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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
[Image: The%20merging%20of%20bonds.png]
Charon: You waiting for me?

Rosca: Mmhmm! I wanted to thank you for earlier... you protected me.

Charon: Of course..

Rosca: I'm not sure if you remember me all that well but-

Charon: I do, pretty often.

Rosca: ...They're not exactly good memories. I'm surprised you stepped in for me there...

Charon: It was the right thing to do in the moment, nothing more to it than that...

Rosca: Mm...

She looks over behind you, seeing Mar hovering over.

Rosca: Is that-

Charon: Rook? Aye..

Mar: One of us at least...

Rosca: So pretty...

Mar did a little playful bow.

Rosca: You both ended up so much more than I did..

Charon: Mm, now we're more than caught up.. how long has it been on your end?

Rosca: Two years? So... I guess I'm about at the same place as Opera. Yours?

Charon: Around a decade, give or take. 24.

Rosca: About when they froze us..

Charon: Mm..

Rosca: I'm sorry for everything, I-

Charon: You were a victim of circumstance, what walked around with your face was never you and is long gone..

Rosca: It doesn't feel that way... I still could see everything, feel everything. Even if our body wasn't under our control, I can remember everything she did back then..

Rosca: We were weak for losing, for getting locked up in the first place. For my Charon to lose her mind and for me to just be a extra set of hands in all of that..

Rosca: I'm all that's left... I still have her face while her body's stuck in a hole without a voice forever... I thought you were her so I sent out a signal hoping she'd find me.

Charon: The call..

Rosca: Mmhmm.. I guess it was just you though.

She pauses for a moment before looking embarrassed.

Rosca: That sounded so rude...

Mar: We got what you meant.

Rosca: Still..

Mar steps in and grabs the other proxy's hand.

Mar: It's okay.

She gives the two of you a quiet nod.

Mar: You're one of us, if you need help getting out of here then we'll do what we can..

Rosca: Mm...

She gives Mar's hand a squeeze.

Charon: Are things okay? Here with Opera and all-

Rosca: She went and wrangled down Wood with some help from the others, we can check in on her in a bit. Don't think she feels too comfortable around me.. Paige said he'd put a good word in but... she looks just like my old operator. I have her face..

Mar offered a hug, having it returned without hesitation.

Rosca: It's hard to look at myself anymore without thinking about her, I feel ruined..

Mar: I know...

Rosca: Don't say that..

Mar: Roses turned to shrapnel, body cracked with the scars of time...

Rosca: feels so warm even with every jagged edge...

Mar: I'll never be as strong as I was back in that point in time again..

Rosca: Because you've only become more since then..

Mar: And so have you...

Mar: You're free now to do whatever you want with your life from here on out..

Rosca: And yet I'm lost...

Mar: And soon to be found. Charon?

Charon: If you'd like to come back with us, we're more than willing to house you..

Rosca: I... you really would be okay with that? After everything?

Charon: I've made my peace with plenty who've done me worse this week, only fair.

Rosca:.. What do you mean?

She pulls back from Mar.

Rosca: Something bad is happening?

Charon: Only if we don't stop it. It's.. a bit of a long story.

Rosca: I guess if you're in this world it can only mean... you're alive, right? Like you didn't-

Charon: Not yet.

Rosca: Okay, it'd be horrid to find out ya'll didn't make it out okay after everything..

She pauses, looking up and eyes widening.

Rosca: Oh.. we're really close to another pocket..

You follow her gaze and-

It's Plaza? Multiple towers much like Styx's castle phase through the sky into it.

Charon: What's happening there?

Rosca: Different pockets of reality tend to touch briefly, makes it possible for entities to interact between worlds if someone picks up the signal but... this is the closest I've seen one since the incident... those towers though aren't like the usual ones that you see..

Rosca: They're harvesters.. someone is looking to scoop up everything worthwhile here..

Charon: We need to kill those things now, I need to grab Opera and-

Rosca: There's no time, both worlds are about to destabilize in a matter of hours.
By the end of the week things will shift beyond recognition and yet nobody will have noticed.

Rosca: It'll be as if it was always that way..


The Admiration of Many
[The Deconstruction of Plaza]
Perspective Character: Styx


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