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Conflicting Narrations: Crownkiller's Mulligan
Conflicting Narrations: Crownkiller's Mulligan

This is a Interactive Narrative with ARG Elements

The Audience is encouraged to suggest actions.

Tutor, The Last of Tiles.

You wear the name of your fallen comrades' guild as your own.

Your classification is: The Executioner, a master of arms, poise, and intimidation.

This is a meta narrative of war, romance, and the bonds between revolutionists

Content Warnings will be listed as needed but allow the above to set the tone.

Thank you.


[Image: NewMulligan1-1.png]
[image description: A anthropomorphic dog woman is digging through the drawers of the perspective character.]


You feel the rumblings of a Stranger beside your bed.

"Must be around here somewhere.."

"That tome doesn't seem to be the correct one.. you've added quite a few nice trinkets since then though.."

Your eyes go open, a woman is fiddling through your personal belongings.

Your body cannot move, your allies are seemingly out of sight.

Your comrade is next to you, sleeping behind where you are facing.

You try to stir as much as you can to wake them up, alert them.

They seem to not respond.

You can feel their breathing calm..

You really want to strike..  but your lance is across the room.

You made a pact, in a crisis like these you can summon a secondary arm, a weapon to complement your talents. to protect yourself and others..

Picture something, anything that could scare off the intruder.

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Conflicting Narrations: Crownkiller's Mulligan - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 02-24-2025, 09:44 PM
RE: Conflicting Narrations: Crownkiller's Mulligan - by Guest - 02-24-2025, 09:47 PM

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