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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots (18+)
After Hours- 2020
Ringor Mortis + B. Comorant, Punch Clock Animal/Universal Constants
CW: Mentions of surgery/body horror

Maes and Charon do some lab clean up.

The Menagerie interns had cleared out the operating room as best they could, leaving Maes, head surgeon of the labs, behind to finish tidying up. She had insisted on it, not wanting anyone to touch her tools, not even her assistant, Charon.  It had been a messy surgery ended on emergency circumstances, barely avoiding injury to both the client and the doctors themselves.

"I must admit, I was anticipating things to fumble for the worse at first." Charon treaded carefully around the recently mopped floors. "It was quite a close call, I do not take this is a frequent scenario."

Maes was lingering by the operating table, carefully touching her tools and ensuring they were all put back in their places. It had become a routine, locations of every instrument memorized by touch alone. "No, that sort of thing is a rarity...I suspect the patient had mutations they refused to divulge beforehand."

"Mm. Their biological structure was... peculiar. Discreet enough perhaps to seem like something else on a X-Ray?"

"Enough to get past our initial scans..." She grimaced. "Either they're discreet, or someone's going to have to explain themselves. A chest cavity shifting into a mouth without warning could have cost us lives, or at the very least, limbs."

"Will the client be alright in the longer term?"

"It's hard to say."

"Mm... what were they even here for?"

"Organ transplant...ideally they'll pull through the night in their current state, because otherwise-" Her grimace worsened. "I don't know how we're supposed to operate on something like that, especially when it was able to lash out so violently even while under anesthetic."

"Is there not a strong enough sedative?"

"There is, but..."


She left him hanging, carefully packing her tools away without a word.

Charon got to unplugging any machinery left in the outlets, not wanting to pry. "Any plans after today's shift?"

"I'm not the type to ‘make plans’."

"No? Not at all?"

"Does that bore you?"

"Just somewhat surprised."

"What kind of glamorous lifestyle did you expect me to have?"

"Something more exciting than what I had planned. I would've tagged along."

"You're planning on following me home, then." She raised a brow, the motion just barely noticeable under the wraps on her eyes.

"You just... go straight back?"

"Mm. Every night, as long as I don't have work keeping me now."

"Admittedly, today was especially long and I don't blame you for it. I'd offer you to join me but.. I don't think you'd find maintenance work exciting."

"Maintenance? Of what kind?"

Charon tapped his prosthetic legs together, making a distinctive clanking sound. "A few personal effects mainly, although I have a few pet projects I've been meaning to expand on. I try to get some done before bed."

 "Then I'd be following you back to your apartment, then." She tried not to sound as interested in the idea as she was, playing it off as a simple comment.

"Oh? No, I don't imagine it'd be up to your tastes."

"Where are you planning on doing these repairs then, hmm? On the ground, stealing a spare office, or perhaps a janitor's closet?"

"Were you genuinely considering it?" He smirked, unable to help himself.

"I'm simply curious about your methods here."

"I set up a makeshift workbench in my apartment so yes, it would be there."

"Hm." She stretched, checking the area around her for any loose objects with her tail. "You live in Housing Block B, correct?"


"You're on my way."

"Are you suggesting we walk back together?"

"You were the one who suggested 'tagging along'."

"You have a valid point. I don't mind."

She picked up her tool bag, holding it at her side. "Lead the way, then. We'll see how ‘up to my standards’ this apartment really is."

The dog started toward the door. "Do your best to keep up."

Maes followed, keeping a close distance. The hallways of the lab were almost labyrinthine, but Charon was learning the way it all worked...but his boss’s silence, that was something he couldn’t quite get used to. She wasn't much for talking off hours, and as expected, was quiet the entire way aside from a stifled cough or two.

“We're almost there, are you holding up?"

"I'm intact, yes." She swept her tail from one side of the hall to the other, feeling the walls. "It's been some time since I've been down this block."

 "Why's that?" The dog started fishing around through his pockets for his keys.

"It's as you said. I go straight back. The last time I was here, I had to drop something off for another employee and all of the interns were busy."

"I suppose that makes sense. This is the spot, don't expect too much." The dog fussed around with the door. "Although you should have put together that it won't be the most exciting thing in the world."

"I'm sure you'll find some way to make it worth my time." 

