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[Image: 3-1-5.png]
[image description: a close up of maes' tail brushing past Mar and Charon flirtatiously, both of them flustered by the action- mar's abstract head splitting in a tiny, cracked smile, and a small view of charon's ears shaking. the piece has sparkling, dream-like accents, and a warm palette.]
Mar nods.

MAR: We'll see how that goes then.
MAR: You start us off?
MAES: Hmm.
MAES: What did you both think of the rehab center today?
MAR: I haven't seen too much of it myself but.. the people do seem nice from when I peek.
MAR: Charon?
CHARON: Lots of work to be done toward expanding things, it seems- but more than worth it to clear the air of bad memories.
CHARON: I'd like to get to know others more.
MAES: They're good people, and I want to help set them up for a new life, one where they can be out and free.
MAES: ...Part of why I snapped earlier was...I need to be in control of this situation.
MAES: I serve as the ambassador between the two levels- the underground, and this hospital.
MAES: I can't afford to not know what's going on, and for that, I need an aide.
MAES: ...
MAES: This project is my life's work.
MAES: I believed you were endangering it.
CHARON: Mar and I bring nothing but our best.
MAR: Mm.. we really are sorry about earlier but.. we do mean it sincerely when we say that we refuse to compromise staff and residents.
MAR: You can never get those people back.
MAES: ...I agree.
MAES: With that context, I'm glad it went the way it did.
MAES: But we can't have it happen like that again.
MAES: I will do my best to suck up my issues with magic if it means serving the rehab center to the best of my ability.

The dog ponders it for a moment.

CHARON: You seem fine talking to the two of us right now.
MAES: ...I'm a professional.
CHARON: We're off the clock.
MAES: I've been told I'm a workaholic.
CHARON: We can fix that.
MAES: Is that so?

The dog smirks.

CHARON: I think so.
CHARON: Are you opposed?
MAES: You'd have quite the undertaking.
CHARON: I'm willing.
MAES: And why is that?
MAES: I screamed at you today, even threatened to kill you- and now you're offering to help me relax.
CHARON: I was prepared for as much, it was a threat you weren't honestly feeling like committing to, and I'm here to help you- so its only good courtesy.
MAES: ...I probably meant it more than you realized.
MAES: But...I'm glad I've dialed it back.
MAES:'s your turn for a question.
CHARON: I kind of want to ask something bad.
MAR: Charon...
CHARON: Any rules?
MAES: ...well now I'm curious.
CHARON: How often has the thought of biting me on the spot occurred?

The proxy makes a flustered noise at the dog's question.

MAES: have been working here for one day.
CHARON: And it must have been considered at least once today, no?
CHARON: Maybe twice now.
MAR: Oh my god....
MAES: So my initial assumption about you was correct.
CHARON: You're avoiding the question.

The smugness in his voice is thick.

MAES: Hmm.
MAES: Well, Mar also gets a question.
MAES: Why doesn't she ask before I answer?

The metal knight responds with another little surprised noise.

MAR: Before I ask, subjects to avoid?
MAES: ...necromancy, preferably, if I had to specify a magic I don't want to touch in the slightest.
MAES: Aside from that...
MAES: We'll see what comes up.
MAR: Well good news is we don't dabble with such so.. unlikely to come up unprompted.
MAES: Then we'll see how it goes.
MAES: ...go ahead.
MAR: Mm.. I suppose before I ask it's only fair to state something.
MAR: It's.. not exactly common practice in general, massively taboo and widely considered impossible.... we won't press but it does worry us admittedly..
MAR: I'm sorry for whatever happened.

Maes lets out a soft exhale.

MAES: It's not something that should come up often, if you're not going to make it my problem.
MAES: Thank you.
MAR: I'm a manifestation of death, don't exactly like to meddle with nature.
MAES: I...appreciate it.
MAES: Your question, then.
MAR: Am I alright all things considered? Phantom death knight and such? We just met but I'm curious about impressions so far..
MAES: ...I'm developing an opinion.
MAES: But I would be remiss to act like you aren't a person, and at the very least, that requires an amount of respect and accommodation.
MAES: I know very little about you as an individual- likewise for Judgment here, though he's certainly giving me some kind of impression-

She raises her brows.

MAES: But I will do my best to treat you fairly.
MAES: "Phantom death knight" or otherwise.
MAR: I'll accept that..
MAES: And as for you-

She turns to Charon.

MAES: You're very bold.
MAES: Most people in your position would see my mouth and run for the hills- and you choose this.
CHARON: I'm hardly the biggest monster in this lab, but I'm the one with least to fear.
MAES: Still- you have nerve.
MAES: ...but I will answer your question.
MAES: I've considered biting you three times.
MAES: Satisfied?
CHARON: That does in fact answer my question.
MAES: And now I get to ask you one- though I'll ask Mar first.
MAES: Mar, is he being sincere, or is he trying to goad me?

