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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots
Divine Percussion
Projects: Punch Clock Animal Divine AU
CW: Discussion of past traumas, Really weird confusing flirtation.
After rediscovering the long separated proxy, Charon takes the time to check in on Snare after she returns from a long distance job....

You haven't talked much to Snare ever since your Proxy came back from her most recent job.

Despite being away for so long, Snare immediately signed on to handle one of many of the efforts to crackdown on the remaining Spit cultists.

You're admittedly a little down about how little time there's been to spend time together...

It's dirty work too, the kind that has a tendency to take a toll on people really fast. Those you've trusted with these types of jobs tend to be offered a number of services to help cool down. It's the least you can do..

You can feel the residual stress of the proxy seeping through the back of your head,a check in is due while she's taking a break.

She's in her room, you can sense her...

 You knock on the door gently only to be cut off immediately.

Snare: You don’t have to do that.

Charon:...Did I do something wrong?

Snare: No just..

Snare: You know I’m in here, and I’ve got nothing to hide from you.

Snare: No point to that.

Charon: Just figured it’s good courtesy..

You step inside, Snare pacing around in the center of her bedroom, wearing the guise of a roughneck rather than defaulting to her usual proxy form.

Charon: Hey..

Snare: Did you need something?

Charon: Just wanted to check in on you…

Snare: Ah… so you noticed?

Charon: I mean.. Yeah. We’re linked by soul so..

Snare: I’m just.. agitated.

You offer our your arms to the proxy, her eyes widen at that before reluctantly declining.

Charon: Not good for it right now?

Snare: I just.. Feel like it’d make things worse I guess.

Charon: You can talk to me..

Snare: Should I?

Charon: I’m not going to force you but.. I’d like if you did.

The proxy takes a look at the bed for a moment to ponder.

Snare: I’d like to sit down for this, if that’s alright.
Charon: Of course!

Snare offers you her hand. You take it, being escorted  gently like the queen at a gala before she finally sits down.

She pats next to herself.

You oblige, scooting close.

Snare: You’re wearing that mask, were you planning to go out to handle some business?

Charon: Just came back from it.

Snare: Mm.. not that it’s anything new obviously. I’m just..

Snare: Curious about how you’re free and yet.. You still choose to wear those.

Snare: Though…

Snare: Suppose we’re both wearing them these days.

Charon: Guess so…

Charon: Back then I think Rein just.. Made me feel bad all the time, you know?

Charon: Never enough, couldn’t ever be. Made me hate a lot about myself really

Snare: I mean I was there..

Charon: Mm..

Snare: As much as I could be at the time…

Snare: I… I’m always caught between feelings thinking back then.

Charon: Oh?

Snare: I can’t blame you, but part of me’s still angry that you took this long to rescue me..

Charon: Had to wait til it was safe. Even when Rein was gone Spit was-

Snare: Spit was a problem I could’ve protected you from.

Snare: You could’ve called in me before you resorted to… whatever that form you slip into so much came into play.

Charon:.. You don’t like it?

Snare: I’m mad you picked her over me..

Charon: The husk isn’t.. That’s not me picking someone over you.

Snare: You did.. Even if you never meant to.

Snare: I was always the strength you needed and we had a plan, I could’ve kept you safe…

Snare: Bucket may have managed to get the jump on me but.. I’ve grown stronger since then..

Snare: And I know it’s not fair, I’m more than aware of your circumstances but-

Charon: I mean.. That’s how you feel, right?

Charon: And I want to make it up to you..

Snare: You’ve done enough.

Charon: Clearly that’s not true..

Snare: You have but…

Snare: That leads to the other conclusion…

Snare: Satisfaction’s not something I’m capable of.

Snare: Being alone in a dungeon so long changes a person.

Snare: Makes you thorned, bitter..

Snare: And despite all that.. Somehow I still want to live with you but..

Snare: It’s all so different, and you changed with it.

Snare: But yet.. There’s one familiar comfort.

She pointed to you.

Charon: Me?

Snare: That mask.

Charon: Mm..

Snare: Not the same one exactly, but one that came about around the time we were together.

Snare: That’s the face I feel close to..

Snare: The one I’m missing..

Charon: You want a mask…?

Snare: Assuming a lot there. Wouldn’t be much good for me, lack of head without a guise and all.

Charon: That why you’re wearing it right now?

Snare: Ironically, despite being a cultist’s form, it reduces a few urges.

Snare: But it also makes me jealous.

Charon: Really?

Snare: Maes, you two are close. I want some of that time as well.

Snare: And perhaps I want to get to know them too.

Snare: Residual feelings and happiness maybe but.. I’d like you to introduce me to them some time properly. An occasion, dinner, maybe a film afterwards.

Charon: That’s really fair. Maes is really important to me so..

Snare: So you’re going to set us up to have a proper talk, as of now it’s only been the occasional passing greeting.