Charon tried not to read too much into her words, unlocking the door as calmly as he could. "Do watch your step then, try not to slam anything."

She stepped in after him, gently using her tail to feel out the area around her. "I know how to get around without breaking things."

"Mm, some of these things are quite on the volatile end." He stealthily tried to scoot anything that was slightly out of line against the walls. "To your right is where I store all spare materials and tools. Left is the bedding and particularly personal things like clothes and medication. Up ahead is my main workbench, really just a desk done up."

"You take medication?" She tried to find a place to sit with her tail, not wanting to sit on the bed right away if there were other options.

"Mm. Painkillers, cycle management, sleep, and the occasional seasonal allergy. You know the gist.... you can use my work chair. By the desk, just roll it around."

She walked over and took a seat, curling her tail around the base. "If you're in need of refills, we have a very good pharmacy- they even ship right to your mailbox."

"...I have a mailbox?"

"...did you not pay attention during orientation at all?" She folded her hands and pressed her face into them, doing her best not to sound too irritated. "They're at the start of the housing block. We literally passed them."

"Living spaces of this scale aren't exactly common amongst most labs across the continent. What you're managing is somewhat of a premium tier forerunner in many aspects."

"I'm aware of how expansive this facility is, and how much requires managing in the first place...the least you could do is pay attention to the services we provide, you're missing out on a lot of resources."

"It's noted."

"You could even apply for materials for your repair work, Synna can set you up with that..." She grew quiet as she realized she was rambling on, mildly embarrassed.

"The marsupial yes?"

"Have some tact, she has a name. But yes, the marsupial."

"Also noted. Personally I'd rather not take too much from the facility's pool, and recycling materials from the salvage is an art in its own right."

"You consider yourself an artist, then. You and Synna would have a lot to talk about on that front."

"Mm, she's a roboticist yes?"

 "Ironically enough, she also mainly specializes in prosthetic work."

"I don't take she's versed in lost tech though is she?"

"Not as far as I know, no."

"Unfortunate, I don't take there's anyone else in that field either?"

"We focus on moving forward, for the most part."

"Normally that's for the best but regarding the remodel it may be an issue." He walked over toward the workbench. "Some of it can be rather troublesome to dismantle through modern means, possibly a biohazard even."

"You mean of the old lab, correct?"


"You'll definitely have to speak with Synna on that..." She tilted her head to the side for a moment, thinking. "You know, I think JB might have some knowledge on lost tech...he is an older model of construct, after all. Him being the head of renovations will help a lot, then- I can direct you to him tomorrow, even."

"Was he around when installation and maintenance were a factor for the old lab?"

"No one currently employed here was."

"Very troublesome but I can make do. I'd prefer staff who have a natural tolerance toward mutation too for this. safety concern."

"JB is immune, making him ideal for the job...I'll be able to make trips with you as well."

"Will you be alright for it yourself? Beyond exposure to possible mutation, there are potential structural issues and typical hazards such as molds and loose objects."

"Do I look so frail to you?"

"You keep the lights running here and you sign everyone's checks, you being hurt would be a massive issue for many."

She leaned forward in her chair, hands clasped beneath her chin. "And what if I told you I could survive any of those things, far better than you or anyone else in this lab could?"

"I can believe one of those things perhaps."

"Not all?" She paid close attention to his reactions, fishing just the tiniest bit. "Would you believe me if I said I could beat you in a fight?"

"A bold claim. What are your conditions?"

"Are you entertaining the idea? I'd hate to injure my new assistant so early."

"I'm not entertaining it without ground rules established."

"No touching my hair."

"Is that it?"

"I have no other concerns towards my own wellbeing. You may suggest whatever conditions you want towards yourself, I'd hope you know your limits and I'd hope even more that you'd be upfront about them.""

"I'm more worried about you if I'm frank."

"How would you have me demonstrate my strength, then?"

"I'd genuinely rather not risk hurting you."

"Something that doesn't require that as a possibility, then."

 "You can pick."

" I have one idea, but it's a little...undignified."

"Let me hear it anyway."

"Arm wrestling, with the caveat of just enough strength to win, and not to hurt."

"Hold out your hand, Boss. I want you to consider your next words carefully."

"We need a flat surface, don't we?"

"I want you to understand the circumstances fully before we proceed and do this for real."

