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REFURBISHED [Morbitia Renovarse]
File 1-2: Parting Gift from A Nameless King

[Image: Parting%20Gift%20from%20a%20Nameless%20King.png]

[image description: A image split in two. On one half Huevo, a small anthropomorphic dog with large gel'd hair and glasses stands next to Savvy, who is visibly way taller. On the other half, a strange forked metal sword with both metal points connected by bars.}

You quickly scurried down the stairs with the case in hand toward Heuvo's apartment, as always decorated with a seasonal wreath.

You gave it your usual distinctly firm knock.

Huevo: Savvy?

Savvy: Yeah!

Huevo: Give me just a sec...

Savvy: Yeah! Sorry..

Huevo: You're good! Just uh-

He cracked open the door a little. Canine, bit on the short side, hair done up with tons of product as always and looking up at you with his reflective lens.

Huevo: Sup-

Savvy: Need you to take a look at this.
You dashed in and slammed the case down on the dog’s work desk, getting a bit of stink eye in retaliation.  
Huevo: Seriously dude!? You ever break that shit I'm having you pay.

Savvy: Sorry, got a bit excited..

Huevo: Hijole..  

Savvy: It's important..
Huevo: Yeah, won't be if you handle it around like that. This Spina's?
Savvy: Yeah. Maybe?

Huevo: Were you told not to look?

Savvy: Nah. Didn't want to give me too much info on the thing though.

Huevo: And you're coming to me for this for...

Savvy: Curious, you know how it is.

Huevo: There's actual mind readers out there dude, if it's too important you're gonna get tracked.

He opened the case up.  
He examined the blade thoroughly, little expressions wrinkled across his lip and nose telling a story. A troubled one.  

Savvy: That's the bad look.

Hevuo: Maybe. Complicated feelings from this one..

Savvy: What’s up? Everything alright?  
Huevo: Not gonna sugar coat it, type of shit better off buried.
Savvy: Is it cursed?

Huevo: Could be, plenty of problems with it too. Too big to smuggle, shape’s bit unwieldy, no way anyone can carry that for daily work. A relic really, probably a nasty one.

Savvy: So perfect for a archival service like ours?

Huevo:  I mean yeah, guessing they're expecting you to drop it off it the big library.

Savvy: Mm..

Huevo: Someone's brand touched it but.. I can't pin it down entirely.

Huevo: Probably jumped between a few hands. That enough?

Savvy: Not really..

Huevo: Sup?

Savvy: Don’t like secrecy, if I’m going to risk my ass for this I wanna know why.  Like....

Huevo: Got trust issues?

Savvy: No! Just.. complicated?
Huevo: Spina’s a softie, not gonna pull a fast one on you like that.  
You can’t help but grumble a little in response to that.  

Savvy: I don't wanna die for nothing, you know?

Heuvo reaches into his bag and pulls out several fluids. 
Huevo: I’ll tell you what, I’ll do a little work here. Give it the old touch, weed out the nature of it. Design-wise? The type of thing that probably would've only gotten used for fancy LARP, theater, maybe a few recreational religious practices but... I dunno. Something bout that shit feels hardened so..

Savvy: Sounds eccentric.

Huevo: If it was built as recent as I think it was? Yeah...
He gestured for you to back off as he slid on a protective mask. You quickly backed up just a nudge.  
Huevo: Further, don’t want you getting blasted by the fumes.  
You scooted just a extra smidge further before he gives up and starts working away, pouring one of the fluids just a drip, only to get sparks in response  
Huevo: Ah. Looks like we’re cooking.  
Savvy: Got a strong smell.  
Huevo: Yeah, that’s a good sign. Try not to breath any of that shit in, gonna hurt like a mother.
He dabbed a little more fluid on a cloth and started layering it on, the flurry of colors and embers were indicative of a witch’s touch. You unleashed a coughing fit.  
Huevo: Told you, shit could make an onion cry. Gotta say though, this thing’s kind of souped up. Stained with some twisted shit.
He took a cold, wet towel and rinsed things down until the fumes were minimized
Huevo: Two witches involved? Maybe not a witch… something else. Looks like a Santanawork. Bit of a divisive fucker but.... can't deny that hand. Vintage piece at that too. Doesn’t make them like she used to.  This one's kind of a oddity though...
Savvy:...that a bad thing?
Huevo: Maybe. You can tell a vintage because there's a a few quirks that later stuff don't got. Kinda happens overtime when the original founder's not involved, current owners play into the image but anyone worth their salt knows it's a bit Weekend at Bernie's.

Savvy: A bit what?

Huevo: Uh... check the lost world archives, lots of little oddities like that worth a watch. Anyway... Not a clue who’s the other hand on this, stronger input of the two but a complete unknown to me. Shit’s like the embodiment of wild magic though..

Savvy: Is it dangerous?

Huevo: Probably. This thing got fine tuned and swung around by someone who's barely human if at all. Looks like it was soulbound until recently too, but couldn't tell you for sure how. Owner could've died, could've been brute forced to resell.

He packed up his equipment and secured the sword back in its place.
Huevo: Lot can be learned from that thing, all it takes is the right hand to decrypt its signature. Can’t really do that here, too complicated for our spot’s skill level. If I were you, I’d ask for backup getting this delivered.  
Savvy: Despina said say someone would meet me halfway..  
Huevo: Figured. Now do me a little favor and-
Savvy: Not gonna rat you out, promise.  
Huevo:.. I was gonna just tell you to stay safe actually. Bring a little heat if you gotta. Say hi to Spina as well? Feel bad for not checking in lately...

Savvy: You take them out somewhere, probably would appreciate that.

He gave you a stern look, you couldn't help but smirk.

Huevo: No.

Savvy: C'mon.

Huevo: Not playing around with this wingman shit today, ask yourself.

Savvy: Worth a shot... like...

Huevo: Spina's sweet, loved working with them but...

He rubbed a temple to the side of his head.

Huevo: Nah, not getting into that. Just... be careful, yeah?

Savvy: Alight.

He made a gesture at the door, on the verge of having you shoved out at this point.

Huevo: Get your ass out of here and watch out for rabbits. Don't want to get in trouble with those fuckers.

Savvy: Rabbits? Which ones?

Huevo: Any of them.

He closed the door behind you, the sound of chains and locks snapped into position.

Probably brought up a sore topic...

Before you have too long to settle on that, a familiar bird taps your shoulder. He's younger than you, bit of a prodigy in this business

Justicia: Hey! You going down to the lobby?

Savvy: Yeah, why?

Justicia: Mind if I walk with you? Want some advice if that's all good.

Why is he asking me?

Savvy: Alright..

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RE: REFURBISHED [Morbitia Renovarse] - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 04-10-2024, 07:28 PM

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