The proxy takes a good look at the smug dog.

MAR: Which part?
MAES: What I'm asking is- is he asking because he wants to be bitten, or is he mocking me.
MAR: He's mocking you to get you to bite him.
MAES: Mmmmmm.
MAR: That's what I can gauge.
MAES: Mmmmmmmmmmm.
MAES: I see.
MAES: Then, for you, Mr. Judgment- do I have to worry about your self preservation?
CHARON: I'm not even a quarter through my life, I plan to use most of that time.
MAES: Interesting choice on what to spend it on.
MAES: Your turn.

Charon's smirk makes its way into his cadence.

CHARON: How many times was the thought pleasant?
MAES: ...once.
MAR: Hmm.. we operate on a sort of hammerspace, if you're familiar with the concept.
MAR: Everything and anything tucked away in pockets the defy traditional rules of storage.
MAR: Should we potentially discuss rules on its usage?
MAES: ...that would be ideal.
MAES: Is an inventory list possible?
MAR: ...Uh... I don't think either of us could count off the top of our head.
MAES: How about crucial items, tools, etcetera?
MAES: I want to know what you're going to be using in advance.
MAR: Personal martial arms for self defense, a few allies of a similar nature to myself, a personal library of resources, raw materials for various forms of craft, a first aid kit?
MAES: ...allies?
MAES: There's more...proxies, you called them?
MAR: Yes?
MAR: Though only one can appear at a time.
MAES: I'm...going to need a lot more meetings, then.
MAES: Is it possible for me to meet them before they come into the field, or are surprises inevitable?
MAR: So long as days like today aren't too frequent?
MAR: You'll have time.
MAES: Workable, then...try to get me a full list of everything you think would be relevant to our work. I'll allow you a week.
MAR: We can work together to take inventory, its our domain after all...
MAES: Good.
MAES: I will allow usage of it, provided the list is given to me and sufficiently reviewed.
MAES: ...just...give warning.
MAR: I would like to request that whoever is available among us can provide aid in a pinch, our skillsets are very overlapping.  
MAR: I'd also like to request permissions for any tools that came into play today as well.
MAR: In case something comes up ahead of the due date.
MAES: ...very well.
MAES: I'll allow it.

The proxy can't help but "smile" to herself, a little pleased crack in her face showing as Charon nudges her shoulder.

CHARON: Bit of a negotiator today.
MAR: I had to ask..
MAES: She's professional.
MAES: I can appreciate that.

Maes gives Charon a pointed look.

MAES: I believe it's my turn to give you a question again.
CHARON: Bring it.
MAES: You confuse me, Judgment.
MAES: I could be asking you a million questions right now pertaining to the job-
MAES: -though I suppose Mar is doing an excellent job of handling that aspect-
MAES: -and yet I can't let go of the fact that you're angling for me to take a chunk out of you.
MAES: You're an anomaly.
MAES: You don't make sense.
MAES: Do you truly know what you're asking for?
CHARON: I'm biologically vampiric, I understand the value and merit of consensual feeding more than most people I'd imagine.
MAES: You'd have less permanent damage shoving a limb into a woodchipper.
CHARON: I have a healing factor after drinking blood, if you're willing to provide a vial or two the damage can be minimized.
MAES: You're serious.
CHARON: You have a preferred way for someone to appreciate that grin?
CHARON: Otherwise, I think I'm quite certain.

A slight tinge of blush on her cheeks.

MAES: It's not really something people appreciate.
CHARON: Then know that someone in this room is absolutely a fan...
MAR: Mm?
MAR: Was lost in thought.
MAES: And what were you thinking about?
MAR: The best way for the others to meet you!
MAR: Want to give everyone a way to make a good first impression.
MAES: We will be coordinating these after hours sessions...
MAES: I suppose that would be a good a time as any.
MAR: Then it's settled!
MAES: I expect them all to behave as well as you.
MAES: ...your turns for questions.

The proxy gives a little noise of acknowledgment.

MAR: Anything you'd like to do relax during our sessions?
MAR: You must have less professional interests.

It takes her a second to think it over.

MAES: ...I listen to audiobooks, though I doubt you'd find them interesting if you aren't fond of research papers and other nonfiction works.
MAR: You'd be surprised!
MAR: Charon is a bit of a bookworm, and I suppose a couple of us are as well...
CHARON: I wouldn't call myself that.
MAR: You keep a library on your person...
MAES: ...he might get some mileage out of my collection on mutated anatomy, then...seeing as he seems so fixated.
CHARON: I'm plenty versed-
MAR: I'd still say go for it, you two have that in common after all..
MAES: Mm, I would have thought you'd be raring to find out facts.
MAES: Sate some curiosities of yours.
MAES: ...speaking of, it's your question, Judgment.
CHARON: Mm.. would you mind if I prepared a meal here and there for these occasions?
CHARON: I can accommodate for any specific needs and we're bound to get hungry.

