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warning: this project contains mentions, implications or depictions of: sexual assault, misgendering, gore, violence, body horror, suggestive conversations, abuse, mind control, and death.
all of which are present in the narrative for defined and purposeful reasons, with no shock value intended. please stay aware of your own limits, and pay attention to content warnings on specific update notifications on discord.

[Image: yRgsy5z.png]
created by B. Comorant and Ringor Mortis

[Image: qOZfTPp.png]

REIN: Bucket, my dearest Judgment, I really wish you'd see reason on this.
BUCKET: There's no room for me up front with you, so at the very least I'd prefer a familiar face. 
BUCKET: Mingling with most of Spit's followers is... difficult without having found common ground.
REIN: I wish there were a different option, though...Spit and I’s private business may require us to discuss things without an audience, but you deserve better than the back of a noisy truck with repulsive cultists for company. 
BUCKET: It'll just be Chelsea and one other yes? I can manage a single rowdy stranger fine.

[Image: rzW285F.png]
[Image: 0SddgBa.png]

Chelsea watches from afar, both grateful for and cursing the fact that she was hard of hearing. Even a single word out of that god's mouth made her feel a knot in her stomach, especially after finding out her and Bucket's feelings were requited. She tries to do her best to avert her eyes, her glance sneaking by to make sure nothing funny started with Rein- not that it'd ever start anything in public.
REIN: I know how much you think of that demon as a friend, but she still works under Spit.
BUCKET: And yet you appear to do quite well with the smoked dog herself yes? 
BUCKET: Not that it surprises me, you seem to have a way with words.
REIN: You should watch your tongue, my Judgment. 

[Image: ICWfWs3.png]

It leans in, pressing its mask to their forehead. 
REIN: Flattery doesn't suit you.
BUCKET: It's true, I have yet to see anyone manage nearly as well around a polymorph pain elemental.
REIN: And you know I detest her for every moment of it. If it were up to me, neither you or I would have to be near her or her...cohorts.
BUCKET: I assure you, I'll be fine for the trip.
REIN: If you truly insist…

[Image: uT9JLEc.png]

It pulls away, tracing a finger under their chin. 
REIN: You'll be on your best behavior, won't you? 
REIN: I know it will be hard being separated during most of this journey, unable to share a bed or rest together...but I have to keep a direct eye on Spit whenever we stop, no exceptions. 
REIN: I don't trust anyone else to keep her under control, and we can't risk panicking the locals.

They smile slightly, trying to hide any sign of strain. 
BUCKET: I trust your capacity to keep her under control and I'll do my best to maintain the calm. 
BUCKET: Keep strong... not that I have any doubt you will.
REIN: If either of Spit's cultists try anything suspect with you, you tell me as soon as we're able to speak again.

[Image: zgGtqwV.png]

It withdraws its hand, turning towards the front of the truck. 
REIN: Good luck.
BUCKET: I will... do call me if things get out of hand.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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RE: [PUNCH CLOCK ANIMAL] ASHTRAY - by skinstealer - 12-18-2020, 07:11 PM

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