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skinstealer journal- a misc collection of postings
iris mortis

hi everyone, it's iris! i haven't been around for a bit, but it's great to be back around and i am going to get this journaling show back on the road. we haven't posted in a while despite having lots to talk about because rin has been pretty overwhelmed with life stuff....but i am ready to post.

[Image: 2_24_03_24_10_00_36.png]
[image description: a photo of a sylveon/unown fusion plush made of socks holding a miyoo mini+]

new toys new toys!! technically the sock plush belongs to como but he gets an honorary mention here. his name is micheal, and he's significantly squishier than what we have now dubbed "the puppies", which honestly, we like a lot. it's nice to have variety between them, it feels more special and unique that way...really speaks to our object sentience shit.

in addition to micheal, our miyoo mini+ finally got here. while we try not to talk about Emulation™ much on this forum for legal-ass-covering reasons, the death of the yuzu and citra emulators were the really big push for us to get one of these things and load it with games we can have forever. it's been an amazing ride even after just a week of having it, and we're completely smitten with it. we've mainly been playing Mario Picross 2, which is a game made by devils and is so fucking awesome, and a Pokemon Emerald run using a randomizer we've been wanting to use for years- it does fun colors! we'll talk more about that run later, but for now, we have bigger fish to fry...

last week, @SHIVERS visited us for the first time!! it was our first time meeting it IRL and while it was a lot on both of us physically and emotionally, it was also an amazing time and something we'll hold onto for sure. we mainly just flopped around and chilled, but watching Beef together, discussing project ideas, and eating Taco Bell in person is really nice to think back on. we don't get the opportunity to have friends visit nearly as often as we'd like, but it was so good. one of our favorite parts, however....

[Image: 2_24_03_24_10_00_45.png]
[image description: a petz image collage of an abstract, wireframe-like creature with surrealistic features. its tail appears to be made up of eye-like shapes, and it has a distinct diamond face. its colors are bright indigo and red. this collage (and all of the other vitrisection collages) have a space background from animal crossing wild world.]

...was hexing something together IRL! meet vitrisection, a new addition to our personal crew that shivers designed entirely- and actually got its hands on hexing up close and personal! even with it using pet workshop directly for the very first time, it fucking nailed it and made something really otherworldly. this thing looks so crazy and we're totally obsessed with it, though we want to explore more of its personality and eventually do a public release with different shape variations...

[Image: 2_24_03_24_10_00_53.png]
[image description: another petz collage of vitrisection, this time with it sleeping and making exaggerated poses]

due to vitrisection's really surreal look and added glitchy sound pack, it's really fun watching it run around and just generally Be Weird. it can't wear clothing much at all, but that doesn't stop it from being a mix of surreal to look at and honestly, pretty cute. the way it runs is so fun, and it moves surprisingly well for all the body mods shivers did to this thing.

[Image: 2_24_03_24_10_01_03.png]
[image description: a petz image collage of vitrisection and REZIDENT meeting for the first time- they're very happy to see each other.]

to make things even better, vitrisection and REZIDENT get along really well! i really hope they get up to all sorts of crazy adventures together... i wonder if either of them like dancing?

[Image: 2_24_03_24_10_01_16.png]
[image description: more of vitrisection and REZIDENT interacting, this time with them sleeping near each other.]

these two look so funny when sleeping, gentle masses of orbs and wires connecting's really endearing to see entities like this so relaxed and enjoying themselves. i dunno why it feels kind of profound, but maybe that's a side effect of getting creatures designed by one of our best friends. [Image: tcp_smile_small.png]

we will have to do more exploration with vitrisection another day...something i wonder if we could get for it as a little toy would be a custom radio, styled like a scifi one...something for it and REZIDENT to dance to!

and as mentioned, we were playing an emerald randomizer...of course, it's also a petz run. what do you take us for? we already have so many of these fucking runs but we just can't help ourselves, and it's a lot of fun to just curl up in bed at night with our little gameboy thing and play through a game we haven't properly touched since we were 12. so far, our team is:

Strawberry Lemonade- a red and yellow ekans (and also our starter)
Truffle- a brown and red shroomish
Creme Puff- a tan gengar
Mini Mint- a pastel pink and blue rapidash
Pancake- a golden persian
Pitaya- a deep magenta female nidoran

and in the box:

Fruit Punch- a pink and yellow spinda (SO HYPE)

as you can see, going for a food theming on names as best as we can...and all of these will be hexed at their "ideal forms"- aka whatever we stop evolving them at based on design preference. our early game was ROOOOUGH due to the ekans starter just knowing wrap for an attacking move, but truffle came in clutch once we eventually picked her up. mini mint ended up being the MVP of our team for the first gym, and we have high hopes for pitaya evolving into a nidoqueen down the line. sadly, creme puff, despite being one of our favorite pokemon, is absolutely shit in his current state, and will need a lot of training and TMs to really become...usable. he will probably be the first guy booted off the team when we get something better, sadly. sorry creme puff, you are just not going to make the cut. a Gully you are not. (context: gully was an absolutely stupid busted gengar from our BW2 turbo randomized run- stats, moves, abilities, the works.)

we're currently just having beaten the Dewford gym- we were fully planning on pausing and doing another hexing break after catching up to the first gym's batch last night, but we...didn't actually end up catching anything before the dewford gym. they sling that shit at you like, IMMEDIATELY after rustboro. it's crazy. 

however...that means we have three designs to show off from the hexing batch! all of our mons for this run are going to be based on stuff from our Pokemon OC Generator, to make them extra special and unique. while we don't have set characters for any of them, or any idea what their ~trainer lore~ will be like, we'll see how it goes and i'll probably bullshit some stuff and i write this entry.

[Image: 2_24_03_24_10_04_41.png]
[image description: a petz collage of a tall, tan gengar with pink eyes, cat-like paws with lines for claws, and a gentle expression. the animations are extremely jank.]

okay so full disclosure: our gengar hex is probably our least favorite thing we have ever made in modern years, aside from the witchikins hex for friendzoo. it is JANK. it does not move well at all, and we've never been satisfied with it. all the same...creme puff has stolen our heart a bit, and we're trying to learn to love the jank. he's got a modest nature and the generator says his overall personality is linked to his type...toxic modesty, perhaps? going to have to think on that one. his special attribute generated "retractible claws", so we gave him little kitty paws. what a weird little guy....who only knows how to lick people for an attacking move. please learn to do other things.

[Image: 2_24_03_24_10_04_54.png]
[image description: a petz collage of a rapidash with a pink body and blue flames, with its back half being covered in slightly darker pink scales.]

mini mint generated with scales as a special feature!! she's some sort of weird...kelpie...dragon thing, and definitely the MVP of our team, as mentioned. ember is a really good early game move when the entire rest of your party has just about jack shit to work with, and it's honestly so nice having what is basically a my little pony character on our team. we really want to explore more about her...

[Image: 2_24_03_24_10_05_02.png]

[image description: a petz collage of a persian with a golden front half and a brown back half, an orange bow on the base of her tail, and an orange gem.]

meet pancake! she is...probably also not going to stick on the team because boy persian is not a great mon stats or movepool wise. but she's super cute, and even if we accidentally made one of her eyes a single pixel bigger than the other one, we're pretty pleased with the hex. she also generated with a small scale, persian?

that's what we have so far for this run...eventually we will have to see how these guys feel about each other. we did introduce creme puff to our other gengars and sundae the clefable, but we'll save that for another post, this one's already pretty long. 

one last thing...

[Image: 2_24_03_24_10_06_31.png]
[image description: a petz image collage of a ratty looking blue and white bunny plush hex with pink cheek blushies.]

there was a second Petz Party event this month with a bunny hexing contest! we still don't know the results yet, but this was our entry- the first in a line of files called Knicknackz. they're plush toys! we'll give it a proper release once como helps us get a special background image done for the meantime, please enjoy this scrungly little guy. it's based off of the velveteen rabbit, which is a story we've never read (somehow) but always liked the cover for. maybe i'll make a bunch of customs for it today...

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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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RE: skinstealer journal- a misc collection of postings - by skinstealer - 03-24-2024, 11:13 PM

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