"Very well." She held out her hand.

He placed his articulated mechanical hand in hers. "You feel that?"

"Mm." She held it loosely.

"It goes quite a way far up. Feel free to examine."

She traced her hand up his arm slowly, studying it.

"It'd be dangerous for you, there is no 'until it hurts' so to speak."

"I suppose that's fair..." Her hand lingered on his arm for a noticeable moment before pulling away.

He smirked, the sheer smug energy enough to be felt by her without looking.

Maes sighed, flopping back into the chair dramatically. "Then there's nothing I can do to convince you I'm capable, then." 

"I'm sure we could manage something... I've taken quite a bit of time from you though."

"Would you like me to leave?"

"You don't have to."

"Then I choose to stay. Besides, I don't think I'll be satisfied until I've proven my capabilities to you." She crossed her arms. "I am not fragile."

"I never implied you were fragile."

"You don't seem to trust my assurance that you're not going to be able to hurt me." She rolled up her sleeve and extended her arm, bracing herself for touch. "Feel."

The dog pressed a finger down. Her arm had give to it, very obviously not made of typical karacel flesh. "....what's this?"

"Stronger than you give it credit for."

"I can't exactly feel too much with these hands  but... the indentation left by my hand is unusual."

"You were concerned about my exposure to horror, weren't you? If you were more knowledgeable on the topic, you might recognize this trait."

"...that doesn't line up, this requires intensive mutations. Terror level."

She fell quiet, not ready for him to find the conclusion so quickly.

"This isn't something that tends to occur naturally, especially not while retaining cognitive functions."

"You know more about this than I gave you credit for."

"My job requires it really. Horror is a recurring occupational hazard."

" apologies then, for assuming."

"Considering the nature of the assignment, it's fair to press whether I did the research or not."

"But even with your knowledge here, you aren't sure what to make of it- what to make of me."

"There's a small list of possible answers and they all make me worry about you."

"Are you afraid that I'll turn into a terror and devour you?" She bared her teeth, just for a moment. "Or are you filled with dread over realizing you're this close to me?"

"A terror would be easier to take out and..." The dog pressed a finger against her nose, praying that she wouldn’t pick up on how hard his heart was pounding after even a flash of her teeth. "I don't see what you mean by the latter."

She resisted the immediate urge to bite his finger, knowing it’d leave to a chipped tooth at best. "You're right next to someone who by all reasonable logic, should not be able to exist safely in the same room as another person. If you're not worried about that, then what?"

"If you wanted me dead there's been more than enough chances. I can't be mutated so I'm not worried about being long term exposed to a potential parody either."

"...if you're not worried about me,'re worried for me?" She looked legitimately taken aback.



"Born monsters don't mutate like that. Mutation patterns like yours are too... precise. Either you've been put through selective exposure, or you've been doing work that exposed you consistently for long periods of time. Both have horrible implications attached."

"'re the first person to ever notice."

"You don't seem like the type to like to let anyone get this close... much less spend this much of your evening in another's apartment."

"Perhaps I'm finding you to be an exception."

"I'll take that as a victory."

"You've earned it, considering you didn't flinch for even a moment when I tried intimidating you back there."

His tail wagged. "Yes well... you probably shouldn't expect to get a flinch from me."

"Mm, your reaction is much different. Strange, even."

"How so?"

"Most people would have run and hid, but you seem to almost enjoy it." She leaned back. "Or am I off the mark?"

"I'm just very confident in myself when I need to be."

"Hm. We'll put it like that for now."

"Mm... I've kept you here for so long now though, certainly you're tired?"

"I'm fi-" She couldn't help but yawn, looking incredibly irritated with herself as she did.

He raised a brow. "Sure. I could... walk you back if you'd like."

"It's a whole housing block away."

"Exactly, I need to keep you awake."

"Very well." She got to her feet carefully, reaching down for her tool bag. "Do you know how to get to Block C from here? I can lead once we enter the block, but I'm unfamiliar with this area..."

"Of course, I've met up with you close to your room prior to shift before."

"Take me away, then." She reached out to hold onto his sleeve. "'s for stability."

The dog offered his hand, trying not to seem too excited. "Understood."

She hesitated for just a moment before taking it, lacing her claws in his.
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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots (18+) - by skinstealer - 01-12-2020, 04:42 AM

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