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The filter seems to break on whoever's behind the intercom as well- an overseer, right?

SIGNIS?: Sir, I told you-
????: You don't get results, you're off the project.
????: Your new report just came in, and, well....

There's a soft chuckle, one with no warmth to it.

????: You didn't make the cut.

The overseer's voice cracks.

SIGNIS?: This isn't what you promised me!
SIGNIS?: You can't take my research away now!
SIGNIS?: I'm so close-!
????: You're close?

The paired TCPs can't even make out who's who in the body when they flinch, Garland's headspace going blurry as there's the sound of a loud slam, accompanied by metal crunching and glass cracking. It's followed by a strangled, electronic noise, indistinguishable from the sounds Corro had heard from that one computer type she-

????: You're close to something, Signis?
????: All I see-

Another crunch, paired with the barely-audible sound of someone choking back a sob.

????: Is a waste of my resources.
????: Your research?
????: That's nothing compared to what I have cooking.
SIGNIS?: B-but-
SIGNIS?: Technicality, I cant-!
????: You can't die?
????: Is that what you're saying?
????: That's a bold claim to make, I think.
????: Because-

Another electronic scream.

????: I don't think you forgot who holds your plug.
????: Should I pull it? Would that help you remember?

The overseer's voice comes out scrambled and glitched, a digital version of panting for air.

????: Are you sorry?
????: Are you sorry for wasting my time, Signis?
????: Hm!
????: I'd say you'd do pretty good at that with some extra coaching- it's almost a good line read.
????: Very touching.
????: But I've spent enough on you.

There's the sound of something large and metal hitting the ground, followed by a harsh, unholy, electronic scream- now worse than any of the death rattles either TCP had heard. Even without a visual, it-

Garland's crying, Corro thinks. Am I crying? I-
Why am I-

The screams go on for far too long, ceasing as they come to a strangled stop, punctuated by long, empty beeps.


????: Does anyone else have an objection?


????: Okay!
????: I'm going to get a new head overseer in here right away.
????: I've had a replacement lined up for so-

Another pause, and the sound of shuffling.

????: Hm. Her schedule didn't say she had one going right now, and-
????: Figures that that idiot left the intercom on.
????: Looks like it's just the one...

A chill goes up the TCPs' back.

They're looking at us.

????: Tch, it isn't even one of the good ones.
????: Guess that makes things easier, though.
????: Kill it and delete the tapes.
????: Footage is useless if it gives up identifying info, and I don't want to have editors coming in and out of my space asking how to censor it.
????: Don't be this sloppy again.
????: Okay?
????: Okay!
????: Good talk.

The intercom clicks off.

K...kill it?
They mean us, they have to mean us-

Before Corro can even think about leaving the witch's type body, she catches something moving out of the corner of their eyespot, whipping around just in time to spot it.

[Image: 1-4-1.png]
[image description: garland's body whipping around to face a fast-moving white tube, almost wire-like in appearance. it has sharp claws at the tip. the atmosphere is dark, distorted, and threatening]

A long, fast-moving tube shooting out from the wall, hollow and tipped with claw-like grabbers.

She can't get a word out, mentally or otherwise, before it stabs into the body's back, piercing through jumpsuit and skin and embedding itself into their fluid.

Garland's health is now GOOD.


The first spike of pain hits.

Garland's health is now OKAY.

It's excruciating, and Corro can tell they're both screaming, their emotions so horribly connected as the worst pain in the world- surely what Signis had felt?- wracked their body, bringing them to their knees and convulsing.

Garland's health is now POOR.

It's too much.

Garland's health is now HURTING.

The world starts to go dark, but not in a numbing sense- as if they were being actively crushed, all sensory information ripped from them and replaced with pain, the most agonizing pain.

Garland's health is now SUFFERING.

I c-AN'T-
Please, please- PLEASE don't-

Garland's health is now CRITICAL.


This is how it ends.

Corro can't help but think of how stupid it is to die from a tube, even through the mental screaming from both her and Garland.

Stupid, stupid fucking way to di-

Garland's health is now ZERO.

With an explosive burst, Corro is flung outside of the witch's body- or...what was left of it. When Corro opens her eyespots properly-

There's nothing but a large splatter of TCP fluid. After a moment, she realizes that the fluid's coating her as well, as if she had burst out of Garland from the inside.

The wire hovers near her forehead, still dripping Garland's fluid- something that makes her start to shake violently. She has no retorts, no challenges, just raw fear-

The wire doesn't move.

And still doesn't move, even when Corro starts to cry, wracked with sobs.

INTERCOM: Corrosion, you have made an impression.
INTERCOM: You may return to your room.

She sits there in shock, unable to process it all.

I get-

I get to go back room.


The possession type looks down at her hand, soaked in bright red fluid.

I get. To move on.


I made an impression.

It's. It's a trial chamber.

I won.

She hears Garland's last words, cutting through like a red-hot knife.

H...he was weak.
I was stronger.
H...he underestimated me!
I won!
Ha...haha! Little FREAK didn't stand a chance!

Her legs seem to move before her mind does, getting her back up on her feet-

[Image: 1-4-2.png]
[image description: corro, soaked in red fluid from head to toe, walks towards the exit to the trial chamber, leaving a trail of fluid from a massive, splattered pool in her wake.]

-and heading towards the new opening in the wall.

Back to her room. Maybe she'd figure out a shower. Count her resources. Plan for the next room.

I won.

Same as always.



below are a list of routes. all routes will be written, but the one chosen by you all will be illustrated and posted for free, while the rest will be writing-only and in a twine compilation for the issue. generalized content warnings are provided- but are not exhaustive for the final story- along with a cryptic clue.

no matter what route you pick, the story will be told.

please vote on which route to take.

ROUTE A: grim reaper hunting
[CW: ableism, suggestive content]

ROUTE B: watching blood boil
[CW: sexual assault analogue]

ROUTE C:  hidden candy treasure
[CW: cannibalism]

[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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[TCP] MAZE TRIALS 2.0 - by skinstealer - 07-08-2024, 02:40 AM
RE: [TCP] MAZE TRIALS 2.0 - by skinstealer - 07-13-2024, 03:07 AM
RE: [TCP] MAZE TRIALS 2.0 - by skinstealer - 07-24-2024, 07:17 PM
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RE: [TCP] MAZE TRIALS 2.0 - by Lilium Mortem - 07-29-2024, 12:29 AM
RE: [TCP] MAZE TRIALS 2.0 - by skinstealer - 09-08-2024, 09:44 AM
RE: [TCP] MAZE TRIALS 2.0 - by skinstealer - 09-15-2024, 08:33 AM

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