their breath, eyes wide in shock.

...A fire? What the hell is burning?

Pepper turned tail, intending to head through to a different stairwell to get back to the hotel room and warn the others.

Footsteps started coming down the hall behind them, the scent completely overpowering now. 

"Where do you think you're going?"

They coughed and sputtered as they turned around, nearly falling to the floor.
Adrenaline was the only thing keeping them conscious at the moment.

The god that loomed over them was instantly recognizable, a horrible grin spread across her face.
"Don't you know it's rude to run away from authority figures?
What are they teaching kids in school these days!"

Pepper backed away a pace, barely staying standing. 
They tried to speak, but only gasps and more coughing came out.

"Something got your tongue?"
She took another step forward, the sound of glass crunching with every motion.
"Something get under your skin?"

Pepper leaned on the wall.
"I was j-" They coughed again.
"...Just... getting back to my... room."

"Well relaaaax, your room's not going anywhere!
I was just looking to meet some locals and pass time while waiting for my sweetheart to get back from her own room-"

She paused, squinting.

"But you're not a local, are you?"

They shook their head.
"F... From Idyth."
Pepper pulled their shirt up over their snout, helping block out the smoke just slightly.
"I really... need to get back.
Really uh... sorry to waste your time."

"You don't look like you're from Idyth."
She hoisted Pepper up by the collar, impossibly fast.
"No, you look like a little runt I knew from Solitude, all grown up!"

They grunted, squirming in her grip.
Their eyes locked, the pockitt looking beyond terrified.

"I'm n-"
Their coughing came back, worse this time while up so close to her.
"N... Never been-
It's my... f... first time in Tav- ...Taverne!"

"Those little freckles are a dead giveaway!
To see you all the way out here, what a great surprise… knew there'd be somethin' in here, just had this feeling."

Their voice was almost pleading at this point, interspersed with heavy coughing as the pockitt struggled to stay conscious.
"I've never met... you before!
P... Promise!"

She shook them roughly, enough to choke them with their shirt collar a bit.
"Cmon, what was your name… Pep, Peppy, no, Pepper!"
She let out a barking laugh, her voice hoarse and raspy.
"Lil' Pepper, that's you!"

They desperately attempted to pull away, consciousness nearly fading for a moment.
"I'm n... not... Pepper..."

"You're a spitting image, then!
Why, I'd say you're almost a perfect copy!"

A mist surrounded them for just a moment as a snake corvice fell out of Spit's grasp, at least a foot taller than the pockitt had been before. 
They collapsed to their claws and knees on the floor, wheezing, attempting to get back up and back away.

"Look at that."
She gave the snake corvice a kick, sending them across the hall.
"Got myself a little mimic after all."

They landed with a thud on the floor, the wind gone out of them as they gripped the wall, just barely managing to get back to their feet.
Blink's neck was bruised, breath raspy.
They wanted to run, but couldn't seem to catch their breath yet.

"Shame you aren't the real deal.
I was looking forward to that reunion..."

They bolted down the hall as best they were able to, though their unwieldy gait wasn't getting them far.

The corvice neared the stairwell door about twenty feet ahead of Spit, reaching for it.

The snake managed another few steps, then collapsed face down on the floor, their glasses tumbling and cracking against the wall.

Spit stretched for just a moment, crackling and huffing smoke.
"Guess we're gonna play a little, then!"
She lunged down the hallway, unable to keep herself from giggling.

The stairwell door burst open, Pepper in full view for just a moment as they grabbed Blink's arms and pulled as hard as they could, just barely getting the corvice inside the stairwell.

In that instant, their green eyes met Spit's.
Fear and resolve were both present in their gaze.

The door was pulled shut moments later.

She slammed against the door, her smoke creeping underneath.

A loud bang was heard from the other side, the metal bar going limp as the mechanism was busted.

Pepper pulled Blink up to their feet, panting.

They spoke firmly through the door.

"You'll get yours. But not from me."

Pepper started shouldering Blink up the stairs.

"And you'll be dead meat by then, kid!
Just as you always should have been!"

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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots (18+) - by SHIVERS - 04-06-2020, 09:26 AM

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