Charon: I can set that up-

Snare: Other other thing? The other cat?

Charon: The Smiles?

Snare:... Are they a cat? Odd..

Charon: Don’t be rude..

Snare: Sorry, uncalled for. Not them. The other one.

Charon: Oh?

Snare pointed to you directly?

Charon:  Me?

Snare: The one hiding under that face.

Charon: I mean.. That’s not another person-

Snare: Not in the conventional sense but.,

Snare: She provides you with comfort, freedom, safety..

Snare: Stepping on toes a bit.

Snare: Clingy even.

Charon: I’m not sure what you mean-

Snare: Even then she speaks for you.

Snare: I’d like to give her a piece of my mind.

Charon:.. I don’t think I’m following.

She pressed her nose up to your mask’s muzzle.

Snare: I can feel aggressive urges from her too. You really trust her enough to keep her around so much..

Charon: I mean there’s impulses yeah..

Charon: Angry..

Snare: Same kind of anger as me.

Snare: And yet despite that, she’s so much softer..

Snare: I think it’s unfair.

Charon: You can be soft..

Snare: One day but.. Not now.

Snare: I want to spend the day with you.. And maybe understand what her problem is.

Snare: And I’d like to possibly spend some time out together if we can.

Charon: Is that why you’re in that form?

Snare: Mm..

Charon: Huh..

Snare: If it’s not ideal I understand-

Charon: Does it make you happy?

Snare:... Yes.

Snare: It looks how I feel. Cultist background but not recognizable…

Charon: Will you be safe…?

Snare: You’ll cover for me..

Snare: Tell them I’m atoning, providing aid…

Snare: Not really a lie.

Charon: Why would I need a cultist though?

Snare: You plan to clear bad actors from the lab.

Snare: Every soul I’ve taken gives me the knowledge to craft a history, one that’ll make me too useful an asset to kill.

Snare: As if they could to begin with…

Charon: Just be careful. I’ve got your back too…

Snare: Mm..

The proxy nuzzled up to you.

Snare: Back to business though…

Snare: What’s that cat’s name?

You manage to click it together.

Charon:... Roja.

Snare: So you do have a name for her then.

Snare: That her full name or-

Charon: Just Roja for now.

Snare: For now..

Snare: I want some time to know Roja. It’s clear she’s also fairly important too.

Snare leaned in.

Snare: Mind a formal greeting?

Charon: Through the mask? It’s a bit difficult-

Snare: I know you’ve done so with Maes, and I’m not too different in that regard so..

You can’t keep your cool at that, your tail swishing a little.

Charon:... Of course-

She goes right for an incredibly intensive kiss, hugging you with claws digging in.

You wonder what the Judgment house would have to say about this, the witches who’ve helped you, Maes..

It’s nicer than you feel comfortable admitting, tendrils slipping in through the ruffneck’s mouth into your own..

She seems to calm down a ton once it’s out of her system, pulling back and resting her head against your neck and shoulder.

Charon: Are you okay?

Snare: I was about to ask the same..

Snare: I know you said I could but..

Snare: Not something I feel I deserve much if at all.

You hold her close.

Charon: You do..

Charon: We both do…

Charon: And.. if you want right now we can start planning. There’s a spot in town we can pick up food from, see if Maes is up for a group dinner..

Snare: I would like that..

Snare: Is that really alright?

Snare: I know I’ve been.. All over the place-

Charon: You’re fine..

Charon: I’m just glad to have you back, you know?

Charon: And.. you get to be part of the life we’ve got now.

Charon: If you’re brave enough, I think Manzana talked about visiting soon. Get to know some family…

Snare: Are they nice? The Judgments?

Charon: Mmhmm!

Charon: They’re a bit familiar with the whole proxy thing. Not us specifically but you know, they’re around witches a lot. Zana’s one actually. Got a proxy herself? Platinum. She’d be good for you to meet.

Snare: …Would she be considered family too? What’s your situation?

Charon: Aunt? Grandma Erica insists on using cousins though.

Snare: Odd..

Snare: I’ll allow it then.

Snare:.. Would I be a cousin to them?

Charon: Hmm..

Charon: I’ll send a message? They can sort it out.

Charon: But.. I think so.

Snare: I can accept that then..

Charon: You can talk to me more, okay?

Charon: I’m really glad you’re back.. I missed you..

The proxy smiled in her own tired way.

Snare: I’m glad to be back.. 

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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:21 AM
RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:22 AM
RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:24 AM
RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:27 AM
RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:28 AM
RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:29 AM
RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:34 AM
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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:41 AM
RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:44 AM
RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:47 AM
RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:52 AM
RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 03:54 AM
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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 11-20-2019, 04:02 AM
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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by A_Mi_Manera - 12-05-2019, 11:44 PM
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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 03-08-2024, 10:48 PM

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