Her ears perk up before she can stop them.

CHARON: If you have anything you'd like to try in particular don't be shy.
MAES:'d be asking for trouble.
MAES: I'm...

Her ears flop back down as quickly as they went up.

MAES: ...I don't exactly have an ideal diet for something like that.
CHARON: Try me.

She admittedly looks a bit uncomfortable, her posture slumping.

MAES: ...large quantities of raw meat.
MAES: Very large.
CHARON: ...Is that it?
MAES: You're not appalled?
CHARON: Why would I be?
MAES: ...I don't usually eat around other people.
MAES: It...disturbs them, both the choice of meal and the quantity.
CHARON: Maybe you just need to meet more people who get it.
MAES: So far you sound more like you would rather be that meal yourself.

A small smile creeps onto her face, if only for a moment.

MAES: ...but...I appreciate it.
MAES: Perhaps you're right.
CHARON: Let me treat you for a day some time, everyone deserves a little of that.
MAES: I'll admit, you're winning me over.
MAES: Somewhat.
CHARON: I'll get there.

He can't hide the satisfaction in his voice.

MAES: We'll see.
MAES: turn- I'll make this my last.
MAES: Mar.
MAES: What fears do you have towards me, right now?
MAR: ...Seeing you potentially hurt yourself on the job.
MAR: You have a tendency to overextend.
MAES: You think as much from one day?
MAR: You seemed stressed..
MAES: You might have to get used to that.
MAR: Maybe we could make that easier.
MAES: You and him both making promises now.
MAR: Too much? I can stop..
MAES: It's not often I get so...spoiled.
MAES: Allow me to be selfish.
MAR: Feel free.
MAES: And...Judgment.
MAES: What are you most looking forward to?

The dog's ears perk up at that.

CHARON: Getting to know you, you're interesting.
MAES: Interesting.
MAES: That's a choice.
CHARON: Did you want to hear something else?
MAES: No. I can work with interesting.
MAES: We'll see where that interest goes...and just how mutual it will be.
MAES: And now, your questions.

Charon looks over at his proxy.

MAR: Mm... what would you do if you got this project done?
MAR: No issues, everyone is happy.
MAR: Would you give yourself a break?
MAES: ...

She sits there, completely stunned.

MAR: You don't have to answer..
MAES:, it's-
MAES: No one's...really asked me that.
MAR: Now's a good time then.
MAES: ...I suppose I can't really see an end to it.
MAES: There will always be something to do.
MAES: Even when the residents leave, they'll need support.
MAR: At some point they'll rely less on you, other people will be working on the project, and they'll support each other too.
MAR: You'll have more time even if you're still busy.
MAES: Time isn't something I've ever had.
MAES: It's an impossible question.
MAR: But if you could?
MAES: ...I wouldn't know.
MAES: Thinking about that kind of thing isn't something I've done.
MAES: ...I know that's an unsatisfying answer.
MAR: Could it be something we come back to some day then?
MAR: Maybe?
MAES: ...maybe.
MAES: We'll see.
MAR: Then I'll settle for that as of now..

The proxy scoots back, giving the dog room to speak.

MAES: It's your turn, Judgment.
CHARON: Mm.. think we both promised you a lot today.
CHARON: Think we'll make good on that?
MAES: That's a pretty tame final question.
CHARON: Is it a little anticlimatic?
CHARON: I could ask something bigger.
MAES: I'd like something I could answer more than a "yes" to.
MAES: Something that leaves an impact.
MAES: Go on.
MAES: Try me.
CHARON: What makes it worth it all to you?
MAES: I'd like a better future for my- for the residents.
MAES: They've never gotten to have that, and I've had opportunities they were never afforded.
MAES: I'd like to use those opportunities to help them get to my level and beyond.
MAES: ...and with any luck, this will never happen again.
CHARON: Then I hope you get to enjoy that with them.
MAES: With your help, I just might.

She pulls out a piece of paper and a stylus, beginning to press in some script- before handing it to Charon.

MAES: Here.
CHARON: I'd like that... what's this?

He takes a good look at it-

It's very clearly a phone number.

MAES: I can't answer texts or calls often, but I'm sure you'll make good use of this.
CHARON: I'll try not to jack up your bill.

The dog smiles to himself a little.

MAES: We'll see.
MAES: You two...intrigue me.
MAES: And I'd like to see more of what I've gotten a glimpse at so far.

The karacel rises to her feet, going around the desk and walking by the two of them-

-brushing her tail against both of them, the flirtatious nature of it completely unmistakable.

Even so, her tone remains calm, flat.

MAES: Would that be something either of you are interested in?
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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