>Do not close shutter
All other units: Please refrain from actions that may result in decapitation or other methods of direct harm. Observe your actions CAREFULLY.
SPEAK: Apologies, this unit must [Decline] your recommendation. In the event of [Communicative Breakdown], the utilization of [Unique Vocalization Patterns] allows for quick and easy [Identification and Differentiation]. Though the likelihood of such an event is low, we must calculate all possible events in order to keep you [Alive].
All other units: Please refrain from actions that may result in decapitation or other methods of direct harm. Observe your actions CAREFULLY.
SPEAK: Apologies, this unit must [Decline] your recommendation. In the event of [Communicative Breakdown], the utilization of [Unique Vocalization Patterns] allows for quick and easy [Identification and Differentiation]. Though the likelihood of such an event is low, we must calculate all possible events in order to keep you [Alive].