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INFERNO - A Intermission [Passing Assassin]
*Appreciate the heads up and thank you for this. It's nice..*

Dolce: I try my best..

*I wish you well and hope that you have less hostile visitors in the future, more nice guests from here on.*

Dolce: Preach it. After we part ways I do hope we meet again, albeit it might not be in the same form as before..

*Mmhmm. Oh! and the questions you asked quick before we start: Right now I'm fighting for Spiral Renegade and his friends. And the worst type of person I can think of is Spit but.. I doubt she'll be relevant for our adventure.*

Dolce: I would not bet on you receiving any closure here no.... but I think the world is both bigger and smaller than you might think. Don't be surprised.

Dolce: Now then, the story of Pluto... to be honest I counted entirely on your choices being what they were so I'm glad we're not pivoting. Call it manipulation of false choice, I think it's just good showmanship. So, without any further delay..


Another Mulligan: The Story of Pluto
Fall Special 2024
Perspective: The Client
CW: Explorations of grief, death, poverty, and chronic illness.
[Image: Mullbunny%201.png]

The Client: His halo's sheen...

The  Neighborhood Courier: Running hot, struggling to get air. I don't think he's got all that long.

The Client: I know. I've prepped fare in advance. Make sure nobody take it while I'm out-

The Neighborhood Courier: You're not really leaving right now, are you?

The Client: Need funds, supplies, medicine. If I can finish a job today-

The Neighborhood Courier:  If..

The Client: What are you proposing instead?

[Image: mullbunny%203.png]

The Neighborhood Courier:  Stay here, comfort him with me. You can miss a day for his sake-

The Client: If I do that he's guaranteed to pass.

The Neighborhood Courier:  He'd know he's loved..

You press your fingers to your forehead

The Neighborhood Courier:  Please...

The Client: I don't want to give up on him..

The Neighborhood Courier:  You don't want to not be their either..

The Client: He's strong, he can hold out a few hours more-

The Neighborhood Courier:  For what? A sliver of a chance of living just a day or two more? He needs a doctor, active treatments even a good gig wouldn't be enough for-

They try to grab you, you yank your arm away.

The Client: Just... a couple of hours, all I need. You can keep him here for that long..

The Neighborhood Courier:  lets out a heavy sigh, a long pause before any proper response.

The Neighborhood Courier:  3 Hours max, you come home no matter what the result. I'll do my best but I'm really holding you to that.

The Client: Aye.. I can make that work.

The Neighborhood Courier:  I.. I can't promise anything-

The Client: It wouldn't be your fault.. I've confidence in you though.

The Neighborhood Courier:  gives you a little nod.

You brush the bundling of your coat aside and start heading out.

The Neighborhood Courier:  Please be safe..

The Client: Of course..

You hurry out of the old apartment and onto the street. Just need to make it to the bounty board, find a job with a high profile target. Doesn't matter who, or how much heat you'll face later on just...

A large woman in a wide brimmed hat and dress turns a corner, nearly bumping into you.

You fumble a little trying to avoid her, she catches you just before you hit the dirt.

The Client: S-sorry, I'm in a bit of a hurry and-

[Image: mullbunny%202.png]

You look up at her proper, something is immediately off...

The Hatted Grim: You nearly ran into me..

The Client: I apologize, really do just-

The Hatted Grim: So you can see me then?

There's no time-

The Hatted Grim: I'd like to sit down and talk, perhaps over a hot drink-

The Client: I've got work-

The Hatted Grim: Where?

The Client: Please, I'm running late and I really don't have time for this..

The Hatted Grim: And I'm gauging your talents, where?

The Client: ..Bounty Board at Will's Tab.

Though het face was hidden from you, there was a certain sense of dread coming.

The Hatted Grim: That.. won't do you much good today I don't think.

The Client: What do you mean?

The Hatted Grim: Arson. In the next few moments, it will fully ignite and your time will have been wasted.

The Client: That's absurd, how would-

The Hatted Grim: Listen to me. Count to 20, look south.

You turn your head, just play out the bit until she lets go of you.

The Client: I don't see anything-

The Hatted Grim: Keep looking.

...Smoke, the heavy kind distinct rom the haze of chimney fires. Murky, dark, and soon the smell of ashen wood fills the air.

The Client: ....What did you do?

You start reaching carefully with your free hand toward your lance.

The Hatted Grim: Save your life, if I hadn't stopped you well.. you'd be in there right now.

You pause.

Was she right? Was this entire thing a effort to stall you? How much does she know?

The Client: Who are you? How did you know?

The Hatted Grim: Someone who doesn't operate on this plane, who can pay you worth your time and energy.  I think you've got a lot untapped.

The Client: Unless you can pay me in advance I-

The Hatted Grim: Give me your rates and it can be done. I am curious though, is the rent due? You really seem in a hurry..

The Client: ..My friend is very ill, might not make it til the end of the day. I have to-

The Hatted Grim: You're choosing to work instead?

The Client: I....

The Hatted Grim: Are you avoiding him?

The Client: No, never! I just... I've seen too many good people go and not been able to do much about it. Know my odds are a sliver but..  

The Hatted Grim: Mm..

The Client: He worked himself to the bone for me, I'll do the same..

She releases your arm.

The Hatted Grim: ...You made a difficult choice.

The Client: ...Yes. I fear it was for nothing now..

The Hatted Grim: I wouldn't be so sure just yet. Where is he?

The Client: Pardon?

The Hatted Grim: You need assistance, yes?

The Client: I... yes I do. Are you a doctor or...?

The Hatted Grim: Something like that, a master of multiple trades really.

The Client: ..Could you look at him now? I'll do what I can to pay you back later-

The Hatted Grim: Take me there, and the debt can be a conversation for another time.

She holds out her hand to you.

You latch on and give her a firm shake.

The Client: I can work with that, follow me.

You quickly make your way over, keeping a close eye as the woman follows.

Up the stairs...

You slam open the door a little too hard, your neighbor jumps from the noise.

The Neighborhood Courier: Little courtesy please, you're back already?

The Client: I've..

The Neighborhood Courier: Is something wrong? What happened?

The Client: I.. have procured someone who-

You turn your head over, the woman is gone.

Did she get lost? You swore she was with you the whole time-

The Courier looks at you with worry.

The Client: I'm..

The Neighborhood Courier: Stress has gotten to you.. just stay here with us. Got some good news at least..

She gesture for you to come over to check on your friend.

The Neighborhood Courier: Hear that?  

You keep an ear out, nothing but the occasional soft snore.

The Client: I don't think so..

The Neighborhood Courier: Exactly, his throat's cleared up. Breathing normally.

A voice in your head...

Check his temperature...

You reach your hand out to his forehead.

No fever..

In general he seems relaxed, the most comfortable he's looked in days..

..Did I do good?

What did she want?

You're a relic from a more noble era.. your time and potential is wasted struggling just to make ends meet. I want to put you to work on something more grand, and in exchange you and your people will be taken care of to the best of my ability...

I'm in the apartment hallway...

The Client: Stay here a sec.

The Neighborhood Courier:  You're leaving now?

The Client: The iron is hot, if he's coming to his senses I want him to be comforted to the fullest.

The Neighborhood Courier:... Be quick.

The Client: Aye.

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RE: INFERNO - A Intermission [Passing Assassin] - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 10-16-2024, 08:37 PM

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