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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots
Corazones - A One Shot among Many

Feat: Arabis and Zinnia


Two travelers together out of contract traverse into a rather shallow cave filled with stalagmites. You are one of these. Your name is Arabis, a rather fiendish spider of a man who has lost a fight with the dog you are now traversing place to place with. Though they offered to spare you, you insisted to repay a debt out of a sense of maintaining your pride. Zinnia, as they call themselves, claims to be part of a guild of knights under the banner "Judgment." You don't question too much of their motives though with a name like that you assume it's religious. They seem too nice to be part of something with a name so Templar-esque however, so it's hard to say. 

Zinnia stops you in a spot where things are lit. 

[Image: zinnia1.png]

Zinnia: Pause with me here for a moment.

Arabis: Is something wrong?

Zinnia: Nay, I'd just like to talk a little if you don't mind.

Arabis: We could talk as we go, I don't see why we're stopping.

Zinnia: I'd like to see your face clearly for this, I'm about to make you an offer you might take up.

Arabis: Oh? Fascinating, what could you possibly offer a forest hermit?

Zinnia: A home, a new chance at the world from a comfortable seat, and a title of honor. 

You're skeptical. 

Arabis: I see. Continue.

Zinnia: Our journey is ending soon, I will return to my guild and thus the need for your services will end soon... but you make for genuinely good company so I suppose I'm quite torn on saying farewell.

They can't be serious, nobody asks for the company of one like yourself so casually. 

Arabis: Would your guild not consider me difficult to keep around? Most knights have a distrust of unusual fiends such as myself.

Zinnia: Mmm. I'm not a garden variety dog, like you referred to me once before. I too am a fiend as you suspected. We're rather ragtag so a willing hand is more important than any terrible bias of the territory. 

Arabis: Your eyes do give it away... and bias is a little too nice a word for it. I'd call it cruelty. 

Zinnia: You may call it that and I would not disagree.

Arabis: What is your angle? You need a grip for your cargo? Someone to mock during the post dinner conversation?

Zinnia: My angle is.... I find you nice to be around and I think I may even have grown to trust you.

Arabis: You have no reason to.

Zinnia: You could have killed me in my sleep at any point. You could have run off during engagements with bears and giant reptiles.... yet you stuck around consistently.

Arabis: I want to keep my end of the bargain and I have no way to end your life quietly without being struck down.

Zinnia: You insist on sharing a bunk whenever offered your own room. 

Arabis: I'd prefer to keep an eye on the one I'm temporarily serving. 

You're bluffing as best you can, you don't want this dog to think you.... care. 

Zinnia: I will not push the offer further then.... but admittedly I've warmed up to you quite a bit so this would be disappointing.

Arabis: Oh?

Zinnia: Mm, stung even. I less than quietly hoped you saw the two of us as more than temporary allies. 

Arabis: Are... are you really being this forward with me right now?

Zinnia: It does not matter, you have your choice to end this whenever you wish.

Arabis: I am under contract yes?

Zinnia: You are under contract because you referred to be spared without the favor being returned despite my insistence otherwise but... alas. Woe is me, you have slain any hopes to find meaning in this. For shame, I drastically misread the last couple of weeks. Oh well.

Their overacting is entertaining... and proof that they absolutely called your bluff. They smirk at you.

Zinnia: In that case, as soon as we leave this cave safely you are free to return to your part of the forest you call a home yes? I will stockpile you with food and coin of course as spoils for making this journey with me. 

Arabis: I refuse to leave you until we return to your guild... and I'd rather save that toward liquor and bread at the inn. It's going to be quite cold tonight and as a cold blooded arachnid I'd rather not start for home right now.

Zinnia: You've more than served what you offered at this point, no?

Arabis: I am invested in the success of the trip, dog. Besides, I do rather discuss such an offer as yours on a proper table if you would allow it. Ideally on paper and ink where I will not be screwed by your word against mine.

Zinnia: I can arrange a proper contract once we return to town.

Arabis: Can we continue with all that said? This cave is damp and discomforting. I'd like to see the sun a little more before the day ends.

Zinnia: Certainly.... thank you for allowing me to indulge in a few theatrics by the way. 

Arabis: Are you the type?

Zinnia: Absolutely, the people at my guild don't care for it much but it does warm me up that you played along.

Arabis: Ah.... it was nothing I assure you. 

Zinnia: When we return... would you care to participate in hot drink and a shared blanket? Together? It'd be easier to warm up if-

Arabis: You do not have to pretend, certainly. 

Zinnia: Then you-!

Arabis: I'm considering it. You are a very odd person for thinking of a very fiendish fiend in such a way but... I am not entirely opposed.

Zinnia: We shall hurry back then. Are you ready to continue to progress?

Arabis: Please, this cave is filled with ceiling bats and mushrooms farming moisture.

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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:21 AM
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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:24 AM
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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:34 AM
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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 03-08-2024, 10:48 PM

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