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[GIVEAWAY + TCPDEX RP] TCP Housing Initiative
1. Are you an individual offering housing, or do you represent a company/complex (such as apartment complexes, a community, education center, etc)?
I am the owner, and as such the representative, of my own company of sorts. My company is a traveling show made for the express purpose of showing the truly bizarre, magical, and wonderful side of the world for the sake of entertaining and potentially even educating.

2. What is your name/the name of your company/complex?
My show is presently called The Mask's Traveling Wonders, the name's still subject to change (but that'd be unlikely, just thought you should know that though).

3. What kind of housing will you be providing?
Due to our nature as a traveling show I shall be providing temporary housing for them along with the rest of my crew in locations all across the world, but rest assured I provide nothing but the best for my employees even if they require specialized housing.

4. For how long will you be providing housing?
As long as the TCP wants the position they'll be provided housing, and even then I'll continue housing them for a while after they choose to leave should they not have a home immediately ready in addition to helping them move their things if need be.

5. What resources will your residents have access to?
They will have anything they need or request as long as it should prove attainable, meaning just about anything they want or need I can get them.

6. What are local job/academic opportunities?
Since we will be near constantly on the move academic opportunities as well as alternative job options will be changing quite often, but while they are my employee their position will grant them a lot of money.

7. What kind of TCP types are you best equipped for?
Really I could house any TCP, but ideally the TCP that I would be selecting for this position would have some kind of magical or otherwise odd/fantastical ability; I'd also prefer it if their ability wouldn't be blatantly dangerous.

8. What kind of TCP types are you least equipped for?
As previously mentioned I could house any TCP but I would prefer to not have a TCP that constantly damages their surroundings such as an acid type.

9. What kind of TCP types are restricted/not allowed in your housing?
While none are restricted per-se,  fire or acid type TCPs, or other similar TCPs, would not be ideal due to their high maintenance nature.

10. What kind of personality would your ideal resident have?
I'd prefer them to be charming and charismatic, capable of drawing the attention of a crowd and building up excitement through words and personality alone; it'd also be okay if the TCP can only act this way but isn't naturally like this.

11. Why this kind of personality?
Since we are a traveling show the TCP having a strong charismatic personality is important for building up anticipation for their act.

12. What kind of personality would be not ideal for your housing situation?
Someone who is nervous in front of crowds would not be good for this line of work, TCPs that are naturally sad or otherwise depressed would not be good either.

13. Why?
If the TCP gets nervous in front of crowds it would be hard for them to put on a good display for others, and TCPs that are naturally sad or otherwise depressed wouldn't be good for the show either as I feel they would sadden the atmosphere.

14. What do you aim to get by housing this TCP?
I aim to have someone capable of amazing people, someone capable of making people go "Wow!" through their unique and splendiferous displays of their magical ability.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [GIVEAWAY + TCPDEX RP] TCP Housing Initiative - by Wittlog - 10-09-2019, 10:47 PM
RE: [GIVEAWAY + TCPDEX RP] TCP Housing Initiative - by Wittlog - 10-10-2019, 01:32 